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Thread: Cutting cycle with Test-E, EQ, and Win.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX

    Cutting cycle with Test-E, EQ, and Win.

    What do ya'll think of

    400 mg/ EQ / week
    300 mg/ test e/week
    50 mg/win/day

    Would this be a good cycle to run and on what fronts? I plan on using it with a more strict diet in order to increase that shredded look.

    I like the eq because of the gains. The test would be to help my shlong stay hard and also for gains. And the win of course for what it does. I have not seen anyone post about a cycle like this in a bit and was wondering about it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Personally, I would run the Test higher than or equal to the Eq, but that is just me. How long are you planning to run it? Eq typically needs at least 12 weeks to be effective.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX
    Well I have 40 ml at 2 a week. So I am flexible. As for the test I am 5'4 185. This is my second cycle ever and I am somewhat afraid of how powerful the test has proven to be. It seems to blow me up like crazy, I love it but I would like to keep the dosages low. I was even thinking about using it every 2 weeks or so, doing 1 ml. Also would it be best to do the win for the first 6 weeks or the last 6 weeks if my goals are to try to cut up? I assume the last 6 but feedback would be nice. Thanks all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Definitely the last 6 for the winny. I am doing a very similar cycle test/Eq/masteron. I am saving the masteron for the last 7 weeks. GL the cycle looks good. for 12 week cycle

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