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Thread: suspension results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    suspension results

    hey guys everyone is telling me you notice suspension results as soon asyou take it, ive been on it for a few days now but i dont notice any big change... normal? I'm taking 50mg ED. Should I bump that to 75mg? I also dont see any sides. Im taking with AI - arimidex at .25mg ED is that why maybe effects are taking longer to show? I appreciate your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    If its only been a fw days i would give it some time bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Blooddraine
    hey guys everyone is telling me you notice suspension results as soon asyou take it, ive been on it for a few days now but i dont notice any big change... normal? I'm taking 50mg ED. Should I bump that to 75mg? I also dont see any sides. Im taking with AI - arimidex at .25mg ED is that why maybe effects are taking longer to show? I appreciate your help.
    If your taking a 50mg dose ED, you need to split it up into two or three doses throughout the day.

    B/C suspension has such a short half life, it needs to be administered more often in order to achieve stable blood levels.

    How is your diet and training, again both aspects need to be spot on in order to see gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    test suspension is not very popular and used more to cut higher mg/ml ratio
    products. give it a good week to 10 days to feel/see results

    good luck to you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    imma give it another week. my diet is solid ive been eating 6 to seven meals mostly protein taking in about 350-400g of protein and 150-200g carb and keeping fats to only olive oil, natural peanut butter, etc. Training is always intense im okay in that department.

    If i dont see big gains in the next week i will split it up into 2 or maybe 3 injections a day, but again you said in the other post that pain isnt an issue but my injection spots are f'en killing me the next few days, i dont know if its because its my first cycle or not, but i cant hit the same injection spot every week maybe not even every 10 days, my shoulders still havent healed and i hit them last monday!! lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Blooddraine
    imma give it another week. my diet is solid ive been eating 6 to seven meals mostly protein taking in about 350-400g of protein and 150-200g carb and keeping fats to only olive oil, natural peanut butter, etc. Training is always intense im okay in that department.

    If i dont see big gains in the next week i will split it up into 2 or maybe 3 injections a day, but again you said in the other post that pain isnt an issue but my injection spots are f'en killing me the next few days, i dont know if its because its my first cycle or not, but i cant hit the same injection spot every week maybe not even every 10 days, my shoulders still havent healed and i hit them last monday!! lol
    Bro IMO you have your sights set too high for the compound. It works fast but that doesnt mean your going to gain 20lbs in one week.

    Also if this is your first cycle, than suspension shouldnt have been your test of choice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Well, I didnt have a choice, the only test available to me is suspension. Why isnt it ideal for first cycle? Is it cuz of the post-injection pain?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Also, i noticed that the site i inject at swells and tightens which is understandable, but does this permanently make the site larger than it was before the injection?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Blooddraine
    Well, I didnt have a choice, the only test available to me is suspension. Why isnt it ideal for first cycle? Is it cuz of the post-injection pain?
    Its not ideal for a first cycle because of the frequent injenctions. But, hey, if you're already doing daily spot injections, then welcome to the game! Most beginners prefer Enanthate or Cypionate so they can get away with 2 injections a week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    i would prefer that, cuz not only am i injecting frequently but its painful as hell and its actually making my workouts worse cuz my muscles are hurting so bad!!!

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