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Thread: HGH cycle Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    HGH cycle Log

    I am a 28 year old 5'10''male that weighs 190 pounds. I will be beginning my first cycle of HGH this Friday and and thought it might be productive to keep an online log/journal on this site. I thought doing it here would be better than in my own book at home because other people with alot more experience using HGH can chime in with their critiques and input. After reading so much about the positive benifits of HGH I am really excited about this. I'm only 28 but at the rate congress is passing new laws I fear by the time I am 50 and really need it it will all be gone, or so expensive it is not affordable. I am taking the dive fellas and I start the HGH on Friday. Going to run up to 4iu's EOD for 5-6 months. I can also get some IGF-1 R3. Should I splurge, or just take the HGH?

    I began a AAS cycle 4 days ago and decided I would ascend from my long time lurker status to become an actual poster. My 4 previous cycles were very simple and basic. Nothing more than Test E, Deca, Stan, Clen and T3. Simple yet effective for what I was trying to do, just gain solid muscle mass for a two month cycle then diet down and look lean while keeping most of the mass I gained. All of my previous cycles where no more than two months each. That is not including the PCT, I always take 20 mg's of Nolvadex throughout the cycle, even though I show no predisposition to gyno, and then I run letro, HCG and Nolvadex after the cycle.

    After running these 4 cycles of the same compounds I feel I am ready to throw some of the bad boys of AAS in there. I appreciate the science that goes into a cycle as much as I do the gains and side effects. I feel I have designed a pretty sweet cycle here and wanted to start this thread to get feedback and to actually keep a log to track my results, and at the same time, share them with you to gather feedback and share ideas and stories.

    So without further delay here it is:

    Weeks 1-10---500mg/week Test (250mg Test E, 250mg super test)
    Weeks 10-12--400mg/week Super Test
    Weeks 1-10---300mg/week Deca Duroblin
    Weeks 7-15---400mg/week Masterlone, everybodies favorite, gotta try it.
    Weeks 5-10---350mg/week Trenbolone (50mg/ED)
    Weeks 7-13--.25-100 mcgs/day T3 or T4 , to regulate my thyroid while on
    tren, fat loss, and fight water retention, will also compliment the HGH
    Weeks 14-19-350mg/week Stanzonol, Great PCT and one of my fav's
    Weeks 14-19--25-200 mcgs/day Clenbuteral, to maintain my gains and muscle
    hardness. Great PCT compound.

    Weeks 20-24--PCT:Nolvadex, Letro and HCG

    The HGH I will be using is Jentropin and it is reasonably priced. However, I can also get Generic HGH. Is there a big difference? If not I will go with the Generic. The Generic does not come with reconstitution water though. Where can I buy reconstitution water?

    So the new compounds I will be trying are the Tren, masterlone, HGH, and possibly the IGF-1 R3. I think I've got everything in the cycle timed right and working synergisticly to produce the best results.

    My diet is currently in check, very clean and I'll be trying to throw 4000-6000 calories down the pipe a day in 5-6 meals spread evenly through the day. I will reserve Sunday as a cheat day where I will allow myself some wine and maybe some icecream or something sweet. I will reserve my diet talk for the diet forum as soon as I check in there. Here we all just assume I am eating proper.

    I will be working out 5 days on and two off as always. This time though I am going to be doing two weeks of weight training then two weeks of boxing on and off, every two weeks switching it up. Boxing is such an awesome all around way to train, it really does it all. On the two week periods where I box I will alternate days of boxing and lower body leg training. This is going to make things interesting as my body is not used to this type of regimine. Normaly it is all weights with 3 days of cardio thrown in. No matter what 2 week period I will be doing abs everyday. Right now they are hurting so bad.

    That is about all I can think of for now. I will be posting here as much as possible for updates and advice.
    Last edited by GoingPro; 04-21-2007 at 06:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    First week is down and I'm feeling good. I Finally got my Jintropin on Friday and have done a total of 4 iu's thus far. I've done a total of 750 mg's of a cocktail of testosterones, and 450 mg's of deca. The soreness the first 4 days back in the gym was awfull. But by day 7 it is totally gone, and all I feel the next day is a bit weak where I should be sore. I love testosterone. My appettite is also soaring. Having no problems putting down over 4,500 calories spread throughout 5 meals a day. The meals will only get bigger as I get bigger. I also love the joint lubrication the deca provides. Such a nice basing compound that pays dividends by the final weeks of a cycle.

    I measured my bodyfat on Wednesday. Came in at a whopping 16.3%!!!!!!!!! Yeah, for various reasons I had to take a 4 month absense from the gym. Was feeling a bit blue from some things going down and my diet kind of got away from me. I'm not a chubby lard ass by any means, but I do have a bit of pudge to inject the growth hormone into. My goals are to get that body fat down to between 7-9%. With the AAS cycle I have planned out and the 6 months of HGH, along with busting my ass in the gym and on the boxing bags this is a very realistic goal in my opinion. I want ot be a lean as hell 220-225. But it will, as always, come down to hard work, a disiplined diet, and getting through the daily grind and temptations.

    It feels damn good to be back in the gym after such a long break. Interestingly though, I have found that I haven't dropped alot of weight and my strength is alot higher than where I predicted it to be. The next compound I will be adding is the tren on week 5. Never done anything harder than Test, Deca, or winnie. I'm debating whether to do 50mg's ED, or 50mg's EOD. I'm leaning towards the 50mg's ED. Also, the masteron I have is the enanthate version. Known to be very potent. It's dosed at 200mg's/ml. Do you think I could get away with using 200/week. If so I will do that. I've heard nothing but incredible things about the compound.
    Last edited by GoingPro; 05-12-2007 at 08:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Alright bro's, this is a bit off topic. Don't know how many of you out there have girlfriends, wifes, or fiancees, but how do you make them understand anabolics and what they really do and affect the body. We live in a world that is completely driven by the media and people really do believe what they read, hear and see in the news. Unfortunately the media has painted this big taboo image around anabolic steroids. So much so that the facts have been totally distorted and everyone thinks that steroids will turn you into a big monster with failing internal organs about to die. I can't even have a conversation with my girlfriend without her telling me how she can't believe she is letting me do this. She claims I have her support, but when I mention a future cycle down the road she doesn't respond well. She refers to steroids as "shit," which I take great offense to. Especially since I have done my best to educate her on every substance I am putting in my body. I read some of your guys post and you speak about how the women in your life are totally cool with what you do, and even appreciate what the steroids do for you. What is your secret, and was it always like that? My girlfriend won't even take the time to read about what I am taking. It sure would be nice to be able to have a decent conversation with her about something that I take a huge interest in. She says she doesn't want to date someone who does steroids, but she can't give me a good reason why. She has no experince with a steroid user and she is basing this opinion off of taboo BS that she has been made to believe. She sure is fast to tell me how bad it is for me. When I ask why it is bad she can't even tell me a negative side effect. She has no idea about PCT, or things I can do to prevent and combat possible sides. Believe me, I have tried. I'm tired of hearing her bash steroids just because they are steroids. Any of you bro's have some advice? This is a bit off topic and I'm sorry. But I can't be the only one going through this. Some of you hide it from your girls, I don't wanna take that route.
    Last edited by GoingPro; 04-22-2007 at 03:28 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with your cycle. I am thinking about doing something very similar and I'm 26, so I am curious to see your results.
    Not sure if I will do generic Chinese or Jintropin, either way it's not too expensive.

    About your chick, bro I don't know what to tell you. Just ignore her I guess.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2007
    I'm stoked too bro. The only thing I regret is not starting the HGH a few months ago. I researched HGH extensively and every avenue of research led me to take the Jin over the generic. You just don't know what you are getting with the generic. Are their better products out ther than Jin? Yes, but Jin is by no means bad and it is affordable. Good to know someone is reading. I'll keep posting. Wish I could fast forward a few months.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    We are reading bro. Keep it up. Maybe post some current measurements so we can see the difference in time.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2007
    Time to describe what I'm feeling on day 14, 625mg's of Test E, 626 mg's of super test, 750 mg's of deca, and 16 iu's of HGH later. Aggression! The testosterone has kicked in and is doing its job. Oh what a feeling it is. I love it, but I'm going to have to work at controlling it. It hit me hard two days ago. I trade stocks for a living. Not for a brokerage firm, rather for myself. As a self employed trader I go through my ups and down. Well two days ago while the DOW was busy breaking through 13,000 my stocks were busy acting irrationally. I am in some well thought out and smart plays right now, and I was getting hammered on Wednesday. It's frustrating being on the wrong side of an irrational market, but much harder when you add test to the mix. Normally I can roll with the punches, walk away from the computer and say they will bounce back. But I felt like taking a baseball bat to my computer and everything else in the house. Luckily, though, I didn't and even bought more of my NVTL in the low 16's while it was tanking. A bunch of other things happened to make me pissed too, but I'll just mention my roomates cat. She jumped up on my bed, which is rare, and was purring as I was hooking her up with some of my turkey. The next thing I know she jumps down and leaves a huge puddle of piss in her wake. Well I spent the next half hour trying to get ahold of her, and when I did........lets just say it will be a long time before she smells anything else but piss. Normal behavior? Not for me, but it felt so damn. Good. I hate the ****ing cat.

    Physically the test is working good too. My muscles are getting that rock hard feeling again, where I don't have to flex to be solid. My first weigh in 14 days ago was at 188. Now I am wei***ng in between 195 and 197. Some is water weight, but the 20 mg's of nolvadex/day is helping with that. My strength is getting up there too. My workouts are getting more intense every session and my energy is great.

    Lets talk about the HGH. Me thinks I am really going to like this stuff. Being awake now is a pleasure. Everything seems so much more clear. Maybe because I am sleeping better than I ever have in my entire life. By day 3 I noticed that by 4pm I was very sleepy and would easily fall asleep on the couch, or would go to my bed to lay down. I've never been one to take naps, ever. But an hour of sleep would do me wonders. Now on day 8 that feeling of mid afternoon drowsiness is still there a little, but it is going away. rather, when it is time to go to bed I hit the pillow and am dreaming within 15 minutes. I stay dreaming untill 6am when I wake up. I then get up, make a protien shake and a bowl of oatmeal, pop my 2 iu's, check to see where my stocks are and the direction the market is going, then nap untill about 9 am. everytime I fall asleep I am dreaming. Vivid dreams about interesting stuff. I don't know where my mind is coming up with this stuff. Say there is a doctor in my dream, well that doctor is going to be saying crazy doctor stuff that a brain surgeon would say. Things I don't even know, but are probably real. These dreams are great and are very vivid. Best of all, they are constant. I am very groggy between 6am-9am, but once I get up things are so clear and my energy is wonderfull. I am looking forward to this and get more motivated everyday. Since that irrational market day wednesday my stocks have more than recovered and I am now in the green big time with them. My roomate moved out and I got another one who is studying to be a doctor. He is fascinated with what I am doing and is an encyclopedia of info. He is even making charts and graphs of my progress, blood levels and is interested in homebrewing. He has convinced me to add insulin to this cycle, and my place is now cleaner that it has ever been. Life is good bro's.
    Last edited by GoingPro; 05-07-2007 at 08:02 PM.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2007
    Just got back from the a good shoulder workout and took my first shot of slin. 4 iu's and will work my way up to 10. Will only take the slin PWO with a protien shake and oatmeal right away. An hour later I will eat a ton of chicken or tuna. No fat after the slin shot. I am injecting it IM to cut the slins active time down to 6 hours. Humalin-R is the stuff I am taking. It was weird walking up to the pharmacy counter and telling them I want Insulin. No questions asked. Good stuff.
    Last edited by GoingPro; 04-29-2007 at 01:24 PM.

  9. #9
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    No malto or dextrose after your slin injection?

  10. #10
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    Apr 2007
    I put some maple syrup in my oatmeal, and will up the dextros when I start getting up there above 5 iu's. There is also a little sugar in my protien shake. I have candy's standing by in case I start going hypo, and my roomate, who is a med student, is keeping a close watch on me making sure I am eating proper.
    Last edited by GoingPro; 04-29-2007 at 01:26 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    I don't eat the stuff myself cos I can't stand the smell but doesn't tuna have a high fat content? - healthy fats admittedly, but still unsuitable while slin is active surely?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoingPro
    I put some maple syrup in my oatmeal, and will up the dextros when I start getting up there above 5 iu's. There is also a little sugar in my protien shake. I have candy's standing by in case I start going hypo, and my roomate, who is a med student, is keeping a close watch on me making sure I am eating proper.
    Oh ok. I use 10iu's of Humalog and then immediately after I take 80 grams of pure dextrose mixed with cranberry juice cause the shit is so sweet. Then about 15 minutes later my protein mixed with some oatmeal and natural PB. I keep a bottle of glucose tabs from the pharmacy close by just in case I go hypo. You should really get yourself some Humalog. It's so much easier to deal with.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2007
    I wish I could get some humalog bro. But beggers can't be choosers. I do inject the humalin IM so it cuts its effective time to somewhere around 6 hours. But it shold be shuttling all those nutrients to where they belong.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    I don't eat the stuff myself cos I can't stand the smell but doesn't tuna have a high fat content? - healthy fats admittedly, but still unsuitable while slin is active surely?
    Yes it does, a very limited amount. You have to eat clean but good luck finding high protien foods to mow on that contain no fat. Kind of have to take the lesser of all evils. Maybe someone who has alot of experince with slin could post some great things to eat for the hours after a slin injection. Would be much appreciated.

  15. #15
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    Chicken, chicken and oh yeah...chicken.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    End of week three and all is well. I've gone from 188 (85kg's) to 201 (91 kg's) pounds. 13 pounds in 3 weeks isn't bad. So far I've taken 1750 mg's of test, 1050 mg's of deca, and 26.5 iu's of HGH. No crazy sides to report from anything really. Ive got a grip on my short temper from the test. I do get pissed over little things and sometimes want to smash something, but it isn't that bad.

    I'm still sleeping like a baby from the HGH and my dreams sure are weird. All night long I am dreaming, from the moment I fall asleep untill I wake up. The T3 got me over the wanting to take naps, even when I bumped up to 2.5 iu's a day. I bumped up to 3 iu's a few days ago and kind of wanted to nap. Tomorrow I go up to 75mcgs of T3. I got my first real side from the HGH. My right wrist got swollen and sore for a few days. Felt like it was bruised on the inside. At first I thought I hit or something, but after a few days it didn't get better, it got worse. Dawned on me that it was the HGH. Interestingly it went away after I did shoulders. Hurt to do the shoulder press, but it was almost like the pressure on my wrist released the pain. It's been fine since. Going to stick with 3 iu's and work my up to 5 where I'll stay for the forseeable future.

    I did my first injection of tren today. 50mg's of the stuff. Wasn't going to start till next week, but was reading alot of posts of guys who like to start it on week 3. So week 3 it is. No sides to report yet, but I'm sure they are coming.

    My strength is increasing everyday by a good margin and my muscles are hardening up nicely. I'm burning fat at a noticable pace and my diet is spot on. I'm eating nothing but lean meats, protien shakes, oatmeal, Bran flakes, and sweet potatoes. I haven't cheated once. Not a drop of alchohol, chocolate or anything. Haven't really even craved anything.

    The insulin is going smoothly too. Although I got my first taste of what hypo is like yesterday. Ws totally my fault. I did everything right, except got into a ballgame and waited a half hour too long to eat dinner. Got really hot and flushed, my heart rate increased and was a little shaky. Had a half a glass of OJ and cooked my chicken and a sweet potatoe. Smooth sailing from there on out. Glad it happened so I know what it is like now. I'm up to 10 iu's PWO.

    I started running for 30 minutes before every workout this week but I'm going to cut it back to 3 times a week. Everyday is too much cardio for now. Maybe if I get too bulky I will up it. But I can tell 5 times a week is too much. Especially since I play soccer on Sunday's now.
    Last edited by GoingPro; 05-05-2007 at 09:41 PM.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    Oh ok. I use 10iu's of Humalog and then immediately after I take 80 grams of pure dextrose mixed with cranberry juice cause the shit is so sweet. Then about 15 minutes later my protein mixed with some oatmeal and natural PB. I keep a bottle of glucose tabs from the pharmacy close by just in case I go hypo. You should really get yourself some Humalog. It's so much easier to deal with.
    Maybe I am wrong, but aren't you supposed to be avoiding fats of any kind after a slin shot?

  18. #18
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    Maybe I am wrong, but aren't you supposed to be avoiding fats of any kind after a slin shot?
    You are right, but I don't see much fat that he is eating. Maybe from the natty PB, but it can't be that much. I mean, look at his pic, he's doing something right. But you should avoid as much fat as possible for the entire life of the insulin shot.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    That's what I mean, natty PB is high in fat, it's good fat, but still, why take that pwo in conjunction with a slin shot?

  20. #20
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    Apr 2007
    Just finished week four with a bang. Exactly 4 weeks ago I weighed 185 pounds and was 16.3% body fat. Today I weighed in at 203 pounds and 13.1% bodyfat. I am very pleased with this progress and things are going as I anticipated, although I did not expect to shred that much fat off.

    I started the tren 7 days ago and have been doing 50 mg's ED. Wow, what else can I say. Some things I have noticed: A big increase in aggression. I already have a short fuse, but this stuff makes me want to hurt people for silly little things. Like when I am walking towards a machine or a weight set in the gym and some dude just beats me to it. This has been making me want to kill. Lukily I can maintain control and I take the aggression out on my next set. I am lucky I own a motorcycle because my road rage would be unmanagable. The bike lets me do what I want when I want. By day 5 I was tossing previously difficult weight around like it is nothing. Besides the increase in aggression I am experiencing no real negative side effects. No night sweats, no tren cough, no nothing. The only thing I experince is a metalic taste in my mouth and my lungs burn a bit right after injection. It subsides after 5 minutes and is no biggie. My piss is a dark yellow and has a potent odor. If all continues to go well I will bump up to 75 mg's ED and go from there. My dreams are seriously weird now though. I mean weird, and it is a good thing I forget them about a half hour after I wake up. Disturbing weird.

    The Test E has now fully kicked in. Finally. Always have to patient with the test E. I am only doing 250 mg's every week of it along with 350 mg's of the super test. I am going to bump up 500 mg's every week of the test E and keep the super test at 350 mg's starting week 6. Why? Because I can. I expect between now and week 8 to have my best and most dramatic gains. I read all the time how people think test is such a weak compound and they only do it because it keeps their pecker hard, but I love the stuff. I mean, compared to the tren it is nothing, but I can't knock test at all. This tren is the bomb though, and I'm only on week one of it. My sex drive is through the roof. I can go at least 6 times a day at this point. That is not an exageration. My right forarm is getting huge and I need to learn how to become ambidexotrous. LOL.

    I am also going to bump the deca up from 300 mg's to 400 mg's per week. Deca is great, it keeps my joints so lubricated and feeling like a well oiled machine. I am having no problems at all from any of these AAS. No acne, no hairloss, no nothing. I can thank the no acne from tanning 3 times a week. Keeps the skin dry and healthy.

    I have been on 3 IU's of HGH for a week now and am bumping up to 4 next week. Steadily working my way to 5 IU's per day. Love the HGH, Sleep like a baby, energy levels so high, and have this amazing clear feeling all day long when I'm awake. My mood is enhanced and I'm loving life. GH for life.

    In 3 weeks I start the masteron E. I am excited for this one and may even start it a week early. I will take it as it comes.

    My diet is the best it has ever been. I am easily putting down 6,000 calories a day of nothing but clean white meats, lean red meats, eggs, protien shakes, oatmeal, and bran flakes. It is boring as hell but I don't care, it is just food. I have not cheated once. No alchohol, no chocolote, no sweets and no fast food. At this point, if I cheated I will feel like a piece of crap. It's not worth it.

    On a side note, my friend told me the other day that I was really hot and cold lately. He asked if I was on drugs. Like an idiot I confessed I was on the juice. So then I had to endure a few days about how I am destroying my body and am going to end up dead. Yeah, he's just another unimformed talking head lead by the media on the subject of AAS. I told him to shut the fukk up and do some homework before we talk about steroids. He told me countless athletes have died from roid use. I laughed at this and told him that there is not one piece of evidence out there that proves that is correct. Then I sent him this. This is an excellent watch and I suggest you all take 9 minutes to watch it. I promise you will enjoy it.

    The next time I see him I am going to bitch slap him so hard his eyeballs pop out of his head. One thing I know for sure, you don't mess with someone on roids unless you want to get hurt.

    Peace out bro's

    Last edited by GoingPro; 05-11-2007 at 10:45 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    Maybe I am wrong, but aren't you supposed to be avoiding fats of any kind after a slin shot?
    I've used insulin many times and getting fat has never really been an issue. Even at 36 I have a very fast metabolism.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    That's what I mean, natty PB is high in fat, it's good fat, but still, why take that pwo in conjunction with a slin shot?
    Again, I don't put on fat easily and we're only talking a couple tablespoon of PB and maybe a half cup oatmeal. Alot of times I don't get to eat all that I'd like during the day so the slin helps me counter any catabolism that may have occurred. Even now at 203lbs I'm having a hard time pinching skin around my a**omen for my GH inject.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I just cheated for the first time. I had two glasses of wine. I can feel the catabolism taking over. I am weak.

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