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Thread: All you need to know about GYNO.

  1. #361
    good info

  2. #362

    How long does it take....?


    I've had some gyno occuring over the last 2 months, and now I'm taking Femara (letro) for almost a month, but I don't see anything happen. :-/

    How long does it take for it to go away? I mean, it was pretty fresh after all, so... I hope I don't have to take letro for the rest of my life... hmm.

    I have a box of Nolva ready too for when my month of letro is over.

    Any advice? Time estimates?


  3. #363
    Bino, inregards to your anit-gyno protocal...... if it takes awhile for letro to build up in the body then wouldnt it be advisable to run an AI like Adex for a few days with the letro until the letro takes effect......

    I am currently running a cycle of oral turanibol, only a week in.. I am using Adex 1/2mg every 3 days.... I have very very mild gyno starting in my left pec/nipple.. it may have been a previous condition from a natural bulking cycle early in the summer that has just recently worsened since starting my first cycle of AAS w/ propecia (hair protection) should I increase my adex dosage or get right on letro? thanx billy

  4. #364
    Oh Master of the Mammaries... a question if I may.

    Seriously, I do have a relevant question.

    If someone had gyno from puberty, as was mentioned earlier in the thread, and it went away, would that person be more prone to gyno while on gear?

    I seem to remember as a young lad having a lump on one or both sides of my chest. Wasn't swollen or even noticeable visually but I, or anyone else for that matter, could feel the bumps. I believe my mother even took me to a doctor, but nothing was done and as was mentioned earlier, they went away. I'm sure the doctor probably explained that to my mom.

    Forward 20 years, ok, give a couple (or a few), more years later, I'm concerned that might make me more susceptible. From your advice, I'm planning on running letro throughout the cycle regardless.

    As always, I appreciate anyone taking the time to read or reply.

  5. #365
    Wow. Thanks you just answered all my questions about gyno thanks a lot.

  6. #366
    Any sugestions oh which brand of letro

  7. #367
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    go to arr they got some good stuff

  8. #368
    New to this site...great info thanks!!

  9. #369
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Amazing post Bino!
    Very appreciated! I was always scared of damn b!tch tits. Not as much after I read all this stuff!

  10. #370
    C Bino thans foir that valuable info.Ive read through as many post and answers that i could read though

    i am a gyno sufferer.been under the knife a couple years ago but went on a stack after that while using Nolva and picked up a bit of gyno.well the gyno i have now is not as bad i what i had removed.

    will letro help a bit with the reversal of the little gyno i picked up?
    i am currently stacking again using 20mg nolva a day and will go off nolva once i start letro.i am following ur No 1 prescription for the use of letro for gyno i start with .25 or keep at 2.5 mg a day .whats the maxium tym i need to be on this for gyno reversal??

    how do i get a small tablet like letro to .25mg??

    The only problem i got after surgory for the guys that are under going the knife is scared tissue.that feels bigger than gyno

    Please advise C Bino

  11. #371
    I'm new to the forums guys but I'm definatly looking for some advice on the topic... I did a cycle of test and deca 3 years ago I WAS DUMB I KNOW (600mg test E, 400mg Deca 10 weeks)

    Im currently 22 years old and was never told by the older guys I got the juice from that I would need to do a post cycle treatment.. I'm going to start this Letro routine ASAP to hopefully reverse the mild gyno I have... Do you guys think its too late for me? and what can I do on top of the Letro to raise my body's testosterone levels back to normal?

    one more, is this ARR site reliable and discrete?

  12. #372

    Gyno after about 5months of SD cycle

    I think I might have already had a mild case of gyno. Nothing that ever caught my attention though. All of a sudden 5-6 months after I did a SD cycle and proper PCT (nolva at the time!@#@@#) the gyno "FLARED"

    2-weeks ago
    Lump (kinda hard) (right side of right nipple only) (size of about an 1" in length)
    Hurts when I squeeze (not that much any more)
    I had sensitive nipples when it flare up. Sensitivity is gone now but lump is still there.

    I will be getting a sonagram tomorrow. I have a bottle of Letro and a box of nolva ready and will give it a try if it is gyno.

    The symptoms seem to describe gyno but can it be something else. (probably not huh)

    Hopefully I can reverse it. It is hardly noticable but its been on my mind a lot.

    Thanks C-Bino for all the great info. If it wasn't for this sticky I would have been lost. Thanks to all for all their enlightening questions and answers.


  13. #373

    Back from sonagram

    Well, just got back from the hospital which was weird since there are mainly women that get sonagrams performed. Anyways, Wendy ask if I have ever done any hormones (steroids) I told her no but I did take some SD which many will swear its a steroid (I think so to). So, she juiced me up and rubbed the apparatus on my right breast which felt pretty good!!!!! She kept looking at the screen and rubbing, looking and rubbing, and rubbed some more .
    At the end, she said it was something she didn't normally find.

    "It looks like irregular breast tissue" she asked
    "Do you remember if something bit you" she asked
    "It is very superficial" she said
    she told me that its not cancer or cellulite, and doesn't look like gyno
    I asked her if it look like an enlargement of my mammary gland? she said she didn't think so.
    I asked if she had seen a case of gyno before? she said yes but that gyno looks a lot different than what I have.

    Its weird I have this lump (as decribed above) on the right side only of my right nipple. Nothing on the other side.

    before I left she said she would send her observations to my PP and that he might recomend some antibiotics or something.............HHhhmmmmmmm

    One last thing, there was a very small pocket of fluid within the ball of irregular breast tissue.

    C-Bino can you shed some light on the subject or anyone else who could have some input.

  14. #374
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i have a dosage question. i am gyno prone, and i expect to have full blown gyno on my cycle if i do not actively try to preclude it from occurring.

    knowing this, i have procured .25mg femara tablets. if my recommended gyno prevention dosage is .25mg/day, how should i take the 2.5mg tablets?

    should i break them in half and take 1+mg/day? what about taking half every other day? what about taking a full tablet every 4th or 5th day? what would you recommend?

    also, how would i change my pct from my schedule listed below in my signature?

    i am eliminating nolvadex and proviron completely, so would i discontinue using femara at the end of week 18 or 21? in other words, do i take both femara and clomid or stop femara when i start clomid?

    thanks in advance.


    (-1) - 21 Nolvadex 20mg twice daily
    (-1) - 18 Proviron 25mg twice daily
    1 - 4 Dianabol 10mg four times daily
    1 - 14 Deca 200mg twice weekly
    1 - 15 Test Enanthate 250mg twice weekly
    19 - 21 Clomid for PCT 300/100/50

  15. #375

    Huge thanks

    It’s working! About two months ago I developed some gyno under my left nipple that was a little bigger then the size of a flattened pea. I was using nolva for the first three weeks as directed by my HRT doc assistant (salesman) and stumbled on to this thread. Ordered some Letro from Lion but that didn’t work out to well. First two days I took it I had some stomach problems and by the forth day I felt weak and my kidneys started to hurt. I stopped using it and ordered the pill form. I started out at 2.5 because I didn’t want to hassle with cutting it up. I felt no side effects except the loss of my sex drive, which has been a good thing because I had a vasectomy two weeks ago. Anyway, a few days ago I started to feel less sensitive and I could feel that it was getting smaller. I am having a problem finding it today, and I have very little pain. I’m about 16 days in so hopefully by the time I finish the 30 pills it will be gone. I am feeling pretty good about the results so just wanted to thank Bino for the info.

  16. #376
    Quote Originally Posted by Groundm
    It’s working! About two months ago I developed some gyno under my left nipple that was a little bigger then the size of a flattened pea. I was using nolva for the first three weeks as directed by my HRT doc assistant (salesman) and stumbled on to this thread. Ordered some Letro from Lion but that didn’t work out to well. First two days I took it I had some stomach problems and by the forth day I felt weak and my kidneys started to hurt. I stopped using it and ordered the pill form. I started out at 2.5 because I didn’t want to hassle with cutting it up. I felt no side effects except the loss of my sex drive, which has been a good thing because I had a vasectomy two weeks ago. Anyway, a few days ago I started to feel less sensitive and I could feel that it was getting smaller. I am having a problem finding it today, and I have very little pain. I’m about 16 days in so hopefully by the time I finish the 30 pills it will be gone. I am feeling pretty good about the results so just wanted to thank Bino for the info.
    I did the same thing,,,,,, I switched from lions letro to the pill form about a week ago.... I hope it helps....... cuz I been on lions letro for about 4 weeks and it has done nothing.....

  17. #377
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    hey bino, I have looked through the entire thread and my bad if this was already covered somewhere but I just have a few questions.... I wanted to know if my symptoms meant that i have gyno. I am 6' about 180 with 19% b/f (yea i know its horrible) - anyways i think that I have had puberty induced gyno for years now and i think that it has gotten worse in the last 6months due to a horrible cycle with no pct (even dumber yes I know)

    the cycle was about 150-200mg/wk of tren + winny. anyways, my nipples are extremely puffy and embarassing as you can see them through my t-shirts. my nips are not sore to touch or anything but it feels like there are big lumps underneath of them. I know that some of this may be fat, but i still feel that it is most likely gyno. What is your opinion on this??? I do not have pics to post right now, but can post in the near future....

    My other question is that if I were to start taking the letro for gyno (option #3) how EXACTLY would i taper down from this?? By taking nolva at 40,20,and 10mgs during the last three days or something? I am confused. thanks for any help you can give me about all of this... sorry so long.

  18. #378
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Great tread !

    some people are running 10 mg nolva during whole cycle and 0,25 mg letro. They use the nolva because of the negative effects on cholesterol from letro.

    What is your vision on this ?Is letro or l-dex really that bad on cholsterol ?

  19. #379
    C-Bino, thanks man.

    I started to develope gyno about 3 weeks ago while 4 weeks into 30mg dbol ed and 400 cyp a week. At first I had itchy nipples, so I started using 50mg nolva, but the lumps still formed and grew a little. Once the nolva started working, it did nothing to remove the lumps other than keep them from growing. I tapered off the nolva while running 2.5mg letro ed, and am now on day 4 and seeing results! My (very small already) pea shaped gyno has flattened and is much less sensative. As a side note, I was having trouble bulking with all of the bloat that I had without letro. Now, I don't feel like a fatass and can continue to pound the kcals!

    Nolva didn't do anything
    4 days with Letro already seeing results
    No more bloat as a bonus

  20. #380
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Alright then. cool.

  21. #381
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e’s. I will go over everything in very simple easy to understand language. Also we are talking about estrogen gyno here, not progesterone (but using letro will stop progesterone related problems as well since it inhibits all estrogen anyways). Progesterone gyno will be enlargement of your nipple area, the actual aereola, not a lump under it.

    Let me make this first point very clear, as I state in my signature this is from my personal experience, so whether you agree with it or not is your own issue. I have helped many people with gyno and it has worked just fine for them as well.

    To first understand why you are doing what you are doing I am going to go over a few things and a few definitions:

    SERM – Selective estrogen receptor modulator. These drugs work by binding to the estrogen receptors and flooding them in a sense, making it difficult (but not impossible by any means) for estrogen to bind to the receptors and thus prevent the onset of estrogen related side effects.
    Most common forms: Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Clomiphene (Clomid)
    AI – Aromatise Inhibitor. These drugs work by inhibiting the aromatization of estrogen. This means that in effect AI’s prevent androgens from converting to estrogen, again, making it difficult (but not impossible) for estrogen to reach receptor sites.
    Most common forms: Anastrozole (l-dex, a-dex), Exemestane (aromasin), Femera (letrozole). For our purpose of reversing gyno we are interested in Letro.

    Letro and your sex drive:
    Letrozole will suppress your sex drive. This is another reason why it is so important to act on preventing gyno as soon as possible. Since we all know that Test should be run in every cycle this will cancel out the effect of sex drive suppression.

    Running letro to prevent gyno:
    If you decide to run estrogen protection while on cycle (and I suggest you do unless you are aware that you do not require it), you can run either a SERM or an AI. Letro will be the most powerful AI you can use, it will inhibit 98+% of estrogen using a dose as low as .25mg and even lower. This is why I suggest you do not use a dose higher than .50mg while on cycle just trying to prevent estrogen related side effects.

    You will want to start running the letro approximately 2 weeks before you begin your cycle to allow it to fully stabilize in your blood. I have often heard the argument that letro takes up to 60 days to stabilize, I don’t know if I buy into this for the reason that I have reversed gyno after using letro for only 1 week. Still to be safe I recommend starting it before your cycle as stated above.

    If you do decide to run letro there is absolutely no need to run another AI or SERM. Do not make the mistake of thinking more is better. Think of it this way; if letro is preventing the conversion of androgens to estrogen than there is no estrogen, what would the purpose of a SERM be when there is no estrogen to bind to the receptors? Nolva will only take away from the effectiveness of letro.

    This brings me to my next point. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to bump up your nolvadex to 60+mg ED if you get gyno. I have no idea where this idea started but I have seen it suggest far too many times recently. Nolvadex will do nothing to reverse your gyno…let me make that clear IT WILL DO NOTHING FOR GYNO. If you are running nolva as your anti-e and start to develop gyno than sure you can bump the dosage a small amount to try to prevent it from progressing further, but letrozole must begin ASAP.

    It is very important that you begin taking letrozole immediately, the longer your wait the more risk you take in not being able to reverse it.

    How do I know if I have gyno?
    If you have developed gyno you will have a lump behind your nipple. It will be fairly hard, and it will be tender to touch.

    Running letro to reverse gyno:
    I am going to go over the three different scenarios which people could fit into. Remember regardless of what scenario you are in it is important that you begin taking the letro ASAP.

    1. Already using an anti-e aside from letro.
    2. Already using letro @ a dose of .25mg or .50mg ED.
    3. Not running any estrogen protection.

    Day 1: .25mg Letro + anti-e*
    Day 2: .50mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 4: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 6: 2.5mg Letro **

    Day 1: .50mg Letro
    Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

    Day 1: .50mg Letro
    Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

    *Regardless of the anti-e you are using it is important to still use it for the first day you begin letro as the letro will not have taken any effect and you by no means want your body to be without any protection when gyno is already prevalent.

    ** You will remain at this dose until gyno symptoms subside. Once you believe your gyno is gone it is important to stay at this dose for another 4-7 days to ensure all traces are gone. I recommend people with a bf% over 15 stay on for a week as it may be harder to judge completely whether the lump is completely gone. Once this period is over it will be important to taper letro down slowly rather than coming off it completely. Regardless of which manner you tapered up your dose you will all taper down in the same fashion.

    Day 1: 2.0mg
    Day 2: 1.5mg
    Day 3: 1.0mg
    Day 4: .50mg***
    Day 5: .25mg
    ***You can remain at this dose or go down further to .25mg. It is really up to you at this point. They are both very common maintenance doses as an anti-e while on cycle. Personally I have stayed with .25mg and never had a problem.

    Letro and the estrogen rebound:
    With your estrogen being completely inhibited there is a definite estrogen rebound as your body tries to re-stabilize the testosterone:estrogen balance. We can prevent this rebound effect by supplementing further with another AI or SERM. So, I suggest that when you are coming to the end of your cycle you will more than likely be using Nolva in your PCT so just make sure that you begin taking nolva the last day you are going to take your letro and then continue on as you would with regular PCT.

    This now leads us into the question of reversing gyno while not on cycle. There are a few things to remember here. You have already waited longer than you should have, and your sex drive will be shot. You can use tribulus or another natural test booster to help you in this scenario but I can’t guarantee the effectiveness. Just follow gyno reversal protocols 2 or 3. When coming off again you must taper and begin using nolvadex to prevent any rebound effect that may occur.

    How much nolvadex should you use if you are not going into PCT and running this off cycle? I suggest starting at 20mg ED for a week and then lowering it to 10mg for another week and then coming off completely.

    I hope this covers most of the issues, still feel free to PM me if you have questions. But make sure you read the entire post first. I will ignore PM's that have an answer covered in this post already.
    Hey ive been off my cycle for a month now and had minor gyno coming off, ran novaldex rite away to get my testoserone levels and sex drive up to normal, noticed my gyno has gone away almost on its own, just wanna run letro incase, should i run tribulus when on letro cause it kills ur ssex drive?

  22. #382
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    c bino, just got letro, been of cycle for a month and got minor gyno very minor, need to know if after day 6 do i keep at 2.5mg? and i was runin nova for a bit after my cycle n nothin now, wat protocal to i follow? and does letro make ur sex drive surpres really? cause i read it does n then i read that it boost ur natural test off cycle??

  23. #383
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Bino just wanted to say thanks alot this thread has helped out tremendously. I started your protocol about 4 days ago and the lump is already going away. Keep up the good work, very informative stuff from all the guys on here.

  24. #384
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    South UK
    if you buy letro from Arr what does one squirt equal to? thanks

  25. #385
    Okay here's my dilemma and I'd appreciate any feedback

    About 2 months ago I was on some test without running any anti-e, which I know now was pretty dumb. Naturally my right nipple started getting sore so I went online and found this thread and started taking letro immediately, 10 sprays a day.

    Now, when I started taken the letro I didn't have lump yet, my nipples were just puffy. I have now been on letro for about a month and the gyno is getting worse. There's a lump now about an inch wide, 1/2 an inch long and about 3/4 of an inch out. If I squeeze it a syrupy fluid comes out of my nipple.

    I had surgury to remove a gyno lump before when I was 18, I'm 25 now. I've already pretty much accepted that I'll have to have surgury again but what do you guys think I should try before I get it cut out.

  26. #386
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Go to your doctor and inquire about bromocriptine.

  27. #387

    Someone please help a newb

    Ok, first off I'd like to say I have taken one real cycle and that was about 3 years ago. I took Test enanthate 250 a week, and then fina every other day without any anti e's or PCT(I know it was really retarded, they dont call it young and dumb for no reason lol). I took low doses, can't remember the exact amount but it was really low. Now I'm 21 and am a lot fatter from 2 years of sitting on my ass. I recently got back into it and didn't want to do a full cycle again, but I got some equipose from a friend and i been taking 300 a week( I know thats low, but my body is really sensitive to steroids). My question here is does EQ convert to estrogen or is it progestron(spelling?). My nipples have become sore about 5 weeks in, and I have 12 weeks worth. Why would my nipples be like this from just a low dose of EQ? One thing I should probably mention is I have a really bad marijuana habit that im trying to kick, would that be making whatever I'm taking convert no matter what or is it the combo of both the estrogen from the weed and the steroids? Also do you need PCT after just 12 weeks of nothing but a low dose of EQ and if i do what should I take? If anyone can help me here I would really appreciate it, I can't tell if i have lumps or not because my body fat percentage is high and my chest has a layer of fat over it that makes it flabby and when I press on em its really hard to feel any lumps or distinguish anythibng between the fat. But my nipples are definetly sore and I'm getting worried. Thanks ahead of time to anyone that can provide some good advice.

  28. #388
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Hey! anyone know the quickest way for me to get novaldex or letro in the mail. I think I might be starting very small signs of gyno. kinda urgent???

  29. #389
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by biggerisbetter2308
    Ok, first off I'd like to say I have taken one real cycle and that was about 3 years ago. I took Test enanthate 250 a week, and then fina every other day without any anti e's or PCT(I know it was really retarded, they dont call it young and dumb for no reason lol). I took low doses, can't remember the exact amount but it was really low. Now I'm 21 and am a lot fatter from 2 years of sitting on my ass. I recently got back into it and didn't want to do a full cycle again, but I got some equipose from a friend and i been taking 300 a week( I know thats low, but my body is really sensitive to steroids). My question here is does EQ convert to estrogen or is it progestron(spelling?). My nipples have become sore about 5 weeks in, and I have 12 weeks worth. Why would my nipples be like this from just a low dose of EQ? One thing I should probably mention is I have a really bad marijuana habit that im trying to kick, would that be making whatever I'm taking convert no matter what or is it the combo of both the estrogen from the weed and the steroids? Also do you need PCT after just 12 weeks of nothing but a low dose of EQ and if i do what should I take? If anyone can help me here I would really appreciate it, I can't tell if i have lumps or not because my body fat percentage is high and my chest has a layer of fat over it that makes it flabby and when I press on em its really hard to feel any lumps or distinguish anythibng between the fat. But my nipples are definetly sore and I'm getting worried. Thanks ahead of time to anyone that can provide some good advice.
    I would use a good AI if this is the case, also kick the weed and yes do PCT.

  30. #390
    Some great info here!

    I had a quick question regarding gyno and plastic surgery/lipo suction. I am currently overseas and the operation costs roughly 1g here. I had an appointment and the doctor told me that liposuction alone would do the trick and it wouldn't leave a scar under my nipple like actually going under the knife(she actually told me that was the old way of doing it and lipo is being used by top doctors now).

    My question is....will liposuction alone get rid of the gyno and how susceptible is it to coming back? The reason I ask is because I have seen many people that do liposuction go back to being fat within months and I don't know if this is due to their diet or if it's just a common occurance with lipo. I just don't want fat to accumulate under my chest again.

    The lump under my chest is not that big but it's noticeable to me and it hurts sometimes. I got the lump around 3 years ago after doing a cycle of dbols and sten.

    My stats: 5'9", 165lbs, 13-15%bf I'd guess.

  31. #391
    BINO, I see you are the expert and I hate to bother you but, this is an emergency. I'm a tall thin guy that started taking Testostrone Cyp. (from what I can tell Test. causes most Gyno) and Deca stack with no anti estro (dumb huh). Was on for 4 weeks and devoped Gyno. Have quit the stack and have just ordered $50 Lestro. Will this be enough? Where should I inject? Is there any possibility to inject into tits? Any othere additional tips? Thanks.

  32. #392
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by MOturkeyhunter
    BINO, I see you are the expert and I hate to bother you but, this is an emergency. I'm a tall thin guy that started taking Testostrone Cyp. (from what I can tell Test. causes most Gyno) and Deca stack with no anti estro (dumb huh). Was on for 4 weeks and devoped Gyno. Have quit the stack and have just ordered $50 Lestro. Will this be enough? Where should I inject? Is there any possibility to inject into tits? Any othere additional tips? Thanks.
    You do not inject letro you take it orally. And i have no idea how much letro you will need, thats impossible for me to tell. Just run it exactly as you read on this thread and thats the best help I can give.

  33. #393
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    A note to all who read this thread and post questions. I do not check this thread very often but I would say 95% of the questions being asked are answered in the original post. Simply follow the very simple and very easy to follow steps, I cant make it anymore clear.
    I am not trying to come off as rude here but Im getting numerous PM's and questions here that have already been answered.
    Questions like how long will it take...well sure thats not outlined in the original post but its IMPOSSIBLE for me to know. I said run letro until the gyno is gone, and thats all you can do. Even if I said it takes 4 days and yours wasnt gone in 4 days...well simply run it longer. I mean its simple, just like a diet. Stay on the diet until you reach your desired results right?

  34. #394
    Okay here's my update

    I switched from letro to nolva and the gyno in my left nipple went about 90% away. I developed a little bit of gyno in my left nipple from this cycle and had a little bit from before and both of them went away.

    The right nipple was the big problem though and it's definitely not getting any bigger/worse so that good but it isn't shrinking and the lump is getting harder.

    My plan is gonna be to stick with the nolva for another 3 weeks and if it doesn't get any smaller switch back to letro. I'm just glad it stopped getting bigger and now I just have to get it to shrink down.

    Has the Nolva worked better than the letro for anyone else?
    or has anyone had a similiar story?

  35. #395
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Im just about to find out...was on full dose of letro for 60 days and have been tapering off for 6 days now, about to start actually very glad to hear that the gyno went away, thats pretty miraculous...i have semi gyno on my right nipple, and baaaad gyno on my left nipple (the lump and all) we are on pretty much the same going to see an endo in 3 weeks to get an actual "professional" opinion...keep me posted on how everythings going man

  36. #396
    Quote Originally Posted by Slickmikey
    Im just about to find out...was on full dose of letro for 60 days and have been tapering off for 6 days now, about to start actually very glad to hear that the gyno went away, thats pretty miraculous...i have semi gyno on my right nipple, and baaaad gyno on my left nipple (the lump and all) we are on pretty much the same going to see an endo in 3 weeks to get an actual "professional" opinion...keep me posted on how everythings going man

    Yeah do the same

    One thing I'm wondering is will my insurance cover the surgury if I get the lump taken out? The last time I had it taken out my ins. covered it but I don't know if they'll say its for vanity and not a necessity and not cover it. It was day surgury before; they numbed me up and cut it out right there in like 10 minutes.

  37. #397
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    south cali
    HEY C..great post..but what if i do nott have any HARD lumps or bumps behind the nipple area?
    when i flex its just soft on the lower portion of my chest, i try to do some decline and seems to help out a little, but not too much..what do u recommend? i do not have letro yet. i have A dex , clom and tamox.

  38. #398
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny626
    HEY C..great post..but what if i do nott have any HARD lumps or bumps behind the nipple area?
    when i flex its just soft on the lower portion of my chest, i try to do some decline and seems to help out a little, but not too much..what do u recommend? i do not have letro yet. i have A dex , clom and tamox.
    Sounds like fat. You need to do diet and cardio.

  39. #399
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    south cali
    THANKS..ive started my diet and cardio!

  40. #400
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    nasty post dr. tit thanks on my way to letro as we speak...

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