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Thread: Dosage Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Dosage Question

    I have a question for the experienced users. I am about to start a cycle and was wondering about dosage terms

    When someone says take 500mg of test a week and the test I have says its 300mg/ml does that mean if i take 2cc's a week then i will be taking 600mg a week? Or does that mean 500mg? Please dont flame. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    300mg/ml = 300mg/1cc. 1cc=1ml. 2X 300mg=600mg n'est pas?

  3. #3
    Hi i also am having this problem understanding the dosage & im afraid the french dude hasnt made it any easier, if hes saying 1ml is 300mg fair enough but on a recomended course doing 500mg a week of test, does this mean 1.5ml? im confussed someone set me straight. plz!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Kent Ohio
    If you take 2 cc's of the solution then you doubling the amount of which you first started out with. Therefor you should take the 300mg/ml and then take 2/3 of another 300mg/ml vial that will give you a equal 500mg/ml solution in which you want to take.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    what eisn was trying to say is read the bottle, yours says 300mg/ml. When looking at the syringe it says measurements in CC, well one ml is equal to 1cc. With that said one full CC is your vial of 300mg, so if you were to take 2cc you would double the ammount and have 600mg. Taking more 1.5cc and 450mg.

    When you read a bottle it will always say how much mg/mcg are in one ml and one ml is one cc. From there you can do the math up or down, how ever you need. If you are taking an exact measurement make sure you dont use a too large syringe, if you are measureing out 2ml dont use a 5cc syringe, use a 2-3cc for more accurate measurements.

    Dont worry itll be easy once you read the conversions slowly and understand them, i was confused my first liquid conversion, one bottle was 50mg/ml the other 200mg/ml lol

  6. #6
    im taking sus and every day,will this b ok for 10 days?ive been told its ok

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    OK but how many mg per cc

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ACE24
    OK but how many mg per cc
    if ur juice is 250mg then every 1cc(1ml) = 250mg

  9. #9
    so basically if you have a 250mg/10ml bottle and you want to do 500mgs of test a week .. you would do 2cc's a week and you would need 2 bottles of test am i correct

  10. #10
    u got it, $

  11. #11
    ^ your wrong.

    If he has a vial with 250mg/10ml than he has 2500mg of product in the vial. Or he has 5 weeks worth of product if used at 250mg 2 times a week.

    or as stated before, 1ml=1cc, so his vial has 10cc's of product at 250mg dose.

    first he needs to find out how long his cycle is.

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