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Thread: pct suggestion??????

  1. #1

    pct suggestion??????

    Im currently in my 2nd week of my cycle. first 2 weeks prop 1cc eod, last 6 weeks prop 1cc eod and mast 1cc eod combined and clen at 100mcg for the full 8 weeks using benedryl for a week every third week. I got some arimidex for my pct but wanted to know if this would be sufficient or should i add anything else to it? I can get clomid and was wondering if it will go with the arimidex? I was also reading that clen can be used in PCT. Should i continue use of clen past my 8 weeks and use it in my PCT? Also how much of the arimidex and clomid(if u suggest i get the clomid)do i use,how often and for how long? I do know since im using prop that i have to start my PCT's 24 hours after my last injection. any info is appreciated.........

  2. #2
    Ok i was reading Pheednos PCT and he recomends:

    PCT for cycles 8-16wks:
    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva

    Do i need the nolva, or can i do it with just the arimidex and clomid as i dont know if i can get nolva. Also i read that 100mg of clomid might be to much. does anyone know?

  3. #3
    anyone have any comments?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    yes arimidex and clomid should do the trick

  5. #5
    Thanks X_ also going to run clen through my cycle and my PCT. Im going to be using 100mcg's through out the whole thing. My question is after my PCT do i need to stop the clen or can i continue using it untill my next cycle? Im currently at 15% BF and my goal is to get to 10%.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Middle East 4 Now
    i do not know much about clen as im not planning on ever using it, you can use it during cutting cycles and during pct, but running it for too long can be harmful

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I would reccomend the Anthony Roberts PCT which can be found in the stickies. I would sub toromifene for nolva following the recent health concerns highlighed concening nolva use.
    Can you run clen for long periods? Yes. Is it safe to do so??? Probably not. As is the case with most drugs (and especially with clen due to concerns over cardiac health while using it) increasing the duration/dosage increases risk. Is the risk worth the benfit? Only you can answer that based on thorough research.

  8. #8
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    Middle East 4 Now
    Quote Originally Posted by caffeine_menace
    Thanks X_ also going to run clen through my cycle and my PCT. Im going to be using 100mcg's through out the whole thing. My question is after my PCT do i need to stop the clen or can i continue using it untill my next cycle? Im currently at 15% BF and my goal is to get to 10%.

    yup PB is someone you can talk to about clen.

  9. #9
    Thanks guys great info, i appreciate it. PerfectBeast2001 im running the clen at 100mcg's staight with no days off in my 8 week cycle and through out my PCT aswell with benedryl every third week for a week. so i'll be taking it for 12 weeks straight then i will stop. How much rest would be sufficient untill i start again? I heard i should rest for aslong as i was taking it. Is this a good rule of thumb, or do you have other opinions on it?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I would reccomend the Anthony Roberts PCT which can be found in the stickies. I would sub toromifene for nolva following the recent health concerns highlighed concening nolva use.
    Can you run clen for long periods? Yes. Is it safe to do so??? Probably not. As is the case with most drugs (and especially with clen due to concerns over cardiac health while using it) increasing the duration/dosage increases risk. Is the risk worth the benfit? Only you can answer that based on thorough research.
    I don't know if I'd be so quick to sub in the toremifene just yet. It wasn't available on the market when I wrote that PCT out (2 years ago? 3?), so it's not in there...

    But for my taste, I know not too many people report the health issues associated with Nolva that we see in studies (haven't heard of a single case)...and Toremifene hasn't had enough quantifiable positive feedback yet on the boards and hasn't really had enough studies done on it.'s a potentially good idea, and I'm looking into Toremifene for volume 2 of my book, so maybe I'll find something that makes me wanna change the PCT up.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    God's colon.
    I tried clen for a few days before I even started my cycle and I swear to God that shit gave me palpitations at like 20mcg. It was enough to scare the shit out of me, and my BP elevates enough on cycle to permanently keep me away from that stuff.

    Did you run 100mcg yet? I took taurine and potassium and still had hellish cramping at like 20mcg. :<

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    have a read on PCT. at the bottom of the page you can find proper PCT.

    Last edited by kralj321; 06-27-2007 at 02:03 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by caffeine_menace
    Thanks guys great info, i appreciate it. PerfectBeast2001 im running the clen at 100mcg's staight with no days off in my 8 week cycle and through out my PCT aswell with benedryl every third week for a week. so i'll be taking it for 12 weeks straight then i will stop. How much rest would be sufficient untill i start again? I heard i should rest for aslong as i was taking it. Is this a good rule of thumb, or do you have other opinions on it?
    again its a risk assessment situation. Do you NEED to get ripped for a comp or a modelling shoot in a certain time. If yes then maybe it is worth it. However I would say that if you havent achieved significant fat loss after 12 weeks of clen then there is something going VERY wrong with your diet and/or cardio regimen
    To summarize 12 weeks of clen is quite a long cycle, you really should get to where you want to be fat wise in that timeframe. If you dont then re evaluate your diet and training.

  14. #14
    Thanks for the replys, you guys have been a great help. 12 years ago i wish this was here as i must have done like 6 cycles and always lost about 60% of my gains after because i didnt know what PCT was. Im into my 2nd week of my cycle already and been taking 1cc of prop eod and clen 100mcgs for 5 days now with just alot of water and some gatorade. i started at 60 mcg's. i havent got the shakes or cramps or palps yet at 100 mcgs but im staying there as i only have enough at that dosage for the 12 weeks. The only side effect i can say i have is that i sweat alot even when im relaxing, and when im in the gym i come out of there as if i took a shower with my clothes on. Its only been 9 days that ive been taking it and ive lost 1% body fat already. I started at 16% and as of today im 15%. i dont know if thats to quick but my goal is 10% and my diet is in check as ive been sticking with it for 8 months now. Im 30, 5'7" and at 199lbs currently. 8 months ago i weighed 240lbs before cardio and dieting and now i decided to do the clen to give it an xtra boost, i also included the prop and mast as extra support for some muscle and read the mast has some fat burning qualities aswell. So i guess ill keep doing the clen untill my body gives me a sign that its time to stop or the 12 weeks, which ever comes first.

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