If this increases insulin sensativity for longer than the pgcl is dosed then it could be a life saver for some people with poor slin sensativity
If this increases insulin sensativity for longer than the pgcl is dosed then it could be a life saver for some people with poor slin sensativity
i went hypo today as well..Originally Posted by taiboxa
but i only run 50iu at a time 2 x day...
wish i could eat.. hahaha.aa...
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
LOL yeah 50mcg is a pretty good dose to run at a time i like it .. probably drop down and stay there forthe most part.. im drinking SO MUCH ****ING TANG.. prolly like 200g sugar a day LOL w/ all the hypo episodes im having.Originally Posted by spywizard
i find at 40iu i dont' get as sick, or go hypo.. the real issue i tell everyone about this product.. you had better be using something to not become catobolic..
damn good stuff.. great thread by the way...
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
ok.. some thing i have concluded.
Firstly.. the distance between the injection sight and ur intestines is important .. apparently the farther the compound has to travel to get there the less harsh the sides are due to the short lived wat ever of it.. some hot blond told me this. lol
2ndly i tried something last few goes.. smaller dose administrations 12-15mcg per spot over several spots still yeilds nice gains w/ lil to no sides.
apparently as the prostglandulin travles it kills the fat cells its goes through or something?
im going to try and nerf my gyno w/ SUPER small dose injections w/ high frequency (my titty gunna be hurtin from all da poken!)
Nice post TAI. Recently I've been thinking smaller doses more frequent should make more sense. If this stuff has a short half life and "spillover" effects intestine smooth muscle then smaller doses more often might be just what we need.
I am running 31.25 mcg 3-4 times a day this time with a day or two break every few days.
ok this is unreal i do 12.5mcg per msucle in 2-4 locations 2-3 times a day .. no sides yet. but after bout 2 days the pumps are SO UNREAL
i kant fuxin brush my teath w/o my bi's and forarms getting so tight i had to take a break LOL.
i traied shouldrs.. couldnt DO more than 6 reps of lateral raises EVEN w/ 10lb DB's! it literally ACHED so bad from the muscle tightness
i have had awsome pumps from igf/slin/tren and stuff but this is SO UNREAL..
my BI starts to hurt if i keep my ARM bent for too long.
im getting the sides i got at 16+iu GH .. all my limbs are falling asleep at night and shit..
i really am at a loss for words for once...
I am doing 31.25 mcg per shot with ZERO sides too - I wish the tightness was what you have but still the diuretic and pumps are nice.Originally Posted by taiboxa
My personal use for this is as a 2-3 week cutter stacked with clen and T3 in the middle of a longer bulker. this allows me to control fat gain while getting a niiiiice rebound when stopping and see where I really stand as far as LBM gains as opposed to water or fat.
throw in some tren im sure thats wat is causing the cumulative pump.. but it is so unlreal..Originally Posted by goonstopher
just holding the mouse and moving around my tri gets TIGHT HARD and lmost locks up just like i did a few heavy set of dips... kinda neat.. KINDA OBNOXOIUS
Ha reminds me of when I was on 150mg tren ED... I couldn't even talk on the phone (didn't have blue tooth yet) or brush my teeth
is it possible you are feeling the way you do because your on lots of aas and completely dehidrated - and that this might be the reason for your cramps and the cause of your muscle cramping and tightness. water weight being lost is very temporary -- what is the recommended length of time this stuff should be used? -- does it have a sinergy(sp) effect with HGH
also - aside from water loss and ripping tight how is it on your gyno?
What is your caloric intake like relative to your normal days without PGCL? Have you increased/decreased etc...
w/o pgcl its the same usually though i can still tell via POO that not all my food is being properly digested/absorbedOriginally Posted by C_Bino
Being a long time user of PGF-2alpha, I would have to assume after spending more than a few hours trying to read and research everything I could find on PGCL that it's actually just a low dose of PGF-2 mixed with something else for enhanced results and it's done by lyophilizing the PGF-2 (by baking into a powder form) and then suspending it into some form of an extended release suspension. I know where to get PGCL, who makes it, the cost, etc but there is no prostoglandin called by that name or acronym. The results are very interesting from what I've read but the side effects are the exact same as PGF-2 which (all) include constriction of smooth muscle and the ranges from temperature increases, sweating, clammy hands, airway constriction, goose bumps, etc....those are all textbook side effects of PGF-2 and for those of you not experienced with it then you would find the results of it very positive but few have tried it b/c of the negative and stereotypical sides.
I thibnk i might be addicted to pgcl.
ive been reading different things about this stuff - I think you are receiving the bad sides because you are doing both the IM and Subq - sides are supposed to be really bad when you take it subq - last a lot longer
hows it going thus far tho ? have you noticed anything else besides the sick pumps ?
Tai i just ordered some PGCl I plabn to do it for 2 weeks or so ill try.. then afterwards maybe run some dnp to help with anything else i missed etc..
is this stuff spot dependant or does it really matter? and its not IM injections right? just folds of the skin?
definetly do IM.. i had best overall results w/ IM spot injections.
its seems to be both systemic (all over effects w/ muscle growth and fat loss) but i also had most LBM gains in area of administration.
PGCL is supposed to cause site growth and melt away gyno.... how does this work? If pgcl is injected into the bicep it is supposed to induce bicep site growth! then if this is true, how is it that when you inject into the pec for gyno reduction/fat loss purposes it shrinks the gyno/fat in the pec but doesnt cause pec growth/enlargement? can someone elaborate please?
also... how much of the site growth stays when pgcl is discontinued?
cool cool so IM shots 3 times a day at 30mcg or should i do 50mcg per shot? i am planning to run for 2-3 weeks or till i run out lol :-) ill be on this near the end of my cycle on sust, tren, dbol, mast, deca.. not all at the same time just so i dont get hounded lol..
ill do the pgcl when i start masteron and i stop using the tren dbol and deca.. so ill be on sust, mast and pgcl for the last 4 weeks.. :-) i cant wait!!
in one month i get to start my new cycle and this one includes PGCL! i may order more so I can run for around 6 weeks!
yeah Im about to start my PGCL in 3 weeks...its gonna be a sweet primer for my next cycle..I hope!
u guys are going to fvckn luv it!!!
Well you are taking a VERY high dosage of this stuff brother..
The china man said that you can get away with taking 1 iu 3x a day and still get the benefits of it. Maybe you are over doing it a bit? Becareful man ... I too was going through a break up and got pretty self destructive but it all turns around ... I got blown by 2 20yr olds saturday! God I love being on! hahha ... I think im going to start my pgcl tonight ..
Tai I emailed you some questions .. if you could get back to me that'd be great..
I have tryd 30mcg ED- 75mcg 3xED and tryed it preWO, PWO, before meals, after meals, in between meals, IM injections, SubQ injections and u gota find out w works best for u. I love the stuff and idk how i lived without it b4. And not so much muscle gain as muscle maturity, hardening and fat loss, im 5'9 205lbs and ****ing shreded 5.4%bf and im not even 21yet, iv had a full body compsition change since i started using this shit. If u have any questions on the shit PM me
I just ordered mine today. I dont know if Im excited or scared.?? hehe, but I sure am curious.... So, whats the conclusion yall have made? are the results permanent? worth the pains? is it really fat loss or just a diuretic effect????
i gota get sum more pgcl![]()
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