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Thread: Afternoon Training and STARVING!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Afternoon Training and STARVING!

    I finish working out about 430pm. I usually lay down about 9ish as I have to be up at 5am for work. Problem: I have ZERO appetite postworkout. I usually have a shake, and force down a salad about an hour later. Then I'm stufed for the night. However, midnight, 2am, 4am rolls around and I am actually wakes me up. Last night for example, I had a casein shake with almonds at 9pm, slep, woke starving, had a muscle milk with some veggies.......slept....woke at 2am, same deal....another shake with some pb.....does this mean I'm not eating enough during the day(Im stuffing myself with 3500 cals).......or what? Does anyone else have this problem? Is this a recipe for fat gain? If I continue to drink shakes, eat bars, veggies, etc when I wake?

  2. #2
    you need a slow acting protein over night. Something like cottage cheese. During postworkout instead of forcing down a shake, force down a real meal while you still have the little bit of appetite to get down real food. Shakes are ALWAYS easier to get down. So that means come bed time, with that cottage cheese, have a nice large shake (even though you'll be full, you should still be able to force one down). I also find that cardio after my workout speeds up my appetite. keep me posted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    a salad and a shake....all I can get down bro.......and all the shakes I take are casein, except pw.....muscle milk and max muscle high 5......fats and protein........still waking up all night

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I have to say that I get seriously hungry at about 2am every night. I mean I get hunger-pains like I haven't eaten in days. I used to get up and just down a pint of milk (always seems to settle my stomach). Recently I've been late night snacking on protien pancakes (the ones PB used in his lean bulker). They are awsome and they see me through till morning.

  5. #5
    ewwww. i hate muscle milk! It's like cake mix, so much sugar!,and Sat. Fat! Try mabybe changing up the type of protein you take in before bed time. That's all i can think of. I'd say some form of carb, but no one wants carbs before bed...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    its not really max muscle's version...only 9g of fat......1sat....15 carbs...and fats are from flax....soooooo good!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    Honestly, I think your training regimen is causing this issue. You're doing so many sets with each body part that you're darn near causing yourself to become ill due to massive overtraining. Also, your lack of rest between your training sessions is most likely wreaking havoc on your overall health in my opinion. This is my hypothesis based upon your training log that is located at an external site.

    But, we all know that your regimen and mindset will not change as a result of this thread. So.......

    If it's affecting you that badly (lack of hunger PWO), then you might consider changing the time of day that you workout just as an experiment. Try around 7'ish so that you can get your PWO meal in and then sleep shortly afterwards.

    As always, good luck!
    Last edited by mavsluva; 04-20-2007 at 12:16 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Honestly, I think your training regimen is causing this issue. You're doing so many sets with each body part that you're darn near causing yourself to become ill due to massive overtraining. Also, your lack of rest between your training sessions is most likely wreaking havoc on your overall health in my opinion. This is my hypothesis based upon your training log that is located at an external site.

    But, we all know that your regimen and mindset will not change as a result of this thread. So.......

    If it's affecting you that badly (lack of hunger PWO), then you might consider changing the time of day that you workout just as an experiment. Try around 7'ish so that you can get your PWO meal in and then sleep shortly afterwards.

    As always, good luck!

    I think MANY people aren't hungry pw....if you train hard enough, esp. legs and back, it's very taxing......and loss of hunger is not that uncommon.....I'm not worried about it......I'm worried about eating all night, is this a bad thing? If I'm not really interrupting my sleep, as it takes 5 mins and I fall right back it a recipe for fat storage? Let's say I was cutting too........bad?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    NM - Time were on my ass for muscle milk (which I dont take, but it's something like it and the sugar is 1g as is muscle milk) and you drink cytogainer??? Same company, yet more sugar and crap IMO.......cmon......

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    I think MANY people aren't hungry pw....if you train hard enough, esp. legs and back, it's very taxing......and loss of hunger is not that uncommon.....I'm not worried about it......I'm worried about eating all night, is this a bad thing? If I'm not really interrupting my sleep, as it takes 5 mins and I fall right back it a recipe for fat storage? Let's say I was cutting too........bad?
    shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't spike your insulin levels during that period of sleep. take in some sort of fat free long acting protein like fat free cottage cheese dude!

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