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Thread: I want to have babies...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    I want to have babies...

    I know I haven't been on a lot lately, due in part to quite a few things.

    1. I got fired from the club I worked at for over a year because the manage caught me with a female in the VIP at the end of the night. Now i'm working at the rival club on the other side of town. It's pretty cool at the new place though because I pretty much have free reign to do what I want and I'm choking people out and throwing 'em out nightly lol.

    2. I FINALLY ended things with my ex and we are on very bad terms. She can go suck an egg...

    3. I met the most wonderful and perfect woman I could ever have asked for and fallen in love with her. She looks like a playboy bunny (blonde, great shape, big breasts), she's VERY smart, and she's a very good girl (she hasn't slept around at all).

    4. I have decided to STOP all AAS use indefinitely as I started to experience erection problems and that is completely unacceptable! I just finished a PCT of clomid and HCG, and I'm about to get that Novadex supp from Gaspari Nutrition as well.

    5. I started Muay Thai kickboxing and I LOVE it, I'm doing it 4 times a week and it's still not enough. Too bad the Air Force won't let me fight

    ANYHOW... as for the title of this thread, I know I'm only 20 but I have this urging, overwhelming desire to get married and have kids... to start a family. Part of it may be that I fear dieing in Iraq and I want to leave something behind... who knows but the fact is I feel the need to. I feel I have outgrown my party days and my man-whore days. This girl I'm with is PERFECT for me. I had sex with her the last 2 times and didn't wear a condom AND came inside her. She isn't on birth control. Part of me is telling me I'm crazy, yet part of me feels this is right. I'm so confused. Has anyone ever felt like this before?
    Last edited by Superhuman; 07-17-2007 at 02:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    I know I haven't been on a lot lately, due in part to quite a few things.

    1. I got fired from the club I worked at for over a year because the manage caught me with a female in the VIP at the end of the night

    2. I FINALLY ended things with my ex and we are on very bad terms. She can go suck an egg...

    3. I met the most wonderful and perfect woman I could ever have asked for and fallen in love with her. She looks like a playboy bunny (blonde, great shape, big breasts), she's VERY smart, and she's a very good girl (she hasn't slept around at all).

    4. I have decided to STOP all AAS use indefinitely as I started to experience erection problems and that is completely unacceptable! I just finished a PCT of clomid and HCG, and I'm about to get that Novadex supp from Gaspari Nutrition as well.

    ANYHOW... as for the title of this thread, I know I'm only 20 but I have this urging, overwhelming desire to get married and have kids... to start a family. Part of it may be that I fear dieing in Iraq and I want to leave something behind... who knows but the fact is I feel the need to. I feel I have outgrown my party days and my man-whore days. This girl I'm with is PERFECT for me. I had sex with her the last 2 times and didn't wear a condom AND came inside her. She isn't on birth control. Part of me is telling me I'm crazy, yet part of me feels this is right. I'm so confused. Has anyone ever felt like this before?
    I don't think you truly know what your getting yourself into.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    how does she feel?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta
    how does she feel?
    She's scared, but she loves me and sees us together forever. I've known her now for 6 weeks and we are so close it's crazy. She is everything I have ever wanted. I can't say one bad thing about her. She has never really opened up to anybody before but for some reason she is really comfortable sharing her feelings with me and it makes her happy. I know we're not ready but for some reason this primal instinct is telling me to have kids. Is that normal or is it from AAS use? lol

  5. #5
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    Just make sure that is what you want, cause once you get there, there is no turning back.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Yes you are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodypaul
    Yes you are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don't know, it just feels so right. I've never made love to a woman before, just f*cked. It's amazing I feel such a connection with her. I don't know... maybe I just subconsciously want to impregnate her so I can keep her??

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    you really dont know her yet , 6 weeks?
    your very young, sure you feel like that now it happens, but you need to listen to your brain, not your heart and pants.
    can you really provide for a baby?
    sure love her but are kids really showing your love, or do you just want to not let her get away.
    i wish you the best of luck either way,

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    You should change your name to Mr. Peanut cause you're N U T S!!!!!

  10. #10
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    Yo bro, calm it down a wee bit. I have been in those shoes before, I wanted to marry the girl after a couple of months, etc...It didn't last, although it was my best relationship to date.

    maybe I just subconsciously want to impregnate her so I can keep her??

    I'd say you hit the nail on the head with that one. Take it slower, start wearing a condom and all of that good stuff. If you two keep at it like you are, you may end up growing tired of each other. You're too young for a kid man, it's a lot more responsibility than you think.

  11. #11
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    Has nobody ever felt like this before?? For the last few months I think about having a child all the time and starting a family. Having a wife living on base with me and a beautiful baby boy... maybe I am crazy. I just feel like I've lived enough in my live for someone twice my age. Additionally, I have so many big plans and goals in life that I think it would be wrong not to share them with somebody.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    yes i thought like that once or twice

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    If you two keep at it like you are, you may end up growing tired of each other.
    This is the number 1 thing I am worried about... we spend so much time together I really hope we don't get tired of each other. We have great conversations, yet we can just lay there together for hours and be happy not saying a word

  14. #14
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    At 20 yrs old, you are a man but emotionally you are still growing. You have many chapters to go before you learn who you really are and what you really want.

    Right now, youre the movie of the week. Everything is perfect and youre unlike anyone else, right? Nope. Ive been there before and I married that girl that youre talking about. We lasted almost two years and then divorced (however, we are getting remarried this month ).

    I beg you, please slow down and breath. What youre talking about are decisions that WILL FOLLOW YOU FOR LIFE! Passion comes and goes, buddy. Even to the best of us.

    Good luck.

  15. #15
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    Don't worry so much about getting tired of each other, but definitely reconsider your plan for a kid. That is NOT what you want man, trust me.

    1. You are way too young.
    2. You can't support a kid.
    3. You hardly know this girl.

    I'm not trying to be harsh in any way man, but you've only known the girl for 6 weeks. You work at a club, that's a fun job, not a career. You're only 20 bro, you aren't even of legal age to drink yet.

    Just think about what I'm saying.

  16. #16
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    Btw, even though my wife and I are back together.....the divorce cost me $100k. Cant imagine if a kiddo was in the mix.

  17. #17
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Stupid. Hope that new "JOB" you call it pays well. This must be the most idiotic thing Ive heard in a long time.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    I know I haven't been on a lot lately, due in part to quite a few things.

    1. I got fired from the club I worked at for over a year because the manage caught me with a female in the VIP at the end of the night. Now i'm working at the rival club on the other side of town. It's pretty cool at the new place though because I pretty much have free reign to do what I want and I'm choking people out and throwing 'em out nightly lol.

    2. I FINALLY ended things with my ex and we are on very bad terms. She can go suck an egg...

    3. I met the most wonderful and perfect woman I could ever have asked for and fallen in love with her. She looks like a playboy bunny (blonde, great shape, big breasts), she's VERY smart, and she's a very good girl (she hasn't slept around at all).

    4. I have decided to STOP all AAS use indefinitely as I started to experience erection problems and that is completely unacceptable! I just finished a PCT of clomid and HCG, and I'm about to get that Novadex supp from Gaspari Nutrition as well.

    5. I started Muay Thai kickboxing and I LOVE it, I'm doing it 4 times a week and it's still not enough. Too bad the Air Force won't let me fight

    ANYHOW... as for the title of this thread, I know I'm only 20 but I have this urging, overwhelming desire to get married and have kids... to start a family. Part of it may be that I fear dieing in Iraq and I want to leave something behind... who knows but the fact is I feel the need to. I feel I have outgrown my party days and my man-whore days. This girl I'm with is PERFECT for me. I had sex with her the last 2 times and didn't wear a condom AND came inside her. She isn't on birth control. Part of me is telling me I'm crazy, yet part of me feels this is right. I'm so confused. Has anyone ever felt like this before?
    First and foremost, congratulations in regards to some of the decisions that you've decided to make. I truly feel as if you're beginning to pave your way into manhood as your priorities are clearly beginning to change according to your post. However....

    Notice what I've highlighted in bold within your initial post. There's a reoccuring word that stands out in your two sentences and this word is the word "me". A family consists of the word "us" or "we". You, on the other hand, are attempting to carve a future for multiple people based upon your own individual desires. For all that I know, she may be on board with it and if so, that's awesome. But if not, you may be jumping the gun a bit as your decisions today will pretty much dictate not only the rest of your life....but the life of your spouse and this potential child of yours.

    There's a big difference between what feels right and what IS right. I'd highly recommend that you discuss your intentions with your significant other so that all parties can be on the same page before you both start participating in a different story.

    Grace and Peace and may the force be with you Superhuman.

  19. #19
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    First and foremost, congratulations in regards to some of the decisions that you've decided to make. I truly feel as if you're beginning to pave your way into manhood as your priorities are clearly beginning to change according to your post. However....

    Notice what I've highlighted in bold within your initial post. There's a reoccuring word that stands out in your two sentences and this word is the word "me". A family consists of the word "us" or "we". You, on the other hand, are attempting to carve a future for multiple people based upon your own individual desires. For all that I know, she may be on board with it and if so, that's awesome. But if not, you may be jumping the gun a bit as your decisions today will pretty much dictate not only the rest of your life....but the life of your spouse and this potential child of yours.

    There's a big difference between what feels right and what IS right. I'd highly recommend that you discuss your intentions with your significant other so that all parties can be on the same page before you both start participating in a different story.

    Grace and Peace and may the force be with you Superhuman.
    good post mavs

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    20 years old, known her for 6 weeks. C'mon.

    Bringing a new life into the world is a different ball game my friend.

  21. #21
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    When you next serving in Iraq?

  22. #22
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    i think many people feel that way at that point in teh relationship. its called "the honeymoon phase". everything is great and you think you could spend every waking moment with the girl and she is the greatest thing in the world. then one day you realize that her shit smells just like everyone elses. she probably has some stuff that you dont know about that may or may not change your opinion of her. plus, in the 6 weeks you've known her, she probably has only had one bout with PMS. have fun getting to konw that side of her. my point is, there are millions of women in the world, and you should probably get to know some more on that level before you go nuts.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    20 years old, known her for 6 weeks. C'mon.

    Bringing a new life into the world is a different ball game my friend.
    Yeah man, it's a BIT to quick to have kids after knowing someone for 6 weeks.
    Well, it obviously will feel right and great and this and that, because You basically just met, it's all new and exciting. You REALLY SHOULD let some time pass by and see how you guys are getting along with each other. Damn, you are only 20! Kid?! Bah, are you financially secured? Are you ready to be a dad? Is she ready to be a mom? Man, that's some serious decision!
    Be careful brother, let time pass by, don't rush!
    But hey, on the other hand, you never know, it could just workout, but it's a HELL OF A RISK to find out.

    Best of luck!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Has nobody ever felt like this before?? For the last few months I think about having a child all the time and starting a family. Having a wife living on base with me and a beautiful baby boy... maybe I am crazy. I just feel like I've lived enough in my live for someone twice my age. Additionally, I have so many big plans and goals in life that I think it would be wrong not to share them with somebody.
    I actually went through that same thought process a few years ago, funny as it is, right around 20yrs old....don't trust those feelings, wait it out, you've got all the time in the world to get to REALLY know her before you settle would be terrible to end up with a child and then get sick of eachother....maybe find a friend or a family member with a child and ask if you can take care of him/her for a couple weeks(odd, and they'd have to be VERY trusting...but it would work for you) and make sure YOU are the one paying for everything, not getting paid to do it...children and families are very expensive...its not right to bring a child into the world into an environment where there is constant financial isnt everything, and people can get by on nothing...but the majority of divorces that happen today have some element of financial strain being the root cause.....i'm sure this girl is great, and by all means you may end up together...but atleast PLAN for something like this...being a bouncer, the kind of violence that you just described you enjoyed, is that something you would bring your baby to? I'm not jumping on you, just lettin you know, think it through, ALL the way through, and be a skeptic while you are doing it....good luck bro

  25. #25
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    Dude I am 52 and I have been around the block quite a few more times than you and after two wifes and five kids I am telling you this is the biggest mistake you will ever make. At 20 you should not be thinking about a long term relationship and definitly not kids, you have a lot more life to live before you need to deal with that responsibility that is for sure

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    At 20 you should not be thinking about a long term relationship and definitly not kids, you have a lot more life to live before you need to deal with that responsibility that is for sure
    What's the perfect age then?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    What's the perfect age then?

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Lets see some pics of this girl and see if she's worth knocking up

  29. #29
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    I´ve felt exactly like you´re describing bro.. only I had been dating the girl for 1,5 years and known her for almost 2,5 years.. things were great and still are. we both thought about it and found out we were capable of having a child but still I had some doubt in my mind and thank god for that! We are still dating and Im always figuring out new reasons why this would have been a terrible idea.

    Think about it, you´ve only been with this girl for a very short time which means you dont know her as well as you should (at least if you´re considering having a child with her!!). trust me, I keep getting to know my gf better and better and there are some things I like and some things I dont like).

    You talk about you going off to the army and you´re scared of dying, which I can understand, but that is an even better reason why you shouldnt have a kid with this girl.. think about how horrible it would be for her to loose you with a baby on the way.

    Last but not least, if you both feel you could quite possibly be together forever you shoud wait atleast one or two more years.. I mean, whats the harm if you´re made for each other...

    (And yeah, Im 20 years old as well..)

    Hope all goes well, whatever you decide to do

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I felt that way before minus the kid part.

    Serious hold of on the kid. If she is really the right girl and everything else you can have the kids later

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Six weeks is not very long. How much do you really know about her? How much does she know about you? I'm assuming you haven't lived together...If I were in your shoes, I'd enjoy the new relationship and see where it goes.

  32. #32
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    Okay, maybe I spoke too quick before. After thinking about it long and hard I realized that I felt the same way when I was busting a nut in your girl!

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=Superhuman]She's scared, but she loves me and sees us together forever. I've known her now for 6 weeks and we are so close it's crazy. She is everything I have ever wanted. I can't say one bad thing about her. She has never really opened up to anybody before but for some reason she is really comfortable sharing her feelings with me and it makes her happy. I know we're not ready but for some reason this primal instinct is telling me to have kids. Is that normal or is it from AAS use? lol[/QUOTE
    I think that u really dont know somebody in 6 weeks. But its ur life so u do what ever it takes to make u feel satisfied. I think ur in over ur head though

  34. #34
    20? is that you in your ava? how long have you bene cycling for, you are ****ing huge bro.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Sup, you are going to fuk up, she is perfect because she came along at a time in your life that is now but it will fade and you will be in hell

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    35 is a good age to start with the kids. Marrying her is one thing but kids are another. Think about it and nut on her stomach for christ sake.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    1. You are way too young.
    I realize that, but age is just a number - I can be goofy sometimes but most people say I am more mature than most guys in their late 20's and guess me to be 28
    2. You can't support a kid.
    Where there is a will there is a way... I am probably the most driven person I know. If I am very passionate about something, I won't stop til I get it. The benefits in the Air Force are amazing, so that would help, and my parents own a company so at any time I could jump onboard with them and help run it
    3. You hardly know this girl.
    We've literally spent every day together, every night together, for the last 6 weeks. We only went one day without talking and that was because I was really busy and she was out of town. I know so much about her and I love all of it. She is very smart and very sweet, which is more attractive to me now than anything else. She's also F*CKING HOT... my friends can't believe I'm with her, she is seriously the hottest girl I've ever been with by far
    I wrote in bold...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Stupid. Hope that new "JOB" you call it pays well. This must be the most idiotic thing Ive heard in a long time.
    Which job are you referring to? If you're talking about the club, I'm just doing that for fun and some extra cash. I have no expenses right now besides supplements, as I am staying with my parents until I leave for Basic. I'm getting an $18k sign-on bonuse for my MOS and the benefits are great.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    When you next serving in Iraq?
    At the latest, i'll be deployed in February. We'll see... I'm looking forward to getting a tan and losing some of this water weight

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Thanks for all the input, that was a very nice post Mavs. Goodcents I know you're lau***ng at me but seriously I am a different person now, I'm ready for this! I'm done being a man-whore, PLUS my girl now has the sweetest most beautiful "flower" I've ever encountered... GAWD I could smell it and eat it all day long.

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