Here is a before pic
Here is a before pic
1 more
Now here are a few current ones
and here is the last one. I have been working out for about 11 months off and on but the last 4 or 5 I have been consistent and Im going to stay that way. All natural. Except for the protein shakes. Thanks for any replies.
NO question you've added some QUALITY size during this time...chest, shoulders, arms all look thicker in a good way, all of which should make it easier for you to start to shave off the layer covering your no doubt hard-earned definition.
You look bigger but it's hard too notice :/
noticably bigger. Maybe try dieting down a bit, then you can really see the results you've accomplished in the gym.
post your diet, and workout schedule w/cardio
Well, right now im just trying to add mass then about jan or feb ill start a diet and lots of cardio and cut it down and make it a lot more noticable. I eat as much as I can. But i dont have that much time because of my job. I install windshields and sometimes we are so busy I have to grab a quick lunch or no lunch at all. I eat a bowl of cereal with bananas in the morning plus protein shake. Then a granola bar later on. Lunch i eat 2 sandwiches w/ chips and protein shake. Then for a snack I eat a penutbuter sandwich with whole wheat bread. Then for diner ill eat like, some salmon, brocoli, green beans, and macaroni w/ cheese and another protein shake after I work out.
Thanks for all the comments guys
you can definately tell you have added some muscle... personally i think you are doing the right thing especially staying natty. I wish i had put on some msucle before i dieted to lose a lot of my original weight.
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