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Thread: ufc/tito vs dana white

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    I would love to see Tito fight against Mirko Cro Cop or Fedor.. this would be funny.
    that would not even be a fun fight to watch.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    Yeah im worried to about the same thing. With pride now you had guys like vandierlai, Fedor, Crocop, ect. that had a certain mystery to them because american fans are not as exposed to them. But I also think if Pride goes to crap, someone else will pop up in Eurasia because a lot of those guys are not going to be financially able to come to america and compete. Plus the fans will want something as well. Look at Japan they put 90,000 fans in the Tokyo Dome for one of the pride events. There isnt anyway right now that it could happen in north america at this point in time.

    I had thought that Pride was way bigger than the UFC, sicne they have football stadium size arenas watching the fight! and not to mention theres alot of fighters from all over the place in Pride, Pride shoulda bought UFC.

    Why wont those guys be able to come to America to compete? If their getting paid more in UFC they should be able to, not to mention alot of fighters here travel there to fight. also wouldnt the organization pay for their tickets?

    Also why would Pride be left with asians? This past UFC fight card had a couple of asians on there, i myself am asian/hispanic. I plan on going pro.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    I had thought that Pride was way bigger than the UFC, sicne they have football stadium size arenas watching the fight! and not to mention theres alot of fighters from all over the place in Pride, Pride shoulda bought UFC.

    Why wont those guys be able to come to America to compete? If their getting paid more in UFC they should be able to, not to mention alot of fighters here travel there to fight. also wouldnt the organization pay for their tickets?

    Also why would Pride be left with asians? This past UFC fight card had a couple of asians on there, i myself am asian/hispanic. I plan on going pro.
    I mean guys that are starting out, it simple geography. If Pride now is taken over by UFC and is basically moved to north america. How could some of the lesser know fighters form the Eurasian continant ( Europe and Asia is what I meant before) compete in the US. I dont know maybe im way off in my thinking. I was thinking that how would guys like Crocop or guys from Russia, Korea ect, make a name for themselves like they have under Pride management. Because as UFC stands now most of the fighters are american that are invited from local shows in the US, only fighters from big gyms from Brazil and Japan are the only international fighters for the most part. Pride has people from all over they are much more international.

    Like I said im not real sure im getting my point across or if im halfway correct on how Pride recruits. All I know is I liked Pride a little better because the fighters are more diverse, you could have a guy from siberia fighting a guy from japan in one fight, then another guy from south africa fighting a guy from serbia. As opposed to UFC were its a guy from Iowa vs a guy from California. I guess this is the best way to explain what I mean. LOL

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Oh yeah someone else said it would turn into all asian fighters not me.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    Oh yeah someone else said it would turn into all asian fighters not me.
    I said that, and hocoathlete no disrespect intended at all bro, I was just saying what I thought, and that was that the UFC is going to end up signing all the top fighters from PrideFC and offer them alot more money than they were making, thats the main incentive, the majority of the best fighters in PrideFC ARE NOT asian, japanesse or korean, plain and simple, once again no disrespect intended. When pride hosts events in the USA they are going to have the top fighters from pridefc fight, but its basically under UFC rules so we'll call it the UFC. So now were left with the actual PRIDEFC (Japan) which I think in a matter of time is going to turn into an all Japanese event with all Japanese fighters, fans, refs, you name it. No elite fighter is going to want to go fight over in Japan under those rule when they are offered so much more money to come to the USA and fight UFC style.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    the true north
    Quote Originally Posted by Testsubject
    I said that, and hocoathlete no disrespect intended at all bro, I was just saying what I thought, and that was that the UFC is going to end up signing all the top fighters from PrideFC and offer them alot more money than they were making, thats the main incentive, the majority of the best fighters in PrideFC ARE NOT asian, japanesse or korean, plain and simple, once again no disrespect intended. When pride hosts events in the USA they are going to have the top fighters from pridefc fight, but its basically under UFC rules so we'll call it the UFC. So now were left with the actual PRIDEFC (Japan) which I think in a matter of time is going to turn into an all Japanese event with all Japanese fighters, fans, refs, you name it. No elite fighter is going to want to go fight over in Japan under those rule when they are offered so much more money to come to the USA and fight UFC style.
    i gotta disagree *

    *see post 31

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    i gotta disagree *

    *see post 31
    hey fair enough, thats what my prediction is though, maybe Im way off maybe not, that just what I see happening in the future weather that be 2years down the road or 10 years down the road, I think Pridefc's gonna die one day, and if it does thats gonna be a sad day.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Testsubject
    I said that, and hocoathlete no disrespect intended at all bro, I was just saying what I thought, and that was that the UFC is going to end up signing all the top fighters from PrideFC and offer them alot more money than they were making, thats the main incentive, the majority of the best fighters in PrideFC ARE NOT asian, japanesse or korean, plain and simple, once again no disrespect intended. When pride hosts events in the USA they are going to have the top fighters from pridefc fight, but its basically under UFC rules so we'll call it the UFC. So now were left with the actual PRIDEFC (Japan) which I think in a matter of time is going to turn into an all Japanese event with all Japanese fighters, fans, refs, you name it. No elite fighter is going to want to go fight over in Japan under those rule when they are offered so much more money to come to the USA and fight UFC style.

    actually there are alot of topfighters being asian on Pride, but their usually in the lighter weights.

    but yeah, i dont mind seeing a fedor/randy cotoure fight, but then id feel bad cause i like randy...

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    actually there are alot of topfighters being asian on Pride, but their usually in the lighter weights.

    but yeah, i dont mind seeing a fedor/randy cotoure fight, but then id feel bad cause i like randy...
    there are some really good ones dont get me wrong, you know whats weird? it seems as though they can take alot of punishment before they give up or get knocked out, thier pain tolerance is SO high, its crazy, I wonder why that is.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Testsubject
    there are some really good ones dont get me wrong, you know whats weird? it seems as though they can take alot of punishment before they give up or get knocked out, thier pain tolerance is SO high, its crazy, I wonder why that is.

    probably because wehave so much brain power it takes a good bit to knock all the playstation 3 blueprints out of our heads...hahah jk

    could be since we had to put up with the bull about having small wee wees weve evolved to not take shit from people? lol

    maybe its just were gifted..haha

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Oh and if any of yall are watching the new season of The Ultimate Fighter, my friends brother is in it, Cole miller...the dude that just won the first fight.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    LMAO!!! thats funny. I dont really watch that show much, Im not a big fan of it but Ill check it out and look for your buddy for sure thats cool.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    yeah its pretty cool, their other brother is a pro fighter too, i think he trains with forrest griffin in Athens, GA. but yeah Cole is supposed to be starting a gym around here, i think its gonna be American Top Team. I plan on going.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    South Carolina
    cro cop will kick everyone a$$.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxtrot
    cro cop will kick everyone a$$.
    hell yeah...he's the shit...who else is fighting tonight besides dana and tito?

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxtrot
    cro cop will kick everyone a$$.
    maybe not Noguera, Nogueras beat him once already, I think Fedor (If he ever gets signed) would beat him again too, if not, give him a good run for his money, other than that though its a clean sweep for him.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I think its funny that cro cop is such a deadly fighter but at the same time is a politician hahah..first politician ive heard of being a fighter.

  18. #58
    I saw the tito/dana special on spike last night and tito never even showed for the weigh-in. I wonder why that is......not like he would lose the fight or anything.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I am so pissed right now....that is such bullshit...why would they have an hour and a half show that ran till 1230 just to not have a fight...i have to wake up early in the morning and all i stayed up to watch an hour and a half ****in bs session of two pussies talk shit...**** ufc...

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    I am so pissed right now....that is such bullshit...why would they have an hour and a half show that ran till 1230 just to not have a fight...i have to wake up early in the morning and all i stayed up to watch an hour and a half ****in bs session of two pussies talk shit...**** ufc...
    yeeep, but at least UFC70 is free! lol

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Its already going WWF style. Thats so hurting!

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    bad blood f-ing pissed me off so f-ing gay

  23. #63
    hahah I saw bad sucks, i really want that tito kicks his ass...but ots obvious the fight will not happen

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