Ok, second shot into left delt ever, 2.25ccs, tren/cyp. Well take the shot and look at my arm and immediately my medial delt is puffed up. Now I feel it and obviously it feel as though there is fluid in it. So I hop in a hot shower and massage the hell out of it. Get out, it's gone down significantly yet still puffy and when I lift my arm up my delt gets a bit sore toward the top, that and my forearm is mildly tingly. No red marks, nothing like that....just a bit puffy, is this a ****in infection or what?
Also my buddy told me that he re-uses his old pin to load and then switches to a fresh needle, same barrel. Is this a really bad idea, he's been doing it that way for years with no infection. He claims that there is a little juice in the end of the tip of barrel, thus reusing barrel AND pin for loading and then switching needles.