Using a DHT like masteron there is no need for letro right? I say this because I have been on letro for awhile. And now I just injected my first shot of MASTERON!. So there is no need for letro now right?
Using a DHT like masteron there is no need for letro right? I say this because I have been on letro for awhile. And now I just injected my first shot of MASTERON!. So there is no need for letro now right?
i was on letro while on prop and tren...
then continued that cycle with mast and winny instead of tren and stopped to use letro: no problem at all in 2 wks!
and decided to go this way after postin almost same question here..
What's your full cycle? If it's just mast, you do not need letro.
That ***ends entirely on the AAS you are using before your PCT. I have used it for a Dianabol/Masteron combination and had my liver values checked one week afterward. I was in the green for everything except my kidneys, which were only slightly abnormal due to my protein intake.Originally Posted by p01ntbl4nk
However, if you are taking any sort of Test, Halotestin, etc., i.e.: AAS which aromatize heavily and for a long duration, it would be wise to have PCT on hand (arimidex, letro, etc.) and to use this for the subsequent weeks.
There is only one way to find out, though, isn't there?
Haoltestin does not aromatize
No need for letro while on won't bloat with h2o or grow tits...Originally Posted by p01ntbl4nk
I am on Test E and Eq both 600MG a week. And masteron 75mg EOD. So there is no need for the letro then? Sorry I did not make my self more clear with telling you what my full cycle is bros. Thanks I appreciate it. =)
so basically you're asking if you can replace letro with masteron, if you were running letro for any reason than i would think you would want to continue to use it
But masteron is a DHT and it will do the same as letro in terms of bloat and estrogen right? So there would be no need for the letro I was using the letro as an AI. I am using masteron I guess for the same but it will give me a harder look.
probably dont need the letro, it ***ends on how succeptable to gyno u r.
keep it on hand just incase.
why are you taking letro and how much are you taking?
masteron will NOT have the same effects as letro as far as bloat and estrogen
I understand what your saying adn you should be fine since your now using the masteron but do not stop letro all at once because of the rebound effect it has, titrate down once you start the mast and of course keep it(letro) on hand as everyone should do when doing a cycle.
Heres a quote about Masteron from the profiles section...
"Masteron may interact with the aromatase enzymes to inhibit aromatization of other steroids into estrogen, and may additionally interact with estrogen (as a "blocker" of sorts) at the receptor site. Masteron may actually be very useful for combating estrogenic/progesteronic side effects yes, you read that right, if you include Masteron in your cycle, you may not need other "ancillary" drugs like Arimidex or Letrozole). Hence, much like Proviron, Masteron could be used as an anti-side-effect-drug (remember, most ancillary drugs we use to combat estrogenic sides, like nolvadex, letrozole, and arimidex were originally developed to combat breast cancer...and thats exactly what Masteron was developed and used for)."
Upon reading this you may also want to get nolva(which you should already have) and IF you show any signs of gyno take nolva as well. I don't like letro because of the sides so if you can go with out it I would.
Thanks guys I appreciate it so much.
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