?Que Pasa? gents... I feel like shit. I mean a buddy of mine feels like shit *cough*
HIS first cycle was kinda f'ed up but yet effective none the less because nothing keeps him from going balls out training.
The cycle consisted with a frontload of Deca and Primobolan Depot. Then D-bol was added for a jump and some brain fuel. Primo ended. Then Deca ended and Equipoise began (Deca effected sex drive too much without running an androgen). Now it has been like 5 weeks since the last Deca shot and the Eq is basically running on it's own and time outside the gym is getting to be a little... well... out of it.
Went like this:
Week 1: 800mg Deca, 600mg Primo
Week 2: 400mg Deca, 300mg Primo
Week 3: 400mg Deca, 100mg Primo, D-bol 25mg ED
Week 4: 400mg Deca, 100mg Eq EOD, D-bol 25mg ED
Week 5: 400mg Deca, 300mg Eq EOD, D-bol 25mg ED
Week 6-9: 100mg Eq EOD
Equipoise will be ran for another 3 weeks and pumps are fantastic, vascularity is showing and generally feeling swole in the gym. Gains have been good and looking to spot inject the remaining Eq in the Biceps and Triceps since leg strength seems to have improved the most (been doing quad and some glute injections).
My recap on this is the Primobolan was a waste but since it binds similar to the others it at least helped a little. Deca should have been continued with the Eq - Eq pumps seemed to be better when Deca was still in the system. An androgen should have been added. Gear should have been gather in advanced (learned the hard way).
Question is: How can I pull this one out of the shit can for the final few weeks? I was thinking Winstrol. But Anadrol 50 or D-bol ran at the end is more... econmical. I read that Anadrol 50 (highly androgenic) used with another sup (this case Eq) would allow smaller doses of Anadrol to be used, so less sides... bloat, liver, and supression. Would adding 50mg or 100mg of Anadrol be better than adding say 30-40mg of D-bol for 4 weeks?
Like this?
Weeks 10-12: Eq 100mg EOD
Weeks 10-14: Anadrol 50 100mg ED or D-bol 40mg ED (2 gallons H20 ED)
Begin Clomid week 15.
The intent of the cycle was to build keepable results and get past a sticking point (which it has very nicely done so far). Not looking for extra BF or bloat. No need for unnecessary weight gain - just solid lean weight. The last few weeks could focus more on strength than anything.
Thanks in advanced... another one bites the dust but knows much more now - if there is a next time around