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Thread: An Andriol only cycle??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    An Andriol only cycle??

    I've finally got my diet straight (thanks to you guys) and now these 200 Andriol pills are staring at me..

    I've done a lot of research on Andriol, I know it's weak in small dosages etc.

    My question is if I can take Andriol by itself? I am not wanting to buy anything else at the moment.

    Also, I know that Andriol has little estrogen conversion, but do I still need to take something like yohimbe to counter it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I know andriol is test, but its oral test.

    I wouldn't waste time with it because it will barely enter into your system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I havent seen andriol come up for a long time now. I did a cycle of andriol and cost me BiG BUCKS i was afraid of the sides of the injectables. tried it i only realised a little increase in strength and damaged liver because your taking heaps of the stuff it says no sides but its crap damages your liver. go wif the injectables if you want a cycle or dont even consider it at all. It can be taken alone. but i found it useless try it and make the decision yourself

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by pip_squeek
    I havent seen andriol come up for a long time now. I did a cycle of andriol and cost me BiG BUCKS i was afraid of the sides of the injectables. tried it i only realised a little increase in strength and damaged liver because your taking heaps of the stuff it says no sides but its crap damages your liver. go wif the injectables if you want a cycle or dont even consider it at all. It can be taken alone. but i found it useless try it and make the decision yourself

    Thanks for the reply. How much were you taking and how long did you take it? I will inject eventually, I just figured this was a good start since I already have these pills.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Definitely not intelligent, economically, to do a cycle of Andriol. You get roughly 25mg of testosterone per cap, the other 15 of which are ester. The profile states for any anabolic effect you would need to take 8 capsules daily. I would think you would see SOME results at 4-6 caps a day, but not nearly as much as injecting 100mg of Test prop ED. Anyway, due to the short half-life you need to be taking them at the least, every 4 hours. So, lets say you are taking 6 caps daily. 200/6=33 days. Not very much for a cycle.

    I have never taken Andriol and don't think it would be good for much of anything, besides bridging.

    PM x-moe, I think he takes the stuff.

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