i wanted to know how i should cycle clen for pct. i read that there are people that do this to help with fat, lethargy and keep from going catabolic. do i wanna run it right after my last shot? and do i wanna piramid like doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off or just take like 40-80mcgs every day consistantly..
on thing that sucks is breaking up the damn clen cause they are 200mcg's and like 4 or 5 mm, very very small.. thanks for any advice. also if there are anyother supp's you guys rec or have experienced with please let me know..
i am coming off of...
sust-750mg week
deca-600mg week
anadrol 100 mg first 6 weeks
and started hcg today. doing 500iufor 14 days then starting a-dex at .5 mg. is that enough mg perday??
this was a ten week cycle, i was going to go 14 but shoulders hurt from benching. i was benching 315 2x's b4 cycle and now benching 425 2xs. i think that really screwed my shoulders up ....