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Thread: stack info

  1. #1

    stack info

    i have sustanon 250, d-bol / deca , and tren 75 . how should i stack it ? and pct recoomendations?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    What are your stats? Age, Height, Weight, BF%, Previous Cycles etc...

    How much do you have of each compound?

  3. #3
    35 5' 7" 160 lbs i prev.

  4. #4
    body fat im not sure 1 prev. cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Even when a friend comes to me and asks me "what and how" ... I don't give numbers as answers generally. I advise them, and hope that their "risk management" will be in accordance with their goals and willingness to take risks. Once they understand the effective range, and the risks, they can formulate an idea ... You're asking non-professionals who aren't liable for their beliefs and guidance to make your health decisions.

    Since you are here at AR, there's a lot of reading you can do to formulate your ideas and propose them to get cross examination from other members. This is a vital step of the process, as coming up with the numbers indicates having completed the du rigure, which hopes to give you the means of "fixing problems" as they arrise.

    Even learning the method of writing/reading the outline of a protocol is part of the education you'll need to attain.

    For so many reasons yet to be discovered, you aren't ready yet.

  6. #6
    20 sustanon 250 ,2 bottles of deca 200 , 2- d- bol 25 , 2 tren 75

  7. #7
    ive done alot of reading just havent been able to put it all together

  8. #8
    just trying to get a little more info

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Well ... the first thing I don't like is that EVERYTHING is a different ester. :-(

    Otherwise... Do the following (ish):

    500 - 800mg weekly of Test (frontload if you have long esters)
    400 - 800mg weekly of Nan dec (frontload if you have long esters)
    75mg ED of Tren weeks 1 - 12
    20 - 40mg ED of Diana weeks 1 through 6-8

    Perhaps do 200iu 2x per week from weeks 2 - 11 (assuming a 12 week cycle based on tren being included) ... otherwise continue doing the hCG until a week or so prior to quiting.

    Also noteworthy, I hope you aren't prone to estrogen potentiated progesterone-gyno, as you have 2 19-nors ... in which either would be well replaced with masterone, according to some peoples logic - although, there is a trend of people mixing those. If you're only using them together based on what you have already spent money on, you should seriously re-evaluate, and in fact change your decision process to not be based on financial, but logical motivators.

    The lame thing is ... despite the fact that you have long esters in your stack elongating ramp up of efficacy, you'll still have to inject ED, and wait for them to clear out prior to PCT while being shut down but on a decreasing daily mg and thus slowing your gains down needlessly while waiting to start PCT

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Two4the$$
    Well ... the first thing I don't like is that EVERYTHING is a different ester. :-(

    Otherwise... Do the following (ish):

    500 - 800mg weekly of Test (frontload if you have long esters)
    400 - 800mg weekly of Nan dec (frontload if you have long esters)
    75mg ED of Tren weeks 1 - 12
    20 - 40mg ED of Diana weeks 1 through 6-8

    Perhaps do 200iu 2x per week from weeks 2 - 11 (assuming a 12 week cycle based on tren being included) ... otherwise continue doing the hCG until a week or so prior to quiting.

    Also noteworthy, I hope you aren't prone to estrogen potentiated progesterone-gyno, as you have 2 19-nors ... in which either would be well replaced with masterone, according to some peoples logic - although, there is a trend of people mixing those. If you're only using them together based on what you have already spent money on, you should seriously re-evaluate, and in fact change your decision process to not be based on financial, but logical motivators.

    The lame thing is ... despite the fact that you have long esters in your stack elongating ramp up of efficacy, you'll still have to inject ED, and wait for them to clear out prior to PCT while being shut down but on a decreasing daily mg and thus slowing your gains down needlessly while waiting to start PCT
    doses suggested seem fine but what on earth is wrong with running different esters, please back this statement up with something.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    doses suggested seem fine but what on earth is wrong with running different esters, please back this statement up with something.
    maybe he personally doesnt like using different esters--but he'll have to answer that one.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    its from the roid store fyi guys

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    short ester alone:

    • frequent injections
    • fast changes to daily active mg.
    • short time between maximal gains, and full board PCT ... meaning fewer days falling in to the slump.
    • drug tested athletes are "cleared sooner"

    Long esters:

    • less frequent injections
    • less scar tissue from injections
    • more stable than short esters active daily mg
    • higher density per mL prior to pain
    • Supposedly less water retention

    Long ester + New compound, BENEFITS

    • Known compounds run at comfortable levels
    • experimental compound benefits from fast ester pro's.
    Mixed ester stack without motive Drawbacks
    • Although you could be injecting 2x per week, it's ED.
    • Instead of all peaking same time, they won't, thus peak synergy will not be present.
    • Clear out time to start PCT is less efficient for maximizing the gains from last weeks of cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    personally i dont think the ester will make any difference as long as he uses correct protocol for each ester.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    its from the roid store fyi guys
    glad someone noticed. the only thing real is the sustanon I think

    tren 75, deca 200 etc are all roid store products.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    glad someone noticed. the only thing real is the sustanon I think

    tren 75, deca 200 etc are all roid store products.
    i just think that sucks that he got jipped by the roid store... try finding a domestic source bro.. theres alot of them

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mid west
    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    its from the roid store fyi guys
    Ha! I kind of thought that was the case.

  18. #18
    sucks to be you bro.

  19. #19
    ive taken your advice that the roid store is ?? im gonna just do the sustanon 250 . by the way $100 is better than $400 wasted! i returned the other ?????????????

  20. #20
    i canceled my roid store order. got all my money back !! im gonna go with just the sustenon . just waiting for it to get in .

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