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Thread: Double check my doses... does this sound right?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Double check my doses... does this sound right?

    I'm doing a cycle of Tren A, 75mg/ml and Test Enth 250mg/ml, ED .75CC each. Does that sound right? I want to keep them equal... but since the enth is 250mg/ml, shouldn't I be running a lot less of it?

  2. #2
    If I am correct then .75cc of Tren A @ 75mg/ml is about 55mg of Tren A day. Over a week that is 385mg a week. If you are trying to keep the doses the same then you would have to shoot 1.5ml of Test E a week. Because the test E is a long ester you could shoot it once a week. Although since you are going to be doing ED shots you could break the 1.5 ml up into two shot of .75ml a week or even .2ml ed with your tren. Personally I would use a higher does but I dont know anything about you or your training so I am not suggesting it to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    wow u want to keep the amount of CCs the same?!... so ur running test 250mg/ml at .75mgs a day... wow thats 1300mgs of test a week... i hope im misinturpreting this and if im not i hope this isn't ur first or second cycle for that matter

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    no that doesn't sound right!!... tell me does that sound right to u???

  5. #5
    Yah I think he in confused and that is why he is double checking doses.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    What is yhe dosage you want to run?

    Right now you are running:
    Test E - 1312,5 mg/week
    Tren A - 393,75 mg/week

    You are way high on the test buddy. Whats your cycle history?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    What is yhe dosage you want to run?

    Right now you are running:
    Test E - 1312,5 mg/week
    Tren A - 393,75 mg/week

    You are way high on the test buddy. Whats your cycle history?
    Yah see I knew I was messing up...not to worry though guys, it's only week 1. I think Ill be okay. This is my 2nd cycle, my first cycle was a deca/Omnadren cycle.
    I was going to stick with around 400mg's of each a week. That was the original plan.
    Last edited by OPSTER; 04-28-2007 at 04:38 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    Run the rest at least 500 mg/wk...and view this as you inavertantly frontloading your test qo_Op

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