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Thread: Anavar first use

  1. #1

    Question Anavar first use

    153 pounds
    recent back injury, im getting some anavar to help me get over a thrown out back and torn fascia. need something that will grow and strenghten my fascia and recover my back muscles.

    whats a good cycle to get on

    i also would like to get on hgh but it is expensive

  2. #2
    Age stats...Bro you need food

  3. #3
    another manorexic character.......wanting to get on gear

    6ft and 153........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I do not think anavar will be your answer if you are looking to rehab from injury mate.....
    Proper physio and following there advice for training would obviously be the way. IGF and GH can help with certain types of injury but they are not cheap.....

  5. #5
    i am 24 years olds igf is very expensive, no need to make fun of a brother who is trying to help himself. this is a mild steroid, not too much to worry about .... right

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by xxjokerxx1
    i am 24 years olds igf is very expensive, no need to make fun of a brother who is trying to help himself. this is a mild steroid, not too much to worry about .... right
    wrong there is lots to worry clearly dont eat right and probably dont train right.....and sleep right

    so if i were you id be worried about wasting my money on something that heavily depends on things i know nothign about(diet)...thats all......i really dont care what you run you wont gain with the diet and training you have now.......

    ill im saying man is you must be soooooooooo skinny all you have to do is eat something......

  7. #7
    nandrolone has been shown in studies to improve colegen synthesis at low doses. I don't like deca cause the ester is so long. I prefer NPP. If you are doing it striclty for rehab I'd do something like:

    150 mg test e/week
    100mg NPP/week - 50mg X2 imjections a week

    This needs to be done in conjunction with your PT. you will also need to learn about PCT and Aromatse inhibitors although 150mg a week of test is pretty low.

    Not sure the anavar would be much help in your situation. HGH or IGF would be a bonus if done in conjunction with the AAS above. If you run low doses of IGF it really isn't that expensive.

    i agree he be on the supper skinny side but it sounds like he wants the AAS to improve his healing not for growing. Although yeah he needs to realize food is his friend.
    Last edited by jagdpanther; 04-08-2007 at 04:29 PM.

  8. #8
    you know 150mg is HRT right?

  9. #9
    well i eat three times a day and i have always been skinny, they give this stuff to people with aids and waisting diseases. and it is the least toxic right???? or am i wrong i dont know

  10. #10
    3 TIMES?????

    that is not nearly enough my friend

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    nandrolone has been shown in studies to improve colegen synthesis at low doses. I don't like deca cause the ester is so long. I prefer NPP. If you are doing it striclty for rehab I'd do something like:

    150 mg test e/week
    100mg NPP/week - 50mg X2 imjections a week

    This needs to be done in conjunction with your PT. you will also need to learn about PCT and Aromatse inhibitors although 150mg a week of test is pretty low.

    Not sure the anavar would be much help in your situation. HGH or IGF would be a bonus if done in conjunction with the AAS above. If you run low doses of IGF it really isn't that expensive.

    i agree he be on the supper skinny side but it sounds like he wants the AAS to improve his healing not for growing. Although yeah he needs to realize food is his friend.

    honestly id stop suggesting cycles to people that clearly arent ready bud.....

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    you know 150mg is HRT right?
    yes , i suggest running the test because the NPP will shut one down, which i know you know. Like i said this is for healing not growing.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    yes , i suggest running the test because the NPP will shut one down, which i know you know. Like i said this is for healing not growing.
    well lets let the doctors and physio clinic deal with the healing

    and yes you are right i overlooked the NPP but NOr19 on a first cycle????

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    honestly id stop suggesting cycles to people that clearly arent ready bud.....
    He needs to research but there should be a starting point right for research right? i'm not telling him to go out and get himself some deca and start jabbing away. i am assuming maybe incorrectly that he is investigating.
    If you think I'm suggesting a muscle growing cycle in the sense that most people cycle on this board i'm not.
    Your point is taken but where would you start the discusion if you were interested in researching AAS for improved healing?

  15. #15
    damn i didnt know i was so skinny i am a so weak literally maybe if my health gets better then i can get as big as you,

  16. #16
    Var has been shown to aide in burn recovery and speed healing, but fascia, I don't know. It is the least toxic, as I understand. However, I agree with what the others are saying, you must eat more food!
    I have a friend that is 6'2, 173ish, very skinny guy, hard gainer. He'd train but not gain much, and it was because of the food, he was a cheap ass and wouldn't eat enough or the right stuff. My advice, to get some calories and some protein into you, get a big jar of natural peanut butter and a spoon, good for you.

  17. #17
    to be honest i think my problem has to do with my fascia the connective tissue my abbs feel fine but the connective tissue around my abs to my back and groin area feel like they have become very weak and possibly tore or are breaking down,

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by xxjokerxx1
    to be honest i think my problem has to do with my fascia the connective tissue my abbs feel fine but the connective tissue around my abs to my back and groin area feel like they have become very weak and possibly tore or are breaking down,
    Time to go back to the doctor.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    well lets let the doctors and physio clinic deal with the healing

    and yes you are right i overlooked the NPP but NOr19 on a first cycle????
    I didn't think nandrolone was such a horror show but then everyone is different. Anyway I'm not here to get in a pissing fight you. We have a difference of opinion.
    he wondered if anavar would help with connective tissue i suggested looking into something that has been shown to improve connective tissue. Not that unreasoanble in my opinion. At least its a direction to look in.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    He needs to research but there should be a starting point right for research right? i'm not telling him to go out and get himself some deca and start jabbing away. i am assuming maybe incorrectly that he is investigating.
    If you think I'm suggesting a muscle growing cycle in the sense that most people cycle on this board i'm not.
    Your point is taken but where would you start the discusion if you were interested in researching AAS for improved healing?
    im not highly educated on the "healing" aspect of AAS i was aware of GH but not nand......

    i guess we would need to know the severity of the injury possible compounds to of just getting the feeling the guy is using his "injury" as an excuse to use AAS. i mean its clear he is not well read on the subject nor am i for that matter

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    Time to go back to the doctor.

  22. #22
    i was in iraq back in 2003 thats when i first injured my hip wich spred to back when i worked construction which then somehting felt as if it tore in my lowerleft back area and continues to break down all my fascia except abbs, the va doctors are horrible and i am trying to save my life here
    maybe this will help maybe not but i dont think it is going to kill me
    and maybe i will try gowth hormone,

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by xxjokerxx1
    the va doctors are horrible and i am trying to save my life here

    if its life threating i dont care how bad your doctors are listen to them not a bunch of dudes on a steroid forum

  24. #24
    to be honest i think i was exposed to some chemicals and my body has reacted with like an autoimmune disease, weakening my muscles or casueing the final tear in my lower back wich has led to full body weakness even in arms

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by xxjokerxx1
    to be honest i think i was exposed to some chemicals and my body has reacted with like an autoimmune disease, weakening my muscles or casueing the final tear in my lower back wich has led to full body weakness even in arms
    so in actual fact you are not really sure what is wrong (you may even be suffering from some form of poisoning) and you are trying to self medicate with drugs you have absolutely no clue about. You eat in a day what i have eaten by eleven in the morn and you are winging that you are weak.

    1. Eat a decent diet
    2. Go to the doctors
    3 forget AS or any other compounds

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    AAS will not heal your problems.
    I could see it strengthening skeletal muscle making things alittle better.
    But I would fix what's broken first IMO.

  27. #27
    Can't you say the tear actually happened on the job and get workman's comp to cover a better grade of doctor? If it is an auto immune thing AAs will not help. You need to go about getting tested for that.

    On a different note it is not uncommon for damage to the hip area to produce complications in the jonts above and below it - the back and or the knee.
    I developed sever oseotarthritis of my hips at a early age. The lack of flexability in the hip joint caused my back and knees to try and make up for it leading to other complications. My surgeon (who is very well respected nationally) suggested replacing both hips over two years ago. I stuck with Physical therapy, excersize, and hgh with AAS. Honestly the AAS and hgh wouldn't have done much on their own. I've increased the stability of the hip joint through strengthening the muscles that stabalize it. I have to stretch everyday as well. The fruits of my labor have paid off though as I've avoided surgery and my surgeon tells me to keep doing what ever it is that I'm doing because its working. It is not easy though and takes commitment. I have a choice I can work and hopefully improve until the inevitable hip replacement or I can loaf and get worse. Hormones are powerful and cen help the right disease but any program should be done in conjunction with PT and your doctor (my doctors don't know about the hormones but they helped me diagnoss the problem and come up with a strategy of combating it ).

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    hey buddy not being a dick or anything, but here is what i think, dont get offended its just an advice whether you take it or not is your problem, this is what i would do:

    1. get a membership at costco
    2. get your diet in check
    3. do simple exercises to heal your back i had a lower back injury and recovered from it
    4. start lifting once healed
    5. get up to about 180 lbs solid weight
    6. lift some more
    7. do research
    8. think about getting on steroids
    9. re-do your diet again
    10. lift some more
    11. get on steroids

    NOW, there are some doctor prescribed medications that will help you heal, consult with your doctor. but being 6' and 153lbs all i can think of is skinny kids you watch on the discovery channel, you are in NO position to even think about steroids.

    your main concers should be:

    working out

    then in the future you can start the juice, but im nobody too tell you what to do, just suggesting

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Wait a tick....

    Are you wanting to get on AAS for recovery reasons or to get bigger?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    also i personally have never heard of people healing with anavar, i did however hear that people cut with anavar and keep their results for a long long time

  31. #31
    Mainly recover reasons, i am trying to give my body something that will help it get my arms, legs and back a little stronger so i can do normal things again, maybe it wont work, maybe i have als or chemical exposure but i dont think i will ever find out whats wrong with me steroids sounds dumb to most people but im desperate to save my life

  32. #32
    they use this stuff on people with chronic wasting diseases like aids or for other medical conditions anything that stimulates my muscles or soft tissue to grow, no doctor is going to give me steroids, and i cant sue the company because they went out of buisness and i cant eat that much becasue i am so weak some say the steroids increase your appetite too. maybe i am doing the wrong thing but this is like a last resort thing

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    i really dont think steroids will help you i would consult with a doctor first and if he thinks you need them hE WILL prescribe you some

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by convalescence69
    Var has been shown to aide in burn recovery and speed healing, but fascia, I don't know. It is the least toxic, as I understand. However, I agree with what the others are saying, you must eat more food!
    I have a friend that is 6'2, 173ish, very skinny guy, hard gainer. He'd train but not gain much, and it was because of the food, he was a cheap ass and wouldn't eat enough or the right stuff. My advice, to get some calories and some protein into you, get a big jar of natural peanut butter and a spoon, good for you.

    N E D M ?

  35. #35
    i will get some peanut butter and steroids and eat as much as i can
    and protein shakes to

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    peanut butter is full of fat too, lol

    buddy good luck, i already posted as well as like 30 other people giving u some suggestions, but good luck

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by xxjokerxx1
    i will get some peanut butter and steroids and eat as much as i can
    and protein shakes to
    you are just being ridiculous now. this post is retarded. Get off your lazy little ass and sort your crappy diet out and you might actually get somewhere. Im done with this stupid thread.....

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    AAS Doesn't make your muscle cells regenerate, it makes them larger. HGH does help with regeneration of tissue, but i wouldn't reccomend HGH to anybody who hasn't done plenty of research on HOW to do it. Messing with your endocrine system is very risky for people with little experience. It sounds like you could use a doctor more than some self perscribed steroids.

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