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Thread: PGCL protocol

  1. #81
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    welp i been real busy but i must say i absolutly LOVE the stuff! absolutly phanominal!

    so far what i have found that works best for me is.
    2hrs after last meal before bed i take about 180-200mcg
    i would put 20mcg in all the muscles i wanted to grow lol
    so i would do like bi's tri's becs (did hams a few times).

    2nd administration was in the morning 2hrs before im suppose to wake up. i set the alarm to go off wake up shoot like 40mcg in the muscles i would be training that day and then go back to sleep .. say if its chest i would do 40mcg each pec and 20mcg each tri or something to that extent.

    as for fat loss.. meh i get more from DNP.
    but again i put over half an inch on my arms in 4 days and its not inflamation or pain swelling at all infact they are harder veiner and more full and i noticed str gains as well which was completely unexpected.

  2. #82
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  3. #83
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hey Tai!

    Great Thread!

    Hows the PGCL working on your Gyno?

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by jk486994
    Hey Tai!

    Great Thread!

    Hows the PGCL working on your Gyno?
    for gyno .. not doing jack diddly

    ok im going to throw out some lil faqs here on this shit

    1. its really hard to eat and maintain proper nutrtion, i suggest buying vitamin water lol sounds lame but the tabs and caps aint going to stay in you or get proper break down, even on one administration of pgcl for the day it seemed like for 8hrs after the shot all my meals were poorly absorbed.. so tang+vitamin water+green tea(4servings) is mandatory for survival

    2. DO NOT consume fatty foods w/ this shit! i mean try to avoid all fats if possible for the most part. peanut butter is just DEATH waiting to happen!

    i would get my fat from avacados on my turkey wraps thats bout it and i consumed that about 7hrs after my am shot.

    meats and other hard to digest proteins are not ideal either and shakes are just going to be vommitted up if u take in too much or dont time it right.

    so what did i rely on? Eggwhites are MANDATORY and must be coooked! u need that protein u need it solid and u need it fast! the occasional fat free cottage cheese was helpful but casein is difficult to utilized effectively when ur digestive capabilities are impaired.

    whey was only post workout and ONLY 20g! and i mixed it w/ my cream of wheat for my pwo meal along w/ 6eggwhites. i would do chickn or tuna mid day but i could tell it wasnt getting all utilized.

    3. SubQ is rather pointless imo, as i saw NO localized fat loss, and no reduction in gyno (dont know bout gyno for sure yet as my gyno injection sites are still puffy and bruised and a lil HARD like a spider bit me but w/o the red itchyness. Also the subQ made the sides LAST so LONG.. not the gut wrenching part but like it greatly increased indigestion and nasua so it was hard to incorp ample fluids.

    (im on painkillers for neck sorry if im typing in cicrcles or hard to fallow)

    4. High fiber and NUTS are not going to be wise choice either. fiber just makes shit worse and cramps even more intense. basically u are going to snack during the day and get bout 1 maybe 2 GOOD meals, i suggest u use those meals to get all the EFA's and Monounsats that u can swallow, since fats arent readily as digestested as starches.

    5. carbonated beverages LOL dont even THINK bout going there... try it and u will find out (around 4th day my stomache was always agitated even if it was 8 hrs past last administration.. so fuzzy drinks are BAD.. so are the fizzy ones! learn to take your tums or rolaids are wat ever those minty flavored antacids.

    6. i suggest u get on some aas w/ this stuff as the decrease in caloric intake/absorbtion is going to be so low u need a way to fight the incomming catabolic effects in the muscles that will not be hit pgcl.

    7. it only takes 20mcg per muscle head to notice increase growth and hardness and the pumps are SO UNREAL i would buy it alone for that property. i also felt extremely lethargic when i would start my training sessions but if i was able to make it through the initial 20min of "Ugh" i had AMAZING workouts and loookd so BIG! even though i was dropping bf by the lbs (not eating will do that you know)

    8. some of the injection locations would get itchy on the outside and look like spider bites w/o the hardness .. but no other issues occured and they would subside in 3-4days

    1.5hrs before an injection i would take pretty large amount of muscle relaxers for my neck (doc gave them to me to help me sleep w/o waking up w/ headaches that were induced from my neck and fuxd up jaw from years of boxing. it seemed that the muscle relaxers decreased the cramping significantly and the benedryl is my sleep aid since im adhd and cant take conventinoal sleepaids (they wire me LOL)

    10. alot of the effects seem systemic and even though the increase size str is localized, the pumps and vascularity were alll over. i was getting great pumps in my chest before i ever administered the pgcl there.

    hope this helps will come back when i become more coherent

  5. #85
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Great post, and log, lets stick this for now, i know there are a lot of people following this log and progress..

    Good Job..
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  6. #86
    Im going to agree...sub-q is no big deal...I wouldn't recommend it. I haven't noticed any localized fat loss.

    Tai are you getting the gut feeling where it feels like the you been punched in the stomach and wind knocked out.

  7. #87
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyEight
    Im going to agree...sub-q is no big deal...I wouldn't recommend it. I haven't noticed any localized fat loss.

    Tai are you getting the gut feeling where it feels like the you been punched in the stomach and wind knocked out.
    more like someone stuck a motorized egg beater in my intestines and turned in on full blast.. uncanny and the pain seems to become motile and traverse up to my stomache creating nice heartburn.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    good log mate, has me tempted but the sides seem pretty harsh!! Dont know if MY OCD could cope if i missed a meal!!

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    more like someone stuck a motorized egg beater in my intestines and turned in on full blast.. uncanny and the pain seems to become motile and traverse up to my stomache creating nice heartburn.
    Tai, have you noticed any changes in how deep you sleep? In the morning I feel like I have taken a sleeping pill (tougher to get up). Also when I go to bed (about 2 hours after 50mcg), I am at first freezing, then after about 30 minutes, I am burning up and seem to be radiating heat throughout the bed. Are you noticing similar effects at night?

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    This stuff sounds great!!! Can't wait to try it. I have 10 amps ready to go. At the end of this cycle I will give em a whirl.

    Tai, just for clarification, you mixed with BA, correct? How long would this be good for after it's been reconstituted?

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    6'4" 240 and bulking
    no you mix with water, pm me if you need help

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    This stuff sounds great!!! Can't wait to try it. I have 10 amps ready to go. At the end of this cycle I will give em a whirl.

    Tai, just for clarification, you mixed with BA, correct? How long would this be good for after it's been reconstituted?
    Just BSwater bro.

  13. #93
    I am starting PGCL myself in a few days - I have some ideas on how to use supplements to make it more managable but it is long and most people don't bother reading it. I can post my own log too if anyone likes...

    Oh and by the way - Hi, everyone. This is my first post here but I've been on boards since old school elite over 9 years ago in one for or another.

  14. #94
    Hey there I talked with tai and I'm adding my experience with PGCL here as well.
    My first injection was sunday May 12 th 1:00Am in the morning. Due to events in my personal life I had no choice but to start this late.
    On the amps and cracking them successfully.
    In the past I've cut myself opening amps and absolutely hated them. This time around
    I first used my gerber multi tool. It has a Remgrit GJ-4 all purpose cutting 'blade'.
    With very light pressure I scored the amp with this blade by running it back and forth multiple times.
    Then I carefully wrapped the base of the amp in cloth and held it with my left hand. I held it in place did not squeeze it.
    Using another piece of cloth I wrapped the head and applied pressure with my right hand thumb closer to the top of the amp.
    Miraculously i had a clean break.

    I added enough BW to dissolves the powder in the amp and and transferred it to the vial adding enough BW so 10iu on a slin pin = 25mcg.
    I did bilateral tricep shots that evening of 25mcg. i decided to start low and work my way up as I became familiar with the sides.
    I hadn't eaten in about 2 and half hours prior to the injection. the injections were painless.
    I started to note relatively mild stimulation of intestines and a**omen probably within 10-15 minutes. i was laying down and am I deep breather- meaning my a**omen rises and falls with my breath. I did start to notice more resitance to the movement of my diaphram. I did take benadryll and a muscle relaxant about half an hour prior to the injections.

    About half an hour to forty-five minutes after the injections i got some serious squirts. I made the mistake of taking my first shots very late at night - about 1:00AM I was pretty much still up when my alarm clock went off for my pre wake up shots. I did 25mcg bilaterally in my forearms. i felt the same movement of the GI but didn;t have the squirts as my pipeline was empty. I was able to sip some coffee and keep it down. I got a couple hours of sleep as it was sunday and I could sleep in late. I was a little apprehensive about eating two hours later and started with some fruit. It all passed without incident and started to tackle some heavier foods after about half an hour. Just from these two small shots I noticed an increase in vascularity and looked a little harder. I was toying with the idea of running low dose DNP along with the PGCL and AAS I'm on. I took one capsule @ 250mg. I had just finished a heavy run with DNP five days earlier and was not ready for another heavy run - not even sure I wanted to do a light run. Cardio was fine that morning. In the evening I did I little more cardio - 20 minutes - slow pace stairclimber for fat burning and then hit my back. As I was still recovering from my previous DNP cycle the added 250mcg hurt my endurance and energy levels while lifting. I think I'll save the combo for another cycle as my lifting really sucked during my DNP cycle and I need my lifting as an outlet and i can't have to many weeks of bad time in the gym. I think the PGCL made me looked a little more cut and improved vascularity.

    Second day I upped the dose to to about ~40mcg and shoot both biceps in the evening and forearms in the morning. That night I had eaten some Peanut butter
    as well as turkey. The effect was that it slowed down the GI tract. The shits lasted much longer I got up , cleaned up, and went back to bed several times just to turn around and head back to the can. The morning shots were in the forearms again and were easily tolerated as my GI tract was empty. No DNP that day - I'll put it off of another run. I did shoulders that night. Felt okay in the gym.

    Third evening - Missed my shot ! I fell asleep while waiting for my last meal to go down before taking a shot. Took my morning shot - nothing special to report. The shits were relatively short as most of the food in my GI tract had moved pretty far south during the night.I plan on taking a shot in the middle of the day to make up for the one I missed last night. Continued improvement in vascularity.
    Last edited by jagdpanther; 05-15-2007 at 07:41 PM.

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    when reading this thread, im almost convinced that the results are quite the same as pgf2..but from the doses you guys take you just need less...

    pgf also give me all the sides u mentioned...personally i really like pgf, just don;t inject into your bloodstream...then u get a trencough times 10..

    so for me it's very stop pgcl

  16. #96
    Guess I'll walk anyone who is scared of trying or wondering what the experience has been like through my first shot. I was scared a bit but here is what the first 1:20 after my first shot have been like so far.

    At 7:20 - shot 31mcg into each upper pec.

    20 minutes later felt a grumble in my intestines nothing bad, then started feeling what I can only call intense hunger.

    By 25 minutes this intense hunger was baaaaad, like when you feel so hungry you are going to vomit. I took some multi symptom maylox and tried to ride it out.

    About 30 minute in my intesines are making more noise but it doesn't hurt, just like they are moving a bit but no pain but wow cant say the same for my stomach.

    40 minutes in HUNGRY, feeling like going to vomit all in upper stomach - Intestine are making a racket but no pain.

    45 minutes in - same stomach stuff, hold back vomit.

    50 minutes - feel like I finally have lost the battle, run to the bathrrom to dry heave but never end up needing to. Take a normal bathroom movement, nothing odd besides it is a bit more solid (wierd)

    60 minutes - Break down, I hope this stomach thing is just hunger from not eating all night - Go and get an apple (a huge one)

    65 minutes - Sitting here slowly eating this apple, not sure if it is helping yet.

    80 minutes - Apple killed the hunger but now there is some digestive "pressure" nothing bad but I can tell that I ate something a bit more than normal. I guess the hunger really was just from overnight fasting.

    Overall it was not so bad... now lets see what the next shot is like in a non-fasted state.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    welp after my 8 day run of pgcl i took 7 days off and i started again this morning.
    im going to be shooting 4 muscle headss AM and 4 muscle heads PM w/ 30mcg per head. alternating bi's tri's and pecs (pecs are for hopeful localized fat loss potential as my gyno seems SMALLER but not gone)
    will try to keep everyone up today

    and thanks jagdpanther for chiming in

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    omg i dont know how you guys do it, Arent you tired form lack of sleep?

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    omg i dont know how you guys do it, Arent you tired form lack of sleep?
    Honestly so far I see no reason to lose sleep besides hugner for fear of getting the runs. I have done 3 60mcg rounds of shots (180 total) so far today and have take 3 fewer bathroom trips than normal.

  20. #100
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    omg i dont know how you guys do it, Arent you tired form lack of sleep?
    trensomnia is killing me more than the pgcl

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Did my first shots this morning on an empty stomach. 50mcg into each bicep. Had a lot of gas, then vomited in the trash can. All I can say so far is this is fun.

  22. #102
    Is it possible my batch is not legit ha...? Seriously all it feels like is hunger and indigestion. Actually I have gone to the bathrrom LESS than normal. I have done half an amp today slit between 4 rounds of 31.25 each shot done twice bilarerally... I should shut up and count my blessings and just dela with my hunger pangs while everyone else goes the bathroom and worse haha

  23. #103
    Join Date
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    Look behind you.
    Everyone's going to react different. I'd consider yourself lucky. I'm dropping the dosage down to 60mcg tonight instead of 100mcg. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully no vomiting.

  24. #104
    maybe its not just luck... let me share what I've done to control it...

    First off - Chicken = GAS!!!

    Mylanta Multi Syptom liquid is a mice addition

    I Slowly sip a warm vitamin water after shots

    I Eat something light 20 minutes after a shot - Apple or fruit or soup

    One cup low fat plain yogurt with pinapple and spelnda makes a healthy easy to eat and tasty meal

    I've kept all shooting sessions to 62mcg total

    This is just my first day but we will see how it goes - So far just the gas and hunger like indigestion but to be honest I am use to that like 80% of the time anyway just not quit as bad as now.

  25. #105
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Did my first shots this morning on an empty stomach. 50mcg into each bicep. Had a lot of gas, then vomited in the trash can. All I can say so far is this is fun.
    sweet make sure u got less fluids in u and then take 2tsp of maylox 30min before shots


  26. #106
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    welp last night was a total BUST.
    i did NOT take my benedryl.
    i took my shot bout 1.5hrs later than usual and isntead of 2hrs of "BLISS" i was shitting my brains out till 4am! did 6 sites inner bi's, outter tri's and upper pecs. 20mcg per head cept 40 in left bi hed (its got issues since birth )
    anyways i have shot MUCH more than this dosage and never had this length of shits, and i had 0 food in my stomache as well which was quite ... odd.
    since i didnt get but 30min of sleep (yet i still feel fine and full of piss and viniger) im going to drink my tang/vitaminwater/greentea and then go do cardio and see wat happens.

    if i vommit i will forgo my next shot and sleep all day, if cardio goes well ima wash rinse and repeat my previous shot protocol but swapping heads on bi's tri's

  27. #107
    WOW guys I must be a freak... I lterally CANT go the bathrrom since starting this stuff. I went for 6 times a day to 1-2 and now it feels like I'll never go again. I am going to the store to get a laxative right now.

  28. #108
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    toilet paper has to feel like sand paper on your ass after all the time you spend in the bathroom...PGCL sounds interesting, just not sure I can deal with those sides..I'd probably have to take a week off from work if I ran it!

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    baby wipes are my bestest friend in the whole wide world!

  30. #110
    I'm putting down cottage cheese with peanut butter and protein powder and still not going the bathroom. Tomorrow I am getting back fully on my normal diet and acting like the PGCL isnt even there. My final move will be exlax if normal diet doesn't work... I was hoping PGCL would clear me out to be honest but it's done the exact opposite.

  31. #111
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    lol im not telling :D
    dont know wat to tell ya mr. goon but i shit me brains out on this stuff NON stop anywhere from 2-4hrs worth of shittin. ><

    tonight i feeling kinda self destructive w/ the whole break up and stuff so i like hey lets just do 225mcg
    did a total of 4 bi' heads 4 tri heads and uper pecs..
    did this after waiting 2.5hrs after my last meal, which was a huge chickn wrap thing w/ avacado and lil bit of sour cream/picante (my pwo meal)

    the sides arent that bad... not like they were when i was mixing subQ and IM shots im going pretty much every 20min on the dot though which is annoying but the cramps are just the normal gut wrenching cramps and very lil nasua which is NOT wat i expected so im happy w/ that. i can already see vasculairty and fullness in my upper pects and lower inner bi heads after just 2-3 administrations... very nice

  32. #112
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    lol im not telling :D
    NEAT after running the 220+mcg administration the 2 future goes w/ it that were around 120-140.. were not as bad as usual, it was like the body expected to shit out an intestine like it did w/ the 220+dose, over compensated and really wasnt much of anything.. some painful cramps.. couple poo's and i was gold

    but man i must say the size increase and vascularity are so worth the sides! its still so unreal after being back on for only a few days people are already commenting on me looking TIGHTER.. very nice indead

  33. #113
    Join Date
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    usa/east coast
    does the size stay after stopping the drug or is it only there while on ?

  34. #114
    I am not getting vascularity or tighter, just fat loss. Almost like a stronger fat burner and mostly around the mid section. This isn't a problem but just saying, this stuff seems to have totally unique effects on me.

  35. #115
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    lol im not telling :D
    just did 250mcg and wow it was pretty ruff but sides were short lived or .. so far they seem like they are over.

    did 25mcg each bi head and then 2heads on each tri plus upper pecs

    so far so good the gains are AMAZING to say the leasts.

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Thanks for the log mate...Your a diamond for sharing this!!! This gets me so hard it turns me on,10 times more anabolic to muscle than Long-R3 IGF-1 and totally resistant to liver destruction. Oh, and burns fat almost as well as DNP (remember the rash tai!!) few days on it is like being 6 months on hgh at high doses ! ( actual testimony from user ) 50x stronger then PGF2 ! Lose fat like DNP ! Build muscle like steroid ! Pumps muscles like IGF ! Shed bloat like Lasix ! site growth like Synthol ! get shreded like you are on Halo , all in one shot and in RECORD TIME ! transform body before your eyes , shoot it into GYNO and it will melt it away , no need to cycle it and its not controled drug either,tai will get his dream of 300 at 4%.Not fair....
    I yust got water in my mouth...

    Tai-Will there be any bf and after pics?

  37. #117
    TAI -

    Any reaosn you do such large doses?

    I do 250mcg a day but never more than 60mcg at a time and usually just 30mcg a time. The only time I got even a little side effects is when I did 90mcg at once. I am just confused why there is a need to do so much at once and make yourself get these sides when you can just spread it out, not get sides AND potentially have it active in your system for a higher percentage of the day.

  38. #118
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by goonstopher
    TAI -

    Any reaosn you do such large doses?

    I do 250mcg a day but never more than 60mcg at a time and usually just 30mcg a time. The only time I got even a little side effects is when I did 90mcg at once. I am just confused why there is a need to do so much at once and make yourself get these sides when you can just spread it out, not get sides AND potentially have it active in your system for a higher percentage of the day.
    60 mcg still makes me feel like crap, WHY do i do such high doses, its simple curiosity. the only times i have availible are very late night and early morning to use this stuff otherwise it hinders my diet and training to much even at 40mcg per administration.

  39. #119
    Sounds good, personally I can do anything under 90mcg and get no sides meaning my 60 and 30mcg shots do nothing to my stomach BUT this shit makes my a hole hurt like hell - No explanation why its just wierd and thats the only side I get.

  40. #120
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by goonstopher
    Sounds good, personally I can do anything under 90mcg and get no sides meaning my 60 and 30mcg shots do nothing to my stomach BUT this shit makes my a hole hurt like hell - No explanation why its just wierd and thats the only side I get.
    yeah 40mcg DESTROYS my appetite kuz my stomache goes in knots, not PAINFUL just wow seriously dont feel like eating, type of knots. my friend is getting the same side u are. at bout the same doses, says his lil ass/asshole are hurting so bad he kant sleep LOL beats me i have no idea.

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