This is for my first show in April, I'm in wk 8...
wks 1-31 Femara 2.5mg/ed
wks 1-4 Test enan 2g/wk
wks 1-4 Fina 75mg/ed
wks 4-14 and 20-30 Eq 800mg/wk
wks 5-12 Test enan 1500mg/wk
wks 13-16 Prop 100mg/ed
wks 13-24 Test Cyp 1600mg/wk
wks 13-19 T-3 Pryamiding to 100
wks 18-25 Winny 50-100mg/ed
wks 25-31 Prop 200mg/ed
wks 25-31 Fina 100mg/ed
wks 27-31 Halo 30mg/ed
Slin 4 wks on 4 wks off, 5 days on 2 days off, 15iu morn, 15iu evening (Post workout)
Wks 10,15,20 and 25 HCG 1000iu/ed
Last 12 wks rotating clen and eca
Started out 5'9 226lbs
Am now up to about 232lbs bf not much change and am feeling good, a little fat but i am bulking til Jan 1st hoping to get around 250lbs b4 i start to cut.
Any comments or criticisms welcome!