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Thread: Suspension, Tren Ace, Prop, Winny cutter question...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Suspension, Tren Ace, Prop, Winny cutter question...

    I'm trying to design the cycle to maximize gains, but I was just curious to see what you thought of this option. I'm not even sure myself.

    Wks 1-6 Tren Ace 75mg/ed
    wks 1-6 Prop 100mg/ed
    wks 6-10 (slight overlap) Winny 75mg/ed
    wks 6-10 suspension 50mg/twice a day

    Nolva and Clomid for PCT. Letro on hand in case of gyno issues, however I'm not very gyno prone at all.

    Is that just plain dumb? It definitely stretches the cycle out a touch longer. I'm curious to your thoughts. Here is what I have for the cycle;

    50ml Prop
    40ml Tren Ace
    20ml Winny
    20ml Suspension

    Just cover all bases, my stats are;

    26 years old
    Bf: 12%
    4th cycle
    Goals: A solid cut, while trying not to go below 190.
    Diet: Attempting to mirror the cutting sticky in the diet forum. Diet has been quite solid for the previous 3 cycles.

    Thanks boys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    bump, last try

  4. #4
    Why are you doing suspension bro? You already have the prop in there. I would honestly take the suspension out bro.Can you use prop the whole cycle? ALSO get some cabergoline for the prolactin gyno that might occur with trenbolone. Cycle looks good though. Ive heard .25mg of cabergoline E3D is fine. But I would ask around about that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    If your cycle was bad someone would tell you.
    I like it.

    I would just get some HCG for the cycle if needed and I would go with the AR pct.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I would take the suspension out and up the prop, i dont like it for cutting.

    my .02

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by lawsey000
    I'm trying to design the cycle to maximize gains, but I was just curious to see what you thought of this option. I'm not even sure myself.

    Wks 1-6 Tren Ace 75mg/ed
    wks 1-6 Prop 100mg/ed
    wks 6-10 (slight overlap) Winny 75mg/ed
    wks 6-10 suspension 50mg/twice a day

    Nolva and Clomid for PCT. Letro on hand in case of gyno issues, however I'm not very gyno prone at all.

    Is that just plain dumb? It definitely stretches the cycle out a touch longer. I'm curious to your thoughts. Here is what I have for the cycle;

    50ml Prop
    40ml Tren Ace
    20ml Winny
    20ml Suspension

    Just cover all bases, my stats are;

    26 years old
    Bf: 12%
    4th cycle
    Goals: A solid cut, while trying not to go below 190.
    Diet: Attempting to mirror the cutting sticky in the diet forum. Diet has been quite solid for the previous 3 cycles.

    Thanks boys.
    IMO you should extend the duration of the cycle to 12 weeks, and run winni from weeks 6-12 to get optimal results from the compound.

    Run Prop as your Test throughout the entirety of the cycle, drop the suspension and in place IMO you should add masteron.

    Masteron and winni will provide more synergy and those two make a good combo while cutting, run the masteron the same length as winni.

    Also i would run the tren two weeks longer, so 8 weeks total.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Thanks for the reply boys. I really enjoyed the suspension last cycle, but after evaluating this one, I feel like I'm forcing it in there. I've decided to drop the winny and pick up masteron instead. Here's what she looks like;

    Wks 1-12 Prop 75mg/ed
    Wks 1-8 Tren Ace 75mg/ed
    Wks 6-12 Winny 75mg/ed
    Wks 6-12 Mast 75mg/ed

    PCT begins the next day after the last shot. I've decided to drop the clomid (it makes me moody like my girl) and sub in hcg instead. I'll still have the clomid and letro on hand in case of any issues.

    This cycle looks so prime now. I'm glad I made the changes. I've yet to use masteron, but have head fantastic things. I'm stoked.

    Thanks again for the input boys, I really appreciate it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by lawsey000
    Thanks for the reply boys. I really enjoyed the suspension last cycle, but after evaluating this one, I feel like I'm forcing it in there. I've decided to drop the winny and pick up masteron instead. Here's what she looks like;

    Wks 1-12 Prop 75mg/ed
    Wks 1-8 Tren Ace 75mg/ed
    Wks 6-12 Winny 75mg/ed
    Wks 6-12 Mast 75mg/ed

    PCT begins the next day after the last shot. I've decided to drop the clomid (it makes me moody like my girl) and sub in hcg instead. I'll still have the clomid and letro on hand in case of any issues.

    This cycle looks so prime now. I'm glad I made the changes. I've yet to use masteron, but have head fantastic things. I'm stoked.

    Thanks again for the input boys, I really appreciate it.
    Since your running prop till week 12 as well as the other compounds, PCT start time would need to begin 3 days after the last administration of Prop.

    Otherwise looks good, have your diet spot on and your training solid and you wont be disappointed with the results.

    Best of luck to you


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