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Thread: "Journey to the Darkside" a gear virgins tale

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Crossed over to the dark side bro. Congratulations! A couple of weeks and shit will get really good.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I wanna let ya'll boys now taht those pic's dont justify how large and in charge my big man majorpec's really is, horrible lighting bro!!! but anyways its good to be back on here again.. i'm looking forward to seeing how crazy you really end up looking.. and about the quad shots yeah there tuffer for me to do a little bit harder to push through. I personally dont like glute shots reason being casue i cant sit on my ass the next day (t400) bicpets are great though i love teh crazy pump feeling i get from them!! ANYWAYS BIG MAN GIVE ME A CALL SOMETIME YOU OWE ME LUNCH!!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    LR AR

    Re: Day 1/2 November 4-5

    Originally posted by majorpecs
    .....but I got the 23g 1.5" pin in with a few mm left out, I aspirated, and whammo.....pushed the oil into my leg!!!!! I FELT ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN....and today the morning after, I can't even tell where I gave myself the shot!! I AM SO PUMPED GUYS!
    Now for your next trick, how 'bout a glute shot? Those are even more fun than quads, in my opinion.


  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    nah im gunna be ther first person to take his virginity " im gunna put it in hit butt"!!!!! i'll see that prety little ass thursday!!!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    LR AR
    Originally posted by jarrett
    nah im gunna be ther first person to take his virginity " im gunna put it in hit butt"!!!!! i'll see that prety little ass thursday!!!
    But he's gotta learn to do it for himself sometime, it's FUN!


  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Galveston, TX
    I like the buddy system! Call me a pussy but hey it I've lost the grip of a syringe and it started wiggling around and blood started squirting everywhere. I actually grabbed hold of it and injected my test. I then started sweating my ass off and went to the bathroom and puked. Now I can take em while I'm smokin a joint. Its not the pins that scare me but the 17a orals. This was my first shot about six years ago when I was nineteen. I can stick myself but I would rather get stuck...haha that didn't sound right. Being your first cycle, you'll be happy that jarrett is poking you...haha it's really not as bad as we think it is before we go in for the plunge. My experience is true but I hope it made you laugh. Do the sammy sosa homerun double heart tap, kiss, and throw up the peace sign for all your fans. Be a marine and go in for the kill soldier.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    You guys rock!!! I figured I could handle my own thigh shots, and delt/bi's..but the glutes I just cannot reach on my own good enough to be comfortable.....if my wife chickens out then it will be Jarrett seeing my ass....fuck...that little bastard got a shitload of test in his system, he better NOT get any ideas while looking at it either!

    Oh yeah...back on track to the Journal:

    Day 3 I don't have much to report other than I feel a slightly dull pain (barely noticable) in my left quad from the first injection. If this is as bad as it gets then I am in for a smooth ride!! I worked out Back last night with Jarrett (had to show littleman what's up!) This morning was a light shoulder workout with some cardio thrown in. Weight was the same at 219.25. Tommorow is my next shot and I am actually looking forward to it.....uh oh...I think I know where JUICEJUNKIE got his name from....
    Last edited by majorpecs; 11-06-2002 at 06:35 AM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    little man huh... dont need to be making excuses why you were jerking on the 328lb rows lol hahaha dont worry big man you got me on the free weights and the legs!!..

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by majorpecs

    Tommorow is my next shot and I am actually looking forward to it.....uh oh...I think I know where JUICEJUNKIE got his name from....
    They get to be fun as hell.
    Like Pete once said.....Sit on the couch and jab yourself in the bicep while watching a movie....It's better than popcorn.

    Damn it Pecs, I'm jealous, I have three months before my next cycle.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I have decided to run mine through for 15 I will be finishing up by then.....hehehehe..I will post my gains and give you a goal Pheedno...!!

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Weight is up 3/4lb....pain in left quad has totally subsided!! This morning was leg day, awesome workout got 405 for 6 clean squats on my last set. Tonight is shot in my right quad..I will update afterwards...thanks everyone for all the encouragement!

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Second Injection Thursday Nov. 8

    Shit quad injections feel fkn's like a dull kind of pain with a few sharp ones in there for good luck i suppose....anyway, tonights inject was not what I had in mind....I mixed 1cc test and 1cc equipose and screwed on a new pin for the shot...well, once i got it in my quad i started injecting and right at about a cc gone, i saw a drop of gear squeeze out from under the pin and drip onto my leg...and then another...I pulled the pin out..cussed the fucker out...then screwed on another pin and proceeded to run into the bathroom and do the last cc into my glute...SON OF A BITCH!! you can't even feel it in your ass, and I started this whole deal in my quad..sheesh....Anyway, I eventually got both cc's injected with two drops down my leg....Has this ever happened to anyone before? Did I squeeze too hard, or did I not screw the pin in good enough?? Hmmm...i will update in the morning about any pain at the injection sites.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    i told oyu about the pin exploding on me when i was injecting HSH damn 1 full cc of winnie could make you cry

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Yeah, I guess I was pushing the gear out too hard!! I'm new and still learning the ropes...but at least it wasn't a cc but just a couple drops I wasted. Neither injection site has the least little bit of pain (glute or right guad). I guess using human grade test makes a difference!!

    Weight this morning was at 219.75. Tricep workout this morning. Placebo affect def. kicking in as I felt like superman this morning...or do you think it's the minute presence of prop in the testoviron??

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Exciting Thread!

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    A crazy weekend indeed bros....a bust....I will pick this back up next week on Monday....(no more injects until then anyway...hehehe)

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    pick me up more on the bust bro.... asap!

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Jarrett...check your pms bro...give me a call when you're back in town, you are not going to be so pleased with what I have to tell you....

    I had to move all gear out of my house this weekend, so now I get to drive about 20mins to do my shots...yeah it sucks, but better safe than sorry!! I was going to just throw all my shit away and say fuck it...but damnitt, I've invested too much time and money to do I will just take the extra precautions and see this through to the end. Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement you give.

    Cycle Week 2:
    This weekend was interesting bros, and my diet slacked majorly, I ate my ass off.....weight this morning was 225, had an awesome chest workout, again I was stronger, and again I don't know if it's the prop I feel or if it's the placebo affect. Tonight is third inject>1cc testoviron, 1cc of equipose, time to go back to left quad (oh shit!)....I will update tommorow.
    Last edited by majorpecs; 11-13-2002 at 06:22 AM.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Thats damn shitty what happened bro. At least your guy emailed you with whats up though. Gives some peace of mind to the situation.
    I wish him luck in his legal matters.

    Sounds as if your cycle is on track though. Keep the progress posts coming.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    if need be you can move your gear to my place and i'll give you the shots!!! always loved stabbing people... and yeah bro im not please at all.... we'll talk about this later this week. we can work out today at my gym and talk about our problems instead of over the net..

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Thanks are okay for a little man!! But the gear is moved and safe...and CLOSE to my house, not out in BFE where you live...can't do the workout today bro...hit me up tommorow and I will have you begging for mercy!!

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    beggin huh.. lol i moved up to 8 plates on the hammer curl oh oh... watch out now!! 4 plates on t bar. lat pull downs 160 rows are low casue i have a freaking bad back at 140lb.. all im waiting on now is for my fucking arms to grow... damn things look like spaghetti

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    2nd Week-3rd Injection

    WOOHOO...I am getting good at this!! Last night was shot #3, 1cc of Testoviron and 1cc Equipose. Back to left quad tonight, shot went alot smoother this time. The pain is almost pleasurable now..

    I gotta say that the 50mg of Prop in the Testoviron is kicking in because this morning I worked biceps and DAYUM I got a pump. I almost got scared of it, like the veins were gonna pop out of my arm!! It was SICK!!!! After getting rid of all the bullshit I ate this weekend, my weight is at an even 222.75, which means I am up about 3 pounds in 1 week and 1 day. No pain at all in my quad, BUT for some reason, the right glute where I did 1cc of my last shot is still kind of sore...go figure! The glutes are painless to shoot, but get sore. The quads are a bitch (endearing term) to shoot, but no soreness...hmmmmmmm...

    Anyway, workouts and diet are on course, slightly detoured from diet this weekend, but the extra calories I ate can't hurt me tooo bad. I am up to about 4000 calories a day, 375-400g protein, 450-600g carbs a day.

    Question: Do you guys think I'd benefit by getting some prop and doing a shot of that in between my other shots? Because I know it's a short ester and that it is gone after 1 or 2 days....I just don't want to be fucking with the levels in my body by injectiing 50mg of prop twice a week......????if anyone has a theory, let me know......

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Day 9

    Slight pain in left quad from last inject, but hardly noticable. Weight is at 222 today, about 3 pounds up from where I started.

    Pumps weren't as good this morning as yesterday, so I am thinking that I feel the prop the day after I inject and then not as much the 2nd day after. I am tempted to buy some prop to do in between my TESTOVIRON/EQ shots......

    4th shot is tommorow night>again, 1cc testoviron, 1cc eq...I CANT WAIT!!!! Right quad here I come!!

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Day 11 -4th shot, right quad

    SSSSSSSSWWWWWEEEEEETTTT......for those of you newbies that don't know any 18g for loading up the syringe. That took about 3 seconds per cc, instead of about 3 minutes using a 23 or 25g...

    Anyway, shot was in right quad and was absolutely painless, I didn't feel shit!! I don't know if I just hit a sweet spot or what, but that was the best injection I've done yet. I've never had a problem with leakage so that hasn't been an issue.

    Right now I have 4cc's of Test and 4cc's of EQ floating around in my system and I do believe I am going to like this stuffff... I honestly am getting slight results already and it's only been two weeks!! I will update weight in the morning at work after I work out!

    Okay...gonna drink my bedtime protein shake, hopefully get in a little homemade cardio... then get my 8 hours of sleep!!

    Oh yeah..I am going to a BB show Saturday in my hometown of Houston-my favorite bodybuilder Jay Cutler is guest posing and I may even get to meet some AR bros...I am FKN pumped!!:
    Last edited by majorpecs; 11-14-2002 at 07:10 PM.

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    Hey bro im very interested in seeing your results bro so keep it up we're all pulling for you

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by st82hellnbak
    Hey bro im very interested in seeing your results bro so keep it up we're all pulling for you
    Thanks str8tohellnback!! I appreciate the feedback and will continue to update my journal through the entire 18 weeks of my cycle including the clomid therapy.

    This morning was my back workout and I set a new personal record on deadlifts. I usually do 2x6-8 of 350, well this morning when I got to deadlifts I was feeling unusually strong so I slapped 4 plates on each side and got in 2x8 of 405!!

    Weight is holding steady at 221 right now, but I believe I am losing a little bit of bodyfat regardless of how much I am eating....maybe I am just seeing things!! Anyway, everything is going great and I can't wait to see what the next week brings.

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    Week four is always the breakthrough week, just wait bro you gonna swell up nicely

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Good luck bro

  30. #70
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Major, I tell you what man, I've been sitting here researching and working and finding out what I want to do and scared and stoked and excited about doing my 1st cycle. Well, following your diary is helping. I'm cycling vicariously through you, only I'm not seeing shit for results! Like you are! Keep the posts coming! And get f*ck'n huge bro!
    Oh yeah, how did you tell your spousel unit you wanted to do a cycle? And how did you talk her into stick'n you in the arse? I know you're doing the stick'n, but just to get to say ok has got to be hard. Let me know. GOOD LUCK BRO, AND KICK SOME F'N ASS!!

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by ripsid

    Oh yeah, how did you tell your spousel unit you wanted to do a cycle? And how did you talk her into stick'n you in the arse? I know you're doing the stick'n, but just to get to say ok has got to be hard. Let me know.
    Hey that post bro!!

    I've been into bodybuilding/weightlifting ever since I've known my wife and she was always against steroids. Basically, about 1 year ago I told her that I was going to do it. She freaked then calmed down, asked a bunch of questions which I answered, and then said the most wonderful words I coulda heard..."baby, I love you, if this will make you happy, and you promise to be careful, then go ahead........BUT, whatever you spend on that stuff, you have to let me spend on whatever I want.. "..guess I can't get the best of both worlds...heheheh
    Last edited by majorpecs; 11-15-2002 at 10:12 AM.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Week 3, Shot #5

    Good morning everyone. Update on my cycle. Last night was my 5th injection, 1cc Testoviron 1cc Equipose in left quad, and it was absolutely painless. Strength is def. going up and the pumps I got this morning in my bicep workout were off the hook! My bi's were throbbing......weight is up another pound to 223, yeah 5 pounds in the first two weeks, I am not expecting anything signifigant until weeks 4/5!!!

    Saturday night I went to a local bodybuilding show and Jay Cutler was the guest poser. For those of you who have never met or seen this guy in person, I say make the effort if he is ever in your town. I have a signed picture on my desk and the inspiration I get from that plus watching the guys compete has driven my intensity level through the roof! When you guys see me in the Flex magazine in a few years, you can all say, HEY I remember when he did his first cycle!!

    So far, the cycle is going awesome. No real sides to speak of besides a minute amount of water retention. The pumps and strength are really kicking in, and I have gained a few pounds......and it's not even really started shot is Thursday night.

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Day 16

    Weight is up to 224....slowly getting up there. This morning was my leg workout and I felt a slight soreness in my left quad while doing squats, just enough to remind me what I did Monday. PUMPS are outstanding, my quads felt like fkn balloons this morning, it was awesome! I got in a set of 8 clean reps at 415!!!!!! I am expecting the good shit to start happening within a week or so.

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    com'on bro keep it up you are really inspiring me to order some gear,so do really good on your cycle bro b/c wether I get big or not will be determined with your success. lol. keep it up looking great

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Keep it up Bro .. 2 more weeks and shit will really take off.


  36. #76
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    THANKS guys...your replies do alot towards spiking my motivation and intensity!! I look forward to having some really excellent reports soon....keep posted!!

  37. #77
    Join Date
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    BC, Canada
    Excellent job so far...I agree...keep them coming.


  38. #78
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    For you Aragorn...anything!

    Yesterday I tried something new in my leg training and split my hams out and worked them in a pm workout. I was pretty happy with the results as I was alot fresher in the afternoon so that my hams got a very intense workout!! I was feeling frisky so threw 225 on the bar and did some stiffies...yeah...then my lower back was so fkn tight that I could barely move...but for those of you serious about bodybuilding and you don't already do it, I would suggest training hams seperately from your quads..Yes I know there is some spillover, but this is just my opinion...OH YEAH...weight was up to 225.25!!!!!!!

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by majorpecs
    For you Aragorn...anything!

    Yesterday I tried something new in my leg training and split my hams out and worked them in a pm workout. I was pretty happy with the results as I was alot fresher in the afternoon so that my hams got a very intense workout!! I was feeling frisky so threw 225 on the bar and did some stiffies...yeah...then my lower back was so fkn tight that I could barely move...but for those of you serious about bodybuilding and you don't already do it, I would suggest training hams seperately from your quads..Yes I know there is some spillover, but this is just my opinion...OH YEAH...weight was up to 225.25!!!!!!!

    Excellent job bro, sounds as everything is right in line.
    I'm definately with ya on the seperation of quads and hams.
    I started doing that about a month ago after a post by superbeast. The concentration and intensity are far better.

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Day 19, Shot #6

    Last night was my sixth shot, I do believe it's old hat now bros, I didn't even think about it......painless and smooth!!

    Weight is up 2 more pounds to 227...I think next week I'm gonna start seeing some good results. I have been getting in some unbelievably incredible workouts and I am loving it!! I feel so much stronger already and am starting to see some def. muscle gains.

    EQ hunger is actually kicking in the last couple days, I have been fkn hungry as hell and have had to eat an extra meal a day to satisfy it!! Vascularity has actually started improving a little also. I have seen a couple veins in my calfs and shoulders that I've NEVER seen before...

    Cycle is still going way better than I could have hoped. Next two weeks I am expecting to start prepared for my reports.

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