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Thread: Have you guys seen this about drug testing?

  1. #1

    Have you guys seen this about drug testing?

    This is a paragraph from an artice talking about Floyd Landis:

    "The "B" samples were tested at the behest of USADA, which is trying to bolster evidence for Landis' May 14 arbitration hearing. The most recent tests used a technique that can distinguish synthetic from natural forms of testosterone, a male sex hormone."

    In the past the only way a drug test could test for testosterone in urine was an elevated testosterone to epitestosterone levels. This paragraph from the article is claiming there are now drug tests that can distinguish synthetic testosterone from natural testosterone. This is the first I have ever heard of this. Anyone know if this is true, or just bunch of bs from a reporter who did not do his homework?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    This is really a lounge thread.

    Whether he used gear (Synthetic Test), or merely had elevated natural levels (Test Boosters), he's still a cheater.

    The latest report is that the former is true:

    Report says Landis' sample positive
    Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 04/24/07
    Follow-up tests on backup urine samples by Tour de France champion Floyd Landis found traces of synthetic testosterone, the French sports newspaper L'Equipe reported Monday. The tests on seven "B" samples clearly showed traces of the banned substance, the paper said on its Web site. Landis had insisted the follow-up tests weren't necessary because the primary "A" samples tested negative for banned substances during the Tour. The cyclist and his lawyers would not confirm the newspaper report Monday, saying they had not been given access to the complete test results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    yes they can test for sythetic testosterone by using a radio isotope test. Carbon 13(C13) accounts for 1.1% of carbon but in synthetic testosterone there is no C13 only C12.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    This is really a lounge thread.

    Whether he used gear (Synthetic Test), or merely had elevated natural levels (Test Boosters), he's still a cheater.

    The latest report is that the former is true:

    Thanks for the input, but whether or not he cheated had nothing to do with the question. And I would think that any drug tested athlete would be very interested in this new type of testing.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    yes they can test for sythetic testosterone by using a radio isotope test. Carbon 13(C13) accounts for 1.1% of carbon but in synthetic testosterone there is no C13 only C12.
    That is very interesting. How long has this testing been around?

  6. #6
    does synthetic testosterone stay in your body your whole life? or is there a certain point that it tends to fade away and you have your regular testosterone back?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by givenchy
    does synthetic testosterone stay in your body your whole life? or is there a certain point that it tends to fade away and you have your regular testosterone back?

    D e pending on the compound, over time, the metabolites etc. will leave your system

  8. #8
    alright i was just wondering cuz thats some scary stuff to an athlete in college *shakes in horror*

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The radioisotope test is not the primary test. It just is not feasible. The standard test is the test/epitest ratio done through an extraction and analyzed with a GC-MS, much more effient, cheaper and faster. In Landis's case his first test sample failed because of a very high ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone. As standard procedure a second aliquot(retain) of the sample is tested by a differnet set of chemist using the same procedure and that came back negative which should mean the first results are now negative also. The testing lab to substanceate the first positive test did the costly radioisotope test on "B" samples to show that the testosterone was synthetic. This proves he had exogenous testosterone in his body HOWEVER this is completely against testing procedure. To have a confirmed postive the sample must be tested 2x with both being positive or it is considered a negative test. That is the esseance of his legal arguement but the fact is the radio isotope test PROVES the test in him was not natural.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by givenchy
    does synthetic testosterone stay in your body your whole life? or is there a certain point that it tends to fade away and you have your regular testosterone back?

    No, your body does not know the difference between the 2 at all and it is metabolized exactly the same so it's out of your body just as quick.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    nice post kfrost, thx for the input !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    Thanks for the input, but whether or not he cheated had nothing to do with the question. And I would think that any drug tested athlete would be very interested in this new type of testing.
    It was OBVIOUSLY a side bar, rather than input!

    Good thread, no need to become so defensive though.


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