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Using a weight scale is actually very inaccurate when you are trying to measure fat loss during a cycle. You need to invest in a caliper to measure body fat or if not, a measuring tape to measure your waist. Other than that, use a mirror to see your progress. Don't worry what the scale says...water fluctuations can have you yo-yoing up and down 2-4lbs week to week...use the scale sparingly, once a week, same day same time (for example every monday morning) to get the most consistent read-out.
secondly, don't try to "hasten" fat loss bro...losing more than 2lbs of fat per week is unwise because u would be sacrificing muscle as well...slow and steady is the name of the game! As long as you eat clean, do regular cardio and cut at a healthy 2600-2800 kcal range (for your stats), you should be gold.
Post your diet plan so we all can help u tweak it... we're here to help (include meal to meal breakdown, macros and stats)