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Thread: Cycling test and water weight normal

  1. #1

    Cycling test and water weight normal

    Howdy. Posted a couple of questions about my cycle Im taking but cant get a response. I thought these were fairly common, but I guess not. Its been about 3 years since I cycled. I have cycled twice with some mexican test stuff, but was pretty good. I am almost into my 4th week cycle consisting of test 250 cyp. and Deca300. Im inj. 1cc test and half cc deca twice a week into the rear ( and so far I can still sit down ). Ive never done deca and was told it can make you retain water weight. I am 6'0" 175lbs. and was at 9% body fat when I started. I feel somewhat bloated now and have maintained a strict high protein, low fat diet throughout so I would be surprised if Im putting on fat. Im also wondering if there is any better way to cycle the test and deca im taking? Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dirty South
    yes, deca does make you hold water weight. Are you running an AI with your cycle. It would minimize side effects and bloat....

  3. #3
    yeah the deca make you retain water.

    you could do 400mg of deca/ week. even 600mg/ week but I think 400 is enough.

  4. #4
    Well, Im not sure what an AI is. Ive read the newbie pac along with the abbreviation section and didnt see it. Im also looking for the conversion from what Im injecting as CC's to mg, such as the suggestion to do 400mg of deca a week and Im doing half cc of deca a week. Not sure how that converts or how many mg Im doing. Please dont shoot me yet guys!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by cowboyman
    Well, Im not sure what an AI is. Ive read the newbie pac along with the abbreviation section and didnt see it. Im also looking for the conversion from what Im injecting as CC's to mg, such as the suggestion to do 400mg of deca a week and Im doing half cc of deca a week. Not sure how that converts or how many mg Im doing. Please dont shoot me yet guys!
    How old are you please???
    WOW !! 6'0" and ONLY 175 lbs after 3 cycles???? Umm something is Very WRONG here !!! You should have been over 200lbs before you ever needed to use AAS, but OH WELL look into a more productive DIET !!!

    If your test is 250mgs/ml and you are injecting 2 ml/week that = 500mgs/week
    If your Deca is 300mgs/ml and you are injecting 1/2 ml twice a week, then thats 300mgs/week....simple math

    You should know about AI's before you ever cycled, they are Aromitase Inhibitors...they help prevent the testosterone from aromitizing into Estrogen and also help keep water retention down

    I am guessing you have no idea what PCT is either right??

    Did you do a PCT with the other 3 cycles??

    If not, we have NO need to shoot you, your doing a great job of that yourself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mobile, AL
    Find this stuff called arimidex and take .25mg every day. Then keep asking questions and someone will tell you what to take when you come off your cycle so you won't lose all your gains.

  7. #7
    Yes, I do know what pct is, as I have tried to learn as much as I could on this forum. I am 40 years old and have a naturally high metabolism. Like i said, when I cycled before a few years ago it was just some mexican test, probably vet quality. I tapered the dosage down by about half during the last 3 weeks and didnt notice any side effects after that. I naturally have a hard time putting weight on. Im also cycling to help a bum shoulder injury from softball years ago. Im wondering if I should just cut the deca out completely? Im lifting in the gym 4 days a week going low reps and heavy on the weight. Try to intake about 200 grams of protein a day. Light on the cardio. I have hit 180lbs. during the last cycle, but thats the most weight ive been able to put on. I would love to hit 200!!!.....with low body fat of course. Thanks for your input guys, its much appreciated.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by cowboyman
    have a naturally high metabolism.
    Just means you need to eat more, sir.

    Uhh... that's not enough protein, especially when on-cycle. How many grams of carbs are you eating per day? How many meals? My guess is that the reason you're only 175 after 3 cycles is your diet sucks. You should post it in the diet form for critique.

    Also, it is extremely difficult to gain muscle without any fat gain, because to gain muscle you need to put yourself in a positive calorie balance. It's more efficient to concentrate on EITHER 1) gaining muscle or 2) losing fat, because your diet needs to be suited to one or the other, or you're just spinning your wheels.

    Check out this thread for some diet advice.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 05-03-2007 at 10:46 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Just means you need to eat more, sir.

    Uhh... that's not enough protein, especially when on-cycle. How many grams of carbs are you eating per day? How many meals? My guess is that the reason you're only 175 after 3 cycles is your diet sucks. You should post it in the diet form for critique.

    Also, it is extremely difficult to gain muscle without any fat gain, because to gain muscle you need to put yourself in a positive calorie balance. It's more efficient to concentrate on EITHER 1) gaining muscle or 2) losing fat, because your diet needs to be suited to one or the other, or you're just spinning your wheels.

    Check out this thread for some diet advice.

    Well said !!! post your daily food intake here , in meals and let us see where we can help.

    IF you DID have a high metabolism, you need to eat every 2 hours and it must be COMPLETE meals from whole food sources.
    Definetly need more protein.

    I have a high metabolism as well, BECAUSE i eat every 2.5 hours.....but I am 5'11" and 250 after 4 cycles, so it is just a matter of getting your eating corrected and you will be amazed at how you can grow naturally !!!

  10. #10
    Hey, your input is awesome, thanks. I thought I was eating enough but obviously not. I eat whole wheat cereal with skim milk for breakfast and a protein shake. Usually grilled chicken or turkey for lunch. another protein shake mid afternoon and/or tuna salad. Dinner is usually like lunch and an omelet with turkey and cheese later at night. If this is not enough I will surely fit in more somewhere. Hell, I thought I was getting too much causing me to gain excessive fat. also, my source I get my stuff from said he takes Novadex to fend off any gyno which he gets from GNC. I stopped by and sure enough, the bottle says 4 pills at night will keep testosterone from being turned into estrogen. Wondering if anyone has used it. I will definately eat more and I guess i need not worry so much about low fat at this point as I can lean up later on when Im off the cycle. I will post this on the diet section of this forum also for their input. Thanks so much, you have no idea how much its appreciated. Have a great day

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by cowboyman
    Hey, your input is awesome, thanks. I thought I was eating enough but obviously not. I eat whole wheat cereal with skim milk for breakfast and a protein shake. Usually grilled chicken or turkey for lunch. another protein shake mid afternoon and/or tuna salad. Dinner is usually like lunch and an omelet with turkey and cheese later at night. If this is not enough I will surely fit in more somewhere. Hell, I thought I was getting too much causing me to gain excessive fat. also, my source I get my stuff from said he takes Novadex to fend off any gyno which he gets from GNC. I stopped by and sure enough, the bottle says 4 pills at night will keep testosterone from being turned into estrogen. Wondering if anyone has used it. I will definately eat more and I guess i need not worry so much about low fat at this point as I can lean up later on when Im off the cycle. I will post this on the diet section of this forum also for their input. Thanks so much, you have no idea how much its appreciated. Have a great day

    First, if its from GNC, then its NOT real Nolvadex !!! its just a supplement.

    If you metabolism is already fast, eating 6-8 meals a day shoudl NOT hurt it one bit....the whole point of eating more frequently is to turn off your body's fat stores so it doesn't want to store excess gaining too much fat shouldn't be an issue as long as you watch calories and keep just a little above maintenance

    TRY to get more WHOLE foods and less shakes,and whole wheat is an example of my bulking diet

    Meal 1- 12 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 12 oz oatmeal, 1/2 grapefruit

    Meal 2- 2 8oz chicken breast plain baked potato

    Meal 3- PWO shake....followed as soon as I get home (20min) by

    Meal 5- 14-16 oz lean steak, 16 oz of sweet potatoes

    Meal 6- 12 oz chicken breast , 2 cups of brown rice

    Meal 7- two cans tuna, 3-4 tbs of light mayo

    meal 8- one chicken breast, one cup rice

    That's how you grow !!!!!!!!!

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