I am just going to take every 3rd or 4th day off... I did that the other day and the side went mostly away so its nice because it was getting BAD. Maybe sugest he tries this because it goes away fast with just one day off.
I am just going to take every 3rd or 4th day off... I did that the other day and the side went mostly away so its nice because it was getting BAD. Maybe sugest he tries this because it goes away fast with just one day off.
aye, i'll mention that too him.Originally Posted by goonstopher
i got like 4-5 people im talkin w/ frequently who are on this and we all are having completely different sides.
my issues lie in my stomache/nausea/vommiting/heartburn type of stuff.
another person i know just gets a grumbly sstomache at even 160mcg.
antoher person i know gets MASSIVE diarhea
and the last one is having what ur having.
One thing to let him know is the relief might just be temporary. I did 2 30mcg shots and the pain is somewhat back (bad but managable). Still a day of rest from bad pain makes it worth it for me and if he is feeling the same pain I am sure he would enjoy a respite even for a day.
Originally Posted by taiboxa
tren will be my second cycle in november, I hope i can sleep on it.
we would all love to see some pics.
yep thats swell but no pics will ever be posted on a forum.Originally Posted by MuscleHead320lb
I am scared to say it but I think this stuff might be little more than a local temporary site enhancer and a diuretic which doesn't deflate your muscles. that being said, if this continues to be the case this would still be a great product for anyone who doesnt compete but wants to "peak" for an event like a trip ect but is not at the level to use more potent competition laxitives... I will hold my final judgement until it is over and then there is time for any possible inflation or "swelling" aka anything but real mass gains, to have passed...
I have a feeling in a month or two there will be a whole lot more understanding of this compound.
welp i ceased use for this week and stuff due to neck issues and pain killers (which make the pgcl/cramps/Naseua 10x worse). been doing a refeed type of diet and ITS awsome basically i primed my self in as lil as 1 week of use of pgcl.
too lazy to write more but still love the stuff and hopefully next week i kan get a real god run of 100mcg am and another 100mcg PM and do that every day for 8 days again.
but yeah i put a good .5inch on my arms from this stuff and everythingis harder even after 3days of being off
Hope you are right tai - I lost 7 pounds on this and clen in 8 days but I really dont see exactly where I lost it. All lifts are up (as they usually are on a large cycle) so it's not muscle (it may be faulty but thats my logic when cutting).
I am hitting mu chest upper then lower 1-2 times each section per day so hopefully you are right and any gains will be perminent and my lifetime wafer thin chest will be gone.
aye my arms are staying as full as ever even after ceasing pgcl usage... pumps arent as GREAT but the tren makes up for it.Originally Posted by goonstopher
I am dying for these sick pumps... I'll have to add some slower high rep sets.
Definetly interesting stuff
Once I finish my last 3 amps I may order some more before passing judgement
yeah, after i do dips i my upper inner chest would be EXPLODING like no other.. didnt even nook natty.. looked like had ROWES of Collarbones sticking outa my shirt..Originally Posted by goonstopher
even people i see every day were like WHOA! LOOKIN THICKER AND TIGHTER!
In the faq you realized muscle growth at doses as low as 20mcg per muscle. Most people are using this in pretty high doses along with the pretty high side effect profile. The more I read about the pumps and localized muscle growth low dose for growth only sounds like a great use for this stuff.
You could pretty cheaply run 80mcg per day hittnig two muscles a day for a pretty long cycle. Have any of you run as low as 80 per day and if so what were the sides like that low?
To me based on the subjective feedback this could blow IGF out of the water
I am in day 5 of 40mcg per session 2-3 sessions per day..
my tolerance has really gotten better with the main problem being lethargic effect in the 1st hour
right now i plan on running for 30 days... we'll see how it goes..
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Fat loss is really all I notice from this - Great fat loss but just fat loss...
Right now still doing 250mcg a day with minimal sides besides cornhole pain from hell. Need to take asprin PM to sleep but now I feel like I can relate just a tiny bit to why woman are so reluctant to have alternate input relations...
Can you use PGCL transdermally by adding DMSO and Aloe Vera or is injecting a must? I heard Prostaglandins work better for fatloss using transdermal DMSO. Not sure about that.. What do You think?
This PGCL is killing my intestines and my bunghole. Other than that, I really like it. I get a weird feeling in my skin for about 4 hours after injecting. Goose bumps and very perky nipples. Lol. Also, it really hurts your social life. It's hard making it to the gym, let alone anywhere else.
Tai, how's the gyno looking?
u need to buy baby wipes n00b.Originally Posted by 1buffsob
2ndly tingly feeling is cool, i get boners kuz like shit contracts my prostate.. YEAH TMI! but its SUPER NEAT LOL
i get super sweaty/flue feeling.
i have no social life
im only taking it 4 days during the week usually and still see gains through out the cease of it.. i start tomarrow morning since i feel ilke shit tonight
Actually, the bunghole hurts from the contraction of my rectum. Not the constant shitting. Feels like hemroids for a couple of hours and then..... nothing. LOL. I now get the meaning of the expression "That'll pucker your butthole.".Originally Posted by taiboxa
Tai what effect has it had on your gyno?
i was just getting ready to update on this issue...Originally Posted by SneakyMofo
since my many SubQ shots into the gyno ... it got swollen puffy and bruised LOL.
now its lil over 1.5weeks since i stopped doing this maybe longer, cant remember.. anyways i dnot know if itsj ust fat loss in general or actual DECREASE in gyno's size.. beats me but it appears to be smaller on the right side that i was administrating subQ shots.
only prob is SubQ seems to make the sides last 2x as long.. so iono ><
n00b lol.
Ok well finished 4 amps over 8 days with one of those days being an off day in the middle...
Lost 7 pounds using pgcl along with clen for those 8 days.
Finished PGCL and clen 3 days ago to give my poor cornhole a rest before killing myself.
ALL 7 of the pounds I lost are back but I suspect it is mucle super compensation due to some partying this week and a bit of associated dehydration and rebound.
There are no figures to back it up but I do feel it made some unquatifiable positive impact on my body compasition. I will wait a week and run 3 amos over 7 days with clen and T3 while adding cardio this time (hate me if you want but I am young and avoid it). The only question is, is this really worth the trouble or not...?
hey bro ,you cant take asprin and expect any gains with prostiglandins--can anyone say how this stuff compares with lutylase?Originally Posted by goonstopher
This isn't totally true. NSAI's stop the effectiveness of endogenous postglandins but no one had ever studied their effect on exogenous postglandins. Their effect very well may be on the pathway that creates postglandins in the body (which I believe studies suggest it is) and not actually in destroying the exogenous chemical itself. Either way if the side effect are too much to handle without them then there is no amount of gains worth the pain (it was rough).
well the articles by DHAKAM he says not to take it --the pain your feeling might be your muscles trying to grow--anyway I get what your saying---anyone know how this stuff compares to LUTYLASE?
Well I don't want my ass hole muscle growing haha thats where all the pain is... Where is that article, i'll search but what board...
i finally found a sweet spot lol .. 100mcg night and 100mcg morning the sides are tollerable for me and the gains are noticable w/in 2days of using this compound
200mcg makes lil more pronounced vasuclairty but makes me shit my self for 2.5x longer than 100mcg i.e. like 2.5-3hrs of shitting w/ 100mcg.. almost 7+hrs of shitting w/ 200mcg+ ><
Q: I have read that aspirin can effect prostaglandins in the body, is this true or does it not apply to PGF2, and should I avoid any other substance which can effect PGF2?
A: It is true that aspirin is a prostaglandin inhibitor. At normal dosage, it only weakly affects the muscle prostaglandins. But whenever you use aspirin, your muscle insulin sensitivity is reduced because of a lesser secretion of muscle prostaglandins. Several people did report a significant muscle growth after discontinuing aspirin. Prostaglandins will also affect your adipose tissue both directly and indirectly. Because of the aspirin-induced insulin resistance, your insulin secretion will increase in order to make up for the weaker effects in muscles, resulting in an excess of insulin effect within the adipose tissue. Insulin promotes fat aggregation if unopposed. Therefore, I do not recommend continual use of aspirin for bodybuilders unless you want to get smaller and fatter. Of course, the dose also matters. A little bit of aspirin may not hurt much while high doses will.
That answer says exactly what I was saying, it inhibits production and release but looks like the only minor effect it will have on exogenous postglandins is in the form of short term insulin resistance. Considering the impossibility of sleep with your ass cleanched so tight even moving hurts, this small effect once per night is hardly going to ruin the effect especially when no doses are taken during the time the asprin is active. Anyway thank you for the info it is actually comforting becaus eI was a bit worried but think this makes my hunch a bit stronger on the exogenous VS endogenous postglandin/asprin/NSAID issue.
Whats your stance on receptor or body adaptation or time off? I have a few ideas from my experience and it seems the fat loss from it continues more as time passes eventhough the other sides get lesser.
Still want to try to again but now that I am off my body has rebounded and I am very puffy after only a few days so it is discouraging to think that the weight loss could be very temporary. I'll wait to judge the muscle gain though ebcause it looks promissing for now.
Im tryin to findout if PGCL[cloprostenol] is anybetter then lutylase[dinoprost] and I came across this-----
In a recent study cloprostenol was injected intramuscularly 24-48 hours prior to the due farrowing date, in a 1250 sow piggery over a 5 week period and compared with an untreated control and dinoprost. The time to onset of farrowing from treatment and its duration were recorded. The response to treatment was also recorded.
Graph 1. Cumulative percentage of sows farrowing by time period after treatment
(Source: Cameron and others, 2000)
The majority of treated sows had farrowed by 35 hours after treatment, 96.5% with cloprostenol and 93.8% with dinoprost and only 33.8% in the untreated controls. It was also noted that the sows treated with dinoprost showed various degrees of excessive nesting behaviour, whereas sows treated with cloprostenol showed minimal stress and discomfort.
Occasionally sows treated with dinoprost have been reported not to respond to treatment, the cause of which has not been determined but this was not observed in this study.
Graph 2. Percentage of sows farrowing by time period after treatment
(Source: Cameron and others, 2000)
Last edited by scull; 05-30-2007 at 07:35 PM.
Does this mean anything?? I don't raise female pigs so it's greek to me...
HA HA--thats what these drugs are made for --Im just trying to show there both pretty much the same and disprove that PGCL is 20xs better than LUTYLASEOriginally Posted by goonstopher
the whole idea is that the results are more noticable while the sides are more tolerable. I wish I could remember all the damn posts I've read (it's in the millions now I am sure) but I know that was the idea behind it... Same but easier on the user. Also pgf2a is actually harder to get for most people.
welp w/ the neat talk going on i just wanna make a list of MUST HAVES before running pgcl
Baby wipes.. many boxes!
Mylanta.. Many BOTTLES
and that zinc oxide cream stuff for diaper rash LOL
that is all
this is awesome! been reading since it only had 1 page.
ok this is just out right weird..
i been doing bout 25mcg in each bi hed (switching inside heds in the AM, outside heds PM) total of 50mcg per each go.. i did this for quite sometime? 5days? iono
but NOW after i have ceased usage to let my ass HEAL.. im gettting HYPOGLYCIEMIC fits quite freqently!
i wake up at like 2am.. ALL sweaty disorinted and shakey! just like when i ran slin around 30iu PWO.. if i drink like a liter of tang i feel FINE again.. but... i check my BG.. at time of FIT my BG is bout 85.. which is lil low for me but NOTHING BAD.. after tang. it shud be around 140+ but IT NEVER MAKES IT THAT HIGH! it stays around 115...
i talked to my doc he thinks my insulin sensitivity is increasing drastically which COULD BE BAD! not sure wtf is going on lil PISSED bout it lol
I dont know about slin and all that stuff..I just staeted PGCL 2 days ago..losy 3 lbs right away. Ive heard great things about it but you certainly have mentioned some bad points besides shitting all day which everyone states. ive only done 100 ius per day..bumpingup to 200 ius tommorrow. I hope my results are as promising as my buddy I got it from. thanksOriginally Posted by taiboxa
yeah its amazing stuff...
still seeing great results w/ it
going hypo more and more frequently
just got done vommiting its great stuff if u dont mix chocolate milk w/ it!
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