I thought you said you weren't a mod?Originally Posted by Carlos_E
I thought you said you weren't a mod?Originally Posted by Carlos_E
WranglersOriginally Posted by Carlos_E
you call me backwards! What decade are you living in!
There is a difference between mod and admin. Mods/Hall of Famers can edit and delete posts. Gsxxr, Me, and 2-3 others have powers to edit and delete when the admins are not here. The admins however can do everything including suspend and ban. Something we cannot do.Originally Posted by Act of God
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
What kind of American are you that you don't buy American products? You are whats wrong with this country.Originally Posted by kfrost06
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
Genes ...but hey whatever turns your head i guess..Originally Posted by Carlos_E
Originally Posted by ftony
Thank you for defending all those innocent kids that are being swarmed by the "Homosexual Army of Darkness." Their manipulative ways have gone unmatched for way too long. There was a time, when I was a child, that a recruiter cornered me at a playground. I was simply shooting baskets on my own, when all of a sudden he approached me and put me in a trance. I almost converted my sexual orientation, but a school official ran over and saved me. It's their eyes, fellas, there's something about their eyes!
They adopt babies in adoption agencys not schools .perhaps you have some other fetish with school children ill leave that one to the authorities.wise a##Originally Posted by RamyGras
Gay parents do not automatically raise gay kids. I know 2 guys who both had gay parents. One two Moms, the other 2 days. Both guys are straight.
What do you think? That the parents would have sex in front of their children? The kids would not be exposed to anything they can't see on the street or on TV. A couple being affectionate holding hands or kissing. If you think that is horrible why aren't you out campaigning against PDA? Eww ... straight people are holding hands and kissing. Cover your child's eyes!
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
God i would hope not.No ,but lets look at a typical day in school in america that a child will deal with one day.whats the matter little johnny you seem sad today?do you miss your mommy and daddy??huh i have two daddys.Dont you have two daddys ?why do the other kids have mommys??well johnny thats something your going to have to ask your daddys...dad ,why dont i have a mommy? well son when two people love each other it doesnt matter if you can reproduce or not .Fu## it you can adopt from a breeder when you get old if you want ,or you can just be straight like the others...no daddy i want to be just like you and daddy ,um daddy.WTF am i a retard here or what? take that same kid adopt him to a "normal" couple and i bet my life that kid will be a completely different person.Now who has the right to subject a baby to this type of exposure?maybe if the world was the way you want it to be it would be fine but thank god ,for reasons of survival of the human race its not.Carlos i gotta go back to work no hard feelings bro, i feel for you..peace outOriginally Posted by Carlos_E
wow it seems like people keep trying to out do it other by trying to out show their ignorance. there is prejudice all over the world and kids and his family will have to deal with or the world will walk all over you. there are millions of kids in the world that are orphans, hungry, in foster homes, whose only wish is to find someone to love and take care of them. would you rather the child stay an orphan because you don't want homosexuals couples to adopt?Originally Posted by ftony
bad arguement, in the USA there are far more people looking to adopt then there are babies. It is VERY VERY difficult to adopt(unless your rich). The "kids" in orphans are usually(almost exclusively) older and troubled and no one wants them. Couples want babies, not troubled youths, I'd image gay couples would be no different in this area then straight couples.Originally Posted by mcpeepants
The gay couples I know who adopt adopted kids of different races and ages. Not just babies. (We take the kids the rest of you don't want.)Originally Posted by kfrost06
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
Absolutely not true!!!! There are many more children out there waiting to be adopted than couples wanting to adopt (the National Adoption Center says their are over 120K children waiting to be adopted as opposed to 17K of couples wanting to adopt). The majority of couples want a baby that they can usually pass as their own. That is why the majority of kids in foster care and orphanages are minorities and or handicapped. And the reason for the older age is because these children weren't adopted as children or babies.Originally Posted by kfrost06
Last edited by BgMc31; 05-24-2007 at 04:32 PM.
this thread is so gay!
Wow, what ignorance!!! Your scenario is one of many that many children face. Many kids nowadays are raised in single parent households (How come I don't have a mommy or daddy?). Many children are raised in bi-racial environments, the list goes on and on. You are acting like exposing children to a loving relationship (albeit same sex) is child abuse. That is completely assinine. The human race will not die out if we allow same sex marriage or same sex couples to adopt.Originally Posted by ftony
Apparently Carlos has adapted well to criticism and bigotry so I don't think you should feel for him, but because of you intolerance and hatred towards others, we all feel for you!!!
Originally Posted by Lavinco
BgMc you're like a broken record. Everytime someone disagrees with you you say the same thing, what ignorance, your intolerance and hatred, bigotry, etc. I bet if we did a search of threads with the words "hatred, bigotry, intolerance, etc we'd find hundreds all from you. People can have values different then yours and not be a bigot, full of hatred, or intolerant. They can simply disagree.Originally Posted by BgMc31
Originally Posted by ftony
I don't know where you got the idea of me having a fetish for school children. But, if that's what you got out of my post, so be it. I would possibly take your insult to heart, had I not read most of your posts. You brought up the children, as though they are victims when people have relationships with the same sex. Like they are somehow effected. A heterosexual man recently placed a baby in a microwave, for goodness' sake! Does this mean heterosexual men shouldn't be able to raise children? Of course not. Some people are fit to take care of kids, some aren't.
But, I must say, playing with my words and SOMEHOW turning it into me being a pedophile was very mature and thought provoking.
Originally Posted by kfrost06
Wow. Try not throwing TOO many stones when you're living in a glass house. The repercussions are no good. What bothers me is that people who aren't gay are all about stopping gay marriage. This affects nobody's life but the homosexual's. You get to make your opinion and then go live in your nuclear family and live a regular life. "They can't reproduce". Who cares? It's not like if you ban gay marriage, they're all of a sudden going to become straight and start reproducing. And, as long as you continue to bring up reproduction, the argument will remain that straight people that simply can't reproduce or just don't want to have kids are still allowed to marry. Why is this?
It seems to me that most of the posters that are against gay marriage have similar philosophies about most of the other topics on this site. I'm realizing this is no coincidence.
Next time spare us the BS of your wise a## post and say what you are trying to say .some of us dont have time for your games..i guess you have as much trouble reading as you do expressing what you are trying to say.i think most everyone who has read what i posted knows what i said and why i said it ,go figure out another trivial post for someone to decipher .Originally Posted by RamyGras
I call em like I see em!!! It's one thing to disagree on things but when your basis of disagreement is lined with hatred and bigotry what else should I call it. Trying to equate same sex marriage with child abuse is simply ignorance. No matter how you look at it, there is no basis in fact to this. And the definition of ignorance is lack of knowledge. So called it what you want, but apparently the truth hurts!Originally Posted by kfrost06
i needs some numbers for you to back that claim that there far more people want to adopt than there are babies to adopt. i agree that we need to get rid of high adoptions fees so more people can adopt.Originally Posted by kfrost06
Originally Posted by ftony
I have as much trouble reading as I do expressing what I'm trying to say? What the heck are you talking about? My post was a simple paragraph mocking your ignorance. If it took you more than thirty seconds to decipher, that's another problem for you to add to your long list. I agree that "most everyone who has read" what you've posted knows what you were saying. However, I wouldn't brag about it. Sorry it was so trivial. Next time I'll take your intelligence into account before I post something.
So, would you say that downtown New York City, full of structures built and used by humans, is a "natural setting?" Perhaps even "Nature's Paradise?"Originally Posted by kfrost06
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Why not? Is it not a structure, as you put it, built and used by humans?Originally Posted by kfrost06
All I can say is that you have a very peculiar and limited view of what is natural for human beings.Originally Posted by kfrost06
Is it natural for humans to do shift work in a factory? Perhaps you are familiar with the "Factory System" used in the American Industrial Revolution, where people worked in a factory, lived in a factory owned community house, went to a factory owned church on sundays where a factory-paid preacher brought the sermon, bought all their groceries from a factory owned general store, played on factory owned recreation facilities, saw a factory paid doctor when they were sick, and were buried in a factory owned cemetary when they died.
All this happened in structures built and used by humans. Does this strike you as natural?
Consider the millions of rats that infest New York City. Those animals exist in an environment that is not natural for them. They are enabled to form swarms that take on new behavioral patterns; the individuals become more aggressive, form heirachies. Human beings are no different, I'm sure you'll agree. Any time you put an abnormal number of animals (including humans) in a given space, you'll find increased aggression, social problems, etc.
C'mon, are you really disappointed? Are you trying to tell me that you honestly wanted to be overwhelmed with a counter to your arguement so devastating that you would be compelled to acknowledge your intellectual inferiority?Originally Posted by kfrost06
No, I didn't think so.
Somehow, I don't think that you would ever reach that point. I don't think that even if a thousand intellectual giants were to graphically illustrate the weakness of your position, you would ever recognize the nature of your deficiencies. Neither do I suspect that you would be disappointed by your inability to recognize the nature of your deficiencies.
But, what is that to me? Nothing, really.
Last edited by Tock; 05-24-2007 at 09:45 PM.
Fair enough i will work on the fact that i am ignorant to the idea of possibly influencing a baby growing into a person he might not otherwise be influenced into being if he had grown up in a different setting otherwise.And you can put your kid up for adoption to a loving gay couple.I think your ignorance is affecting your judgement .But hey thats just my ignorant opinion right ...we are all ignorant if we see things different i guess.. And your trivial post are comic at best.I respect the fact that homosexual couples would want a family and be contributing citizens in our society,however i have a problem with the baby not being able to decide the detrimental consequences of other peoples decisions..so i guess im an ignorant fool,ill take that label if i have to.but remember this you have a mother dont you,hell we all have mothers dont we...but hey thats an ignorant statement i suppose considering your intelligence ,ill keep that in mind next time I post.Originally Posted by RamyGras
Please explain the detrimental consequences of being gay. And I guess nothing would convince you that being gay is not a decision. Again, ignorance means lack of knowledge, and apparently that is what you suffer from.Originally Posted by ftony
Is it easy to be gay?I wouldnt know,ya lack of knowledge i suppose.Are you gay?what do you go through on a daily basis?do you have a child of your own?I do..i would want my kid to carry on my name,my "genes" our family tree.Im an ignorant fool for this??im confused here obviously, perhaps you can enlighten me so i may not be so ignorant...or perhaps you may have things twisted i dont know..I guess the detrimental consequences i have in my mind is the preservation of the human race hypothetically speaking if we all were in fact gay ...i mean no disrespect to anyone who is in fact gay,I just have a problem with the childs ability to decide..that makes me a bad person...I dont think so..but you do .whos ignorant here..Originally Posted by BgMc31
We would like to know why you are bringing his mother into this discussion?Originally Posted by ftony
The discussion is about gay marriage as you know,and with that comes parenting....my opinion is every child should have a mother and father...not two fathers or two mothers ..I said he has a mother and we all have mothers (hence my argument ***riving a child of a mother)without the child having any say in the matter being he or she is a baby..Originally Posted by #Admin#
I have to agree with u on that. every child should have a mom and a dad. but this world is far from perfect and I do not see a reason why a gay couple could not be good parents though I am sure the kid will constantly be harassed in school...
Originally Posted by ftony
No reason for us to come to blows here. I'm sure you're a swell guy. However, I think the idea that a child doesn't have a choice as to who raises them is something that happens all the time. Again, I'll bring up the poor child who was put in the microwave. This child didn't have a choice as to who raised her. As it turns out, the baby was being raised by a heterosexual man and woman. It didn't change the fact that they are scum. While it is convenient to have both a mother and a father, there is a high percentage of children in this world who aren't blessed with having two parents. Sometimes the mother or father skips town, or worse, they pass away.
You have also commented on your desire for the preservation of the human race if we were all gay. I have very good news for you. This will not be an issue. It's not as though people in this world are straight because they're not allowed to marry if they were gay. The fact remains that gay people will NEVER reproduce. So, even by disallowing gay marriage, the chances are very high that they will remain homosexual. And, when it comes to adopting children, I agree that they will probably get harrassed at school. But, really, the buck stops there. Maybe I'm not seeing things the same as you are, but I don't see many more disadvantages of having gay parents than having straight parents. There are plenty of fathers and mothers that are neglectful and careless. Just because they are heterosexual does not mean that they are better suited to raise children.
Please stop bringing up my apparently impossible to decipher post (i've posted several times since), stop bringing up children's lack of options when it comes to parents (children that get abused don't get to choose either), and stop bringing up the preservation of the human race (hopefully self-explanatory). Because neither of these arguments support your cause.
Ok ,I guess we can agree to disagree.Sometimes we may say things out of frustration in order to get our point across,and for that i apologize to you and anyone else i may have offended, It wasnt my direct intention.I think good people should get what they want (not the scraps left over from what other people dont want)weather they are gay straight or whatever.Im just a bit confused as to the phycological effect it may have on a kid.One of my parents made a very bad choice when i was a pup that effects me to this day, and i am 36 years old.Again all apologies to this forum .Originally Posted by RamyGras
No, I'm not gay. And yes I have children, 3 as a matter of fact. 2 boys and a one girl. That answers that. I know it's not easy to be gay or because I know the difficulty it is being a minority. I can only imagine what gay people go through.Originally Posted by ftony
The human race is not in peril so your detrimental consequences argument is moot. Being gay isn't a disease that is spread by human contact so there is no chances of us all being gay. I'm sure any child who doesn't have parents would not mind having two parents (whether man/woman, man/man, or woman/woman). They just wish to be loved by a family.
Anytime you attempt to make an argument with no basis in fact and attempt to justify your intolerance and refuse to educate yourself, that you are in fact ignorant. Simply based on the definition of ignorance (dictionary.com provides that ignorance is the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc. )
Remember your own words above when questioning why I have an issue with those who do not post a source to back up their ideological gossip..........Originally Posted by BgMc31
listen I posted we can agree to disagree.I apologized if i offended anyone on this forum. and then you go and do the same thing by saying "your sure any kid would want a loving family whether it be man and women or man and man"all without any basis or fact for that statement. so hey now that we are both ignorant just drop it..I can send you the link for ignorant because apparently you didnt read it either,this can go back and fourth forever ,WTF. you will not change my mind, I will not change yours.we obviously cant physically fight with a keyboard and mouse so wheres this going...go play with your kids ill do the same.peace outOriginally Posted by BgMc31
Last edited by ftony; 05-25-2007 at 11:59 AM.
Originally Posted by Logan13
Is this about the Churchill thing?I apologize for that. I had recently read the allegations of him having had a homosexual relationship, and I thought it was an opportune time to drop it. I did, however, give you all the resources necessary to find what I had read. In all honesty, for what it's worth, I don't really believe it to be true for various reasons. For that, I'm sorry. Man, you really went to bat for him!
Because if i had kids my main concern is for them to be happy not to pass on my genes. If being gay makes them happy then great. ( I didn't know a better choice of words other then being gay)Originally Posted by ftony
The human race isn't near instinction. Any just because gay marriage became legal. Straight people aern't going to turn gay. Just like if they keep gay marriage illegal gays aren't going to turn straight.
Unfortunaltly kids grow up in a lot of different situations. Parents get divorced. Mothers or fathers pass away. Or they have abusive parents If a child has 2 people that love them and take care of them i think the least of the worries is that they are of the same sex.
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