guys suspension injections are so painful i cant work out on that muscle or do any exercises that involve that muscle my workouts are actually worse than before... suggestions?
guys suspension injections are so painful i cant work out on that muscle or do any exercises that involve that muscle my workouts are actually worse than before... suggestions?
I would suggest that you find some cutting oil. Grapeseed, CottonSeed you can find already pre-made vials on the internet that are good to go.
I found that when I ran my Supertest cycle this helped ease the pain tremendously.
You can get a 40/Ml vial for around $5-$10 and whatever the shipping cost may be
b12? how much should i use per 50mg of suspension??
I have ran suspension and the shots are bearable, the pain is not as bad as i would have anticipated.
Is it a water based or oil based?
its water based but it is my first cycle and i was not expecting this much pain normally i would be fine with pain but i can barely move my arms when i inject into delts or i cant walk when i inject into quads let alone workout
its water based but it is my first cycle and i was not expecting this much pain normally i would be fine with pain but i can barely move my arms when i inject into delts or i cant walk when i inject into quads let alone workout
Bro why are you running suspension for your first cycle?Originally Posted by Blooddraine
Thats one of the reasons for the extreme pain, suspension is recommended for the more experienced not the first cycler.
You should be running Test E or C, those are recommended for a first cycle, b/c less shots and its painless.
Your muscles arent used to injections, and since your injecting everyday, and since your running suspension you should be injecting 2-3 times a day man no wonder your in pain.
ya but suspension was the only test available to me, my source only has suspension I had no choice i guess i shouldve waited. But, will the cottonseed oil on ar-r site help out a bit?? How much of that could i take per 50mg of test???
No reason to rush into things bro, and a source that only carries suspension, to me its not much of a source.
ya i understand and i appreciate your honesty to tell u the truth i wasnt expecting it to be this painful so i just went with it. big favor to ask tho, can u tell me the answer to the cottonseed oil question i asked??
or if i took b12 with it should i inject 500mcg per 50mg of test suspension?? The b12 is 1000mcg/ml
try diluting it 1:1
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