Zion you can interpret my post/s in which ever manner you like. 10 years ago and even to this day everyone says use sustanon its safer, it causes less water retention, there is less chance of gyno, it has 4 'different tests in it' (esters) and so its more effective. The fact remains that it is no more safe than any other form of test, it takes longer to build up to reach levels required and so on. So just because everyone says to use sust I will not nor will I recommend it to newbies. I have if you read correctly in my post said it does have its uses and the more advanced user could benefit from it. Enanthate builds up faster, is in and out of the system faster and is as safe as sustanon. So no, I see no reason why I will recommend a newbie to use sust. The fact of your name calling and your first post says to me enough of what I need to know to understand how 'mature' you really are.
This is a discussion board where topics are discussed and I did not say I dont or didnt get my information from the internet, but I know the difference between documented and scientific fact over what my friend told me.
I will not argue or even bother replying to your posts further, just to add the graphs when I get a chance of doing them. It seems you read a post, believe you understand the message and then try and put words in other peoples mouths. Over 90% of what you have stated I said isnt even so.
To all others who read this appologies as I dont normally lower myself like I have done.