How does injection of steroid oil into the muscle stimulate growth assuming good diet and exercise?
How does injection of steroid oil into the muscle stimulate growth assuming good diet and exercise?
Originally Posted by S431M7
this should help, heh
Please be more vague in your question.Originally Posted by S431M7
steroid OIL doesn't stimulate growth, it is just the medium used to get the HORMONES into your blood. The HORMONES are what do the work!!!!
I think this kid got ran over by a bus today or something, lol..
Okay SMAN12B,Originally Posted by SMAN12B
I heard u loud n clear. But the question then is why inject testostrones like enanathate, cypionate , propinoate etc right into the muscle areas instead of directly into the testicles where those hormones are naturally being produce? why do u think they recommed it into the muscle areas? will shed more light on that?
Last edited by S431M7; 06-22-2007 at 08:40 PM.
Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
without silly question being asked, no one will gain any knowledege.
LOL!!!! LOL!!!! LOLL!!!!!! LOL!!! LOL!!!! LOL!!!! LOLL!!!!!! LOL!!! LOL!!!! LOL!!!! LOLL!!!!!! LOL!!!Originally Posted by S431M7
I'm sorry, this is just too funny.
Anyhow, on a serious note... if you REALLY don't know... you do not inject into the testicles because that is dangerous, and there's no reason to put it there. The esters (enanthate, cypionate, propionate, etc.) are there to have different timed releases of the hormones into your bloodstream. And it is injected into the muscle, because it's the safest area, and the hormones are slowly released from that muscle tissue into the bloodstream...
Does that answer your question?
anybody here got the"balls" to inject their testicles??? I sure the fuk don't..
God damn... it just hurts thinking about it................
well if you try that be sure and let us know how it works for you.Originally Posted by S431M7
LOL...............over my dead body ..yea!Originally Posted by ImaGetBig
wow!! this thread actually made me laugh!!
inject your own testicles, goddamn!!!
Oh god, I just crippled over in pain just thinking about it.
I'd rather be kicked in the balls than inject myslef there.
I don't think my balls could handle all that oil.....lolol
I would look like I was carrying a sack of potatoes down there !!!!
And remember Smaller potatoes makes the MEAT look BIGGER !!!!!!!![]()
OUCH !!!
Quit being comical and let's rationaize this situation, Ok? since most male hormones eg. the testostrone are predominated being produese in the testes, why can't we just injected those oil right there where there naturally being produce? why specifically in the muscle areas?Originally Posted by SMAN12B
Well I can't give you a scientific reason why people don't do this, but as for me I would pass out in pain long before completing the injection.Originally Posted by S431M7
WHY would you EVEN do that!?Originally Posted by S431M7
Aside from the fact that it's painfull as hell... there is ZERO practicality as to why you would inject there. The reason it's put in muscle tissue is because muscle tissue is a safe area where the oil can sit there and disperse into the bloodstream effectively and safely. There's nothing like that in the testicle area, and if you injected there, you'd bleed like hell.
It's fallic logic to think "oh well, natural testosterone is being produced in the testes, so I guess that's where exogenous testosterone should be injected!!!"[Lex Luthor voice] WROOOOOONG!!!! [/Lex Luthor voice]
Only a cretin would inject into his testicles.
If you do this, I want to see video on youtube. Not whats going on downstairs, just the face. It would be even better than the vid I saw earlier of a passed out drunk getting tazed in the nuts. Woke him up better than smelling salts.
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