I have been a computer geek for 2years now and one day I came across site called www.musclegaintips.com I read about everything and learned quite alot about nutrition and training, I learned much from many other sites too.
And then I bought a gymcard began to workout 3times per week and eating 4-6 meals per day, this was for about 1.5months ago and I have sofar gained 6.6pounds!!!(not much fat because I still can se my bones lol)
17years - Height 5'11" - Weight 123pounds <- still extremly very thin HELP!
Will I still be able to gain as fast and for how long? When should I begin with "juices"? How much should I build up naturally before I begin with juices?
Do I need to use juices when I'm so young, or does my body already have enough of testorone?!?!
My goal is 170pounds! plz help a weakling! what should I do? TELL ME EVERYTHING!