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Thread: a few questions about my sus cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.

    a few questions about my sus cycle.

    what needle should i use to inject sus? 22 or 23g? and if im doing it into my ass should i use a 1 1/2 inch or 1 inch needle? Also should i use a 1ml or 2ml barrel. Because the concentration of the solution is 250mg/ml, if i use a 1ml barrell will that mean the barrell will be full and the solution flow over the top of the barrell? Does it really matter?

    Also, planning to inject mon, wed, fri 250mg a go, hence 750mg a week. At Night before i go to bed after a shower, hence my injection site is clean. I will also take all the precautionary measures, alcohol swobs etc. Do you think that is the right time in the day, and the right days in the week to get the optimum release from sustanon?

    also planning to run an oral compound along side.

    Please Help!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Glasgow, Scotland
    You will find people will want to know alot more about your experience etc before giving proper advice. My thoughts are as follows:

    22g or 23g is fine for injecting Sus.
    1ml barrel is a nightmare so i would say try to get at least 2ml.
    Times/days of Sus injection seem fine, should be EOD but should do.

    My main concern is 750mg per week, it seems this is your first cycle, correct?

    Thats a heck of alot of Test per week for a first cycle, sides could be bad with that.

    What's your PCT? you taking AI or SERM on cycle as well?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by cubeclass
    You will find people will want to know alot more about your experience etc before giving proper advice. My thoughts are as follows:

    22g or 23g is fine for injecting Sus.
    1ml barrel is a nightmare so i would say try to get at least 2ml.
    Times/days of Sus injection seem fine, should be EOD but should do.

    My main concern is 750mg per week, it seems this is your first cycle, correct? i have 4 previous cycles. 3 x 25md/day dbol, 1 x 100mg/day anadrol. This is my first jab cycle though, yes.

    Thats a heck of alot of Test per week for a first cycle, sides could be bad with that. i have nolva, clomid on hand. My estrogenic sides with the a-drol cycle wernt that bad, so i think im one of those pople who are blessed with not having bad sides. My acnes not that bad because i use aquious solution and i tan too.

    What's your PCT? you taking AI or SERM on cycle as well?
    My PCT following the conclusion of my cycle is

    HCG (18 days after last sus shot) for 4 weeks a total of 7500iu's spaced out evenly.
    Clomid 100mg/day for 4 weeks, 50mg/day for 2 weeks after.
    Nolva 20mg day 6 weeks.

    I cant get hold of aromasin otherwise id jip the clomid off and do anthony roberts pct.

    replies in bold buddy.

    thanks for your help, please continue to do so.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Do not take HCG and Clomid together!!! You really dont need to take HCG since your cycle isnt that long.

    If I was doing it I would use a 25g needle with a 2 or 3ml plunger.

    Dont inject mon,wed,fri... just do it EOD and this is your first test cycle so I would stick with 500mg a week. So I would inject .6ml EOD= 525 a week
    Last edited by Consistency; 05-07-2007 at 08:13 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    Do not take HCG and Clomid together!!! You really dont need to take HCG since your cycle isnt that long.

    If I was doing it I would use a 25g needle with a 2 or 3ml plunger.

    Dont inject mon,wed,fri... just do it EOD and this is your first test cycle so I would stick with 500mg a week. So I would inject .6ml EOD= 525 a week
    i plan an 8 week sus/dbol cycle so i will need hcg, wont i?

    are u sure a 25g needle isnt too thin to inject with?

    i will use a 2ml barrell.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I've injected hundreds of times with a 25g needle using oils and hundreds of times with a 29g using igf and hcg. Using a 25g might take a couple seconds longer but it doesnt hurt near as bas as sticking a 22g nail in your butt

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    I've injected hundreds of times with a 25g needle using oils and hundreds of times with a 29g using igf and hcg. Using a 25g might take a couple seconds longer but it doesnt hurt near as bas as sticking a 22g nail in your butt
    thanks mate.

    any more views anyone?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Would personally inject 250mg every mon and thu for 10/12 weeks.

  9. #9
    22g or 23g 1.5" syringe for glutes and 25g 1" syringe for everywhere else. i use 3ml syringes. doesnt matter what time of day you shoot sus. it's supposed to be injected ed or eod. alot of people do m w f injections. some people do m/th injections at only 500mg/wk. that would be ok for a first cycle but you'll have unstable blood plasma levels and the prop in the sus would be going to waste. IMO sus is overrated. alotta people think its so special cause it has 4 different esters. sus is also too expensive. omna's are human grade too and the new ones are exactly the same as sus and they cost alot less.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    i hear where your coming from. But for me, my sus is cheap, its the same price as cypionate, enanthate, propionate and deca. And its the practicaility i like, as in theres no vials involved. As soon as ive finished one ampule, its away into a sharps box, no sanitising stoppers etc, its literally, break ampule, inject, and away with all materails used to get the solution into my body.

    So operationgetbig, you think i should use a 23g needle, but consistency thinks i should use a 25g needle?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    25g will be fine for injection, but I doubt you will be able to draw from the amp with it. Get some larger (18g) needles to use for drawing.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    im fixin to do my first cycle of sustanon also.... im going a 140 mg EOD for 10 weeks... using a 23 gauge... got 1" and 1-1/2 inches ... both because 1" for delts and pecs and 1 1/2 inch cuz glutes ... i'm using a 3ml barrel and i got arimidex for my AI taking it .25 mg ED through cycle... and am using HCG , nolva, and aromasin for my PCT... so we're pretty much the exact same her

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    good luck to you too buddy. with the correct diet, training and rest, i dont see why you cant reach your goals!

    When the sustanon sniffles kicks in, up your vit c. intake. Itl make u feel better.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    .....and watch out for acne!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    yeh i have nolva on hand, and letro can be ordered to arrive within 3-5 days.

    I use acquous (or however you spell it) solution for my skin and i use tanning too so normally my acne isnt that bad. I dont really get estrogenic sides that bad.

    Im more worried about the mood swings i will have!!! lol :-)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I find some vitamins and evening primrose oil help with the acne. Anyhow good luck with your cycle!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    yeh cheers mate.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    thx guys!

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