I Know people have asked before....But I did a search and couldnt find much...so here goes...
I am trying to decide if I have "gyno," I know I have the fat, but where is the lump supposed to be? I have hard tissue, but it seems to be very close to my chest, almost attached. So is this the "gland" I hear about once in a while....or is it gyno?![]()
I think I am just trying to make myself feel better but I am still not 100% decided on whether or not this is "gyno." I have talked to 2 doctors and both have said 2 exactly opposite things. I have the fat depsosits which I am currently getting rid of, and some seriously puffy nipps.....so where is the lump supposted to be? Attached to the chest or directly behind the nipple?
Any help would be great......Seriously. Or if this has been said and done...a link would be great.