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Thread: Captain Dominate's Methyl Tri. MASS Log

  1. #481
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Back and shoulders went great was tough tho, i almost puked in the gym

    Back and shoulders

    pulldowns-4 sets 130/140/150/140x 10-12 reps
    1 arm row-1 set 90lbx10 reps
    barbell rows-135x10, 185x10, 205x8, 185x10
    behind the back pulldowns 2 sets-130x12 reps
    deadlift variation superset with close grip pulldowns

    laterals superset with arnold presses 4 sets 1 minute rests


  2. #482
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I think i wanna puke after reading that day in the gym hahaha. jesus man, killin it

  3. #483
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I think i wanna puke after reading that day in the gym hahaha. jesus man, killin it
    Haha yea man it was killer! next wk im gonna do some giant sets to step it up a bit and add some expresso todays lift lasted 50 mins for back/delts...


  4. #484
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Tomorrow im going to try and hit quads again, if i wake up and my hip is stiff and doesnt feel right then ill just hit hams and calves, either way im going to start going to a regular chiropractor to try and beat this hip injury..


  5. #485
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I hit hams and calves today..great lift real quick and intense...tested out the high stance leg press first time today too

    Hams--high leg press 6 plates 4 sets x20
    seated curl-140x15, dropset 120x12, dropset 80x10

    calves--seated calf raise superset with standing calve raise 6 setsx20 reps each

    current weight is 211lb a personal high for the last 2 years


  6. #486
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    211 @ how tall? 5'6? can you say MASSIVE?

  7. #487
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Haha 5'5 actually !!! thanks Kbiz


  8. #488
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    I hit hams and calves today..great lift real quick and intense...tested out the high stance leg press first time today too

    Hams--high leg press 6 plates 4 sets x20
    seated curl-140x15, dropset 120x12, dropset 80x10

    calves--seated calf raise superset with standing calve raise 6 setsx20 reps each

    current weight is 211lb a personal high for the last 2 years

    did you like the leg press? Did you get the feet high enough so your toes are slightly off the platform?

  9. #489
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Haha 5'5 actually !!! thanks Kbiz

    5'5'' on a good day! I think we measured you at 4'11' and 3/8ths

  10. #490
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    did you like the leg press? Did you get the feet high enough so your toes are slightly off the platform?
    Yea man, they were high up, im going to hit quads this wk to try again, if im out for a couple wks ill simply hit hams 2x per wk to try and bring em up...they worked great, i wasnt that sore the next day but this time im goin much heavier, i had to get the movement down first...i will have pics up this wk as i am closing out this cycle, thanks to all who have contributed!


  11. #491
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    lookin swole as hell man. you officially have no more neck. its all just traps

    Only critique i would say is work on your chest. but i have the same problem to. my chest hates me

  12. #492
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    lookin swole as hell man. you officially have no more neck. its all just traps

    Only critique i would say is work on your chest. but i have the same problem to. my chest hates me
    Haha thanks man thats the plan!

    yea man, even my delts which i think were my worst bodypart have caught up; which makes the chest look worse even tho ive improved it this cycle too...ill keep goin at it tho...


  13. #493
    DAMN!!! Thats what i like to see man!!! ARMS r ridiculous

  14. #494
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    DAMN!!! Thats what i like to see man!!! ARMS r ridiculous
    Haha thanks alot man! this was definitely a good run...


  15. #495
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if my back ever gets that big. i think i would try and fly

  16. #496
    lookin huge bro...back is sic

  17. #497
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks guys!


  18. #498
    You look small and fragile in your latest pics...things to work on for the future...back width, arms, and traps! But dont worry buddy, when you come up here this weekend we can train and I will help you get big again.

  19. #499
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    CD- if you were allowed to keep one or two back exercises and use them exclusively, which two do you believe yielded the best results? Obviously, it isn't deads (you do them on the smith right? Can you explain this variation to me really quickly, not sure I understand the movement...).........I love heavy dbell rows, think they did it? I was thinking of that GVT or OVT style of training where you just hit back with one movement for 10 reps, 10 dbell rows..

  20. #500
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    CD- if you were allowed to keep one or two back exercises and use them exclusively, which two do you believe yielded the best results? Obviously, it isn't deads (you do them on the smith right? Can you explain this variation to me really quickly, not sure I understand the movement...).........I love heavy dbell rows, think they did it? I was thinking of that GVT or OVT style of training where you just hit back with one movement for 10 reps, 10 dbell rows..
    Yes, deads wont build a back or TRAPS right dom? lol

  21. #501
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Great post CD! I just read through every page lol

    Looking great! You deserve it, you are one of the most down to earth guys on here as well as dedicated

  22. #502
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Great post CD! I just read through every page lol

    Looking great! You deserve it, you are one of the most down to earth guys on here as well as dedicated
    THanks man i appreciate that!


  23. #503
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    CD- if you were allowed to keep one or two back exercises and use them exclusively, which two do you believe yielded the best results? Obviously, it isn't deads (you do them on the smith right? Can you explain this variation to me really quickly, not sure I understand the movement...).........I love heavy dbell rows, think they did it? I was thinking of that GVT or OVT style of training where you just hit back with one movement for 10 reps, 10 dbell rows..
    Dude im sorry but this makes no sense, i consider all movements mass builders so really it doesnt matter, hell ive even started a back workout with seated it all ***ends on how u work the muscle during each lift rather than be concerned with weight lifted...


  24. #504
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well i basically have 6 days left its been a great run, ive definitely reached my goals for this cycle and even went beyond what i thought i would achive; thanks guys for all the positive critique and comments and to those who helped design this are some small notes...

    starting weight 196lb
    ending weight 212lb

    winstrol<anavar winny had greater fatloss but var destroyed winny vs strength and vascularity..both are good tho...

    eq was in fact a good addition and i must say it contributed to a good portion of LBM gained on this cycle

    MT--it was great for strength and fatloss but not worth it for me and it really cut down my appetite and thats the most important factor for me in a bulking cycle

    im out guys...thanks for keeping me motivated

    i have at least one more good bulker then i will go for a title in late 2007 or summer 2008

  25. #505
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Well i basically have 6 days left its been a great run, ive definitely reached my goals for this cycle and even went beyond what i thought i would achive; thanks guys for all the positive critique and comments and to those who helped design this are some small notes...

    starting weight 196lb
    ending weight 212lb

    winstrol<anavar winny had greater fatloss but var destroyed winny vs strength and vascularity..both are good tho...

    eq was in fact a good addition and i must say it contributed to a good portion of LBM gained on this cycle

    MT--it was great for strength and fatloss but not worth it for me and it really cut down my appetite and thats the most important factor for me in a bulking cycle

    im out guys...thanks for keeping me motivated

    i have at least one more good bulker then i will go for a title in late 2007 or summer 2008CD
    You stealing it from cutler this year?

    I must say; great log bro, and great cycle. 16lb's is a great weight gain, now lets make sure we keep it all.

    But...this log really has been insperational to me and im sure MANY others on this forum. Keep up the great work.

  26. #506
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You stealing it from cutler this year?

    I must say; great log bro, and great cycle. 16lb's is a great weight gain, now lets make sure we keep it all.

    But...this log really has been insperational to me and im sure MANY others on this forum. Keep up the great work.
    Thanks Kbiz...yea i plan on keeping calories high so hopefully i can keep most of it


  27. #507
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Thanks Kbiz...yea i plan on keeping calories high so hopefully i can keep most of it

    Nice frakin' log bro........seriously..........So many days I wish I was 5'4 as you guys look so mjuch more massive then us tall skinny bastards......I need 100lbs extra just to look you did well buddy.....good luck.

  28. #508
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    but you did well buddy.....good luck.
    THanks again man, i wish i was taller tho, cuz then i could shoot for 280


  29. #509
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    THanks again man, i wish i was taller tho, cuz then i could shoot for 280

    im 280

  30. #510
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Great job.

    Fantastic log CD!

    You worked hard and it paid off. As you already know you're thick as hell and with your dedication and discipline i'm sure you will win your next comp. Who knows a couple more years and you may have a pro card.

    Good luck in all of your future goals.

  31. #511
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    THanks again man, i wish i was taller tho, cuz then i could shoot for 280

    yeah...Im too tall to be a pro though and you may be too short, but it can still be a fantasticlly great hobby.............

  32. #512
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    yeah...Im too tall to be a pro though and you may be too short, but it can still be a fantasticlly great hobby.............
    What? Columbus you aren't turning pro now?

  33. #513
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Fantastic log CD!

    You worked hard and it paid off. As you already know you're thick as hell and with your dedication and discipline i'm sure you will win your next comp. Who knows a couple more years and you may have a pro card.

    Good luck in all of your future goals
    Thanks alot Titleist!..yea man theres only one way to find out, i got work to do...


  34. #514
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    You can hit 280 CMON! hahaa. I dont even wanna no what u would look like at 280... ronnie? haha

    everyone keeps saying "great log" are you finishing up this log or somthing? did i miss somthing?

    so I guess +10 for a great log

  35. #515
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You can hit 280 CMON! hahaa. I dont even wanna no what u would look like at 280... ronnie? haha

    everyone keeps saying "great log" are you finishing up this log or somthing? did i miss somthing?

    so I guess +10 for a great log

    yea man, my log has officially been completed

    thanks for the rating too!! haha, on a good note, i hit legs hard yesterday and it looks like the nagging hip injury has healed yay! regardless ill be going to a chiropractor tomorrow for prevention still eating like mad and clean cycle will be in a couple months, still trying to figure out my next comp but a majority is leaning towards summer 2008, i really want to make sure that im fully ready to go for a win, or at least be considered for the in that time i just need to bring a couple things up, everythings on track tho, just need some minor adjustments here and there..itl all come in time


  36. #516
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate

    yea man, my log has officially been completed

    thanks for the rating too!! haha, on a good note, i hit legs hard yesterday and it looks like the nagging hip injury has healed yay! regardless ill be going to a chiropractor tomorrow for prevention still eating like mad and clean cycle will be in a couple months, still trying to figure out my next comp but a majority is leaning towards summer 2008, i really want to make sure that im fully ready to go for a win, or at least be considered for the in that time i just need to bring a couple things up, everythings on track tho, just need some minor adjustments here and there..itl all come in time

    Noooo it cant be over haha.

    The win for you in 08 is in the bag bro. get down to that nice real low bf% and theres no stopping you. goodluck with everything.

  37. #517
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    The win for you in 08 is in the bag bro. get down to that nice real low bf% and theres no stopping you. goodluck with everything.
    Thanks alot Kbiz!!!! 08 is the first time ill be working with a nutritionist so good things should happen...later man


  38. #518
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate

    yea man, my log has officially been completed

    thanks for the rating too!! haha, on a good note, i hit legs hard yesterday and it looks like the nagging hip injury has healed yay! regardless ill be going to a chiropractor tomorrow for prevention still eating like mad and clean cycle will be in a couple months, still trying to figure out my next comp but a majority is leaning towards summer 2008, i really want to make sure that im fully ready to go for a win, or at least be considered for the in that time i just need to bring a couple things up, everythings on track tho, just need some minor adjustments here and there..itl all come in time

    CD - quickie...when do you finish eating? What are yur last two meals? Do you eat all through the night?

  39. #519
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Ive posted my diet numerous times on here, please dont haunt my thread with questions that have already been addressed..thanks


  40. #520
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    hey cd,
    i know im late, but i just read through this log, congratulations on the results and thanks for sharing your experience, i found it very imformative!


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