Well Im just wondering what could turn out negative about a current situation that I am in. I have a girlfriend who is 2 years younger than I and I love her dearly. We have spent so much time together and see eye to eye on so many things. She thinks the world of me and I think the same of her. Well this past Tuesday She was stumbled upon bye a recruit and was summoned to go take professional pics at Richardson's Proffessional Studio. Well we went there and the photographer loved her and kept making comments and everytime she would go switch outfits he would tell me I better keep her and this and that and how far she's gonna make it modeling. Well at the end of the night he offered her the position of being a Richardson's Representative so he can put her on his web site and put her on his business card's and maybe a highway bulletin board or road sign or commercial or whatever the hell he does. So she takes the offer b/c it will give her free exposure and im all excited for her and then I start thinking today to myself, what if she keeps going farther and farther with this,where could she end up and where could our relationship end up,any bro's who has girlfriend who has made it far in modeling plz respond. BTW as soon as we pick out some pics that he can use ill post the website up for you guys, we have 450 shots to go through so it might be a week. peace