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Thread: Crazy HGH results on a friend over 3 Year Period

  1. #1

    Question Crazy HGH results on a friend over 3 Year Period

    Well i have a friend have a that was approx. 5'0" and 88lbs at age 16 race:100% japanese he was always small his parents are also very small around 5 feet also. for those who say dont take HGH when your young what about this?

    In school i noticed he was growing rapidly and he is currently now 5'10" and 160lbs. at 21 years old. Genetics on paper say he shouldve grew to about 5'5" and 155 pounds atmost.

    I asked him how did he get so tall when his parents were so small and he told me he was taking HGH. I also asked him how he was taking it. He said in shoulders 45 angle build up slow at first then he claimed he was taking near 10iu a day 7 days a week?!?! isnt that alot? He claimed even after taking for a year and half straight he stopped taking HGH at about 5'7" 128lbs but continued to grow another year.

    I really want to take HGH now after finding out thats how he got so tall. I myself have a father who is 5'11" 195lbs and a mother who is 5'5" but im only 5'6" 120lbs. Now im 21 and getting worried if i dont take HGH now ill never be taller. But my father claimed every boy in a family didnt have a major growth spurt till age 22 and im almost 100% sure my growth plates didnt fuse yet. Its like my growth got stunted i figured id by tall like my dad and relatives.

    Is it alright to take HGH 7 days a week maybe not as high as he was and is it possible i can still grow taller?

    P.S HGH does make your penis bigger when you take while in puberty. cause he is japanese and his dick is about 5in soft and super thick. I didnt look on purpose was using the bathroom and it was so big i could see it in the corner of my eyes.LOL

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hello and welcome.

    The weight that he gained between ages 16 to 21 isn't anything abnormal. Afterall, the paper work says he should be 155lb max, so he is only 5lb over the estimated figure.

    As for his height, 10 inches in 5yrs is quite a bit IMO. But then again, we have to take into cosideration that males go through all sorts of changes between ages 16 to 21. This is when we fill out length wise and width wise, so who knows.

    This story isn't really that eye catching if you ask me. I mean the weight he gained is normal IMO. And as for his height, well he may have grew a bit extra I suppose. What I am curious about is the amount of GH he was taking. 10IU at that age is quite a bit. That can't possibly be healthy fo him if he took it for years. I am also curious if that is the dose his doc originaly prescribed him.

    As for the penis matter, well, I have no idea about that.

    I think we need RB here.



  3. #3
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    I friend of mine was on GH injections for treating a disorder that he had while he was a child. He ended up with longer extremities and even a ten inch member. Was it from the GH? I guess it's as good of a guess as anything else, but I wouldn't go investing the time and money on GH for that factor alone. I'd just hope to have that as an interesting side effect on top of my other goals. Just my honest opinion.

  4. #4
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    gh should lengthen the penis alot, if used during puberty.

  5. #5
    are you shour it would make it bigger and why just in puberty?

    it doesnt make sense to me why that would work how do you know this im just curious cos i have a son and it could be a good help when he hits puberty maybe he could be bigger than my 10 inch then lol joke

    but seariously is ther any proof?

  6. #6
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    i dont have proof no, but ive seen it happen many times with people. I wish mine was 10.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnliam111
    are you shour it would make it bigger and why just in puberty?

    it doesnt make sense to me why that would work how do you know this im just curious cos i have a son and it could be a good help when he hits puberty maybe he could be bigger than my 10 inch then lol joke

    but seariously is ther any proof?
    Because you're not "finished growing" at that point. So, theoretically, the use of HGH in that period of time has the potential of helping it along. I say, if you want your son to be a tripod, go for it! Though, I still have heard plenty of guys having an enlarging effect while on HGH.

    Makes me wonder what would happen if you jelqued while on GH?

  8. #8
    lol i might wait till he,s older an try lol nah but good thoery about that its cos ther still open to growing

    ive been told that sum anabolics can help kids in puberty but thers no way ide want them near my son i know thats a bit hipocritical cos i juice but wouldnt want him doin atall reely or atleast till he,s over 22

  9. #9
    an mine aint reely 10 inch iron addict loljust a small 9 inch lol

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergioLMT
    Because you're not "finished growing" at that point. So, theoretically, the use of HGH in that period of time has the potential of helping it along. I say, if you want your son to be a tripod, go for it! Though, I still have heard plenty of guys having an enlarging effect while on HGH.

    Makes me wonder what would happen if you jelqued while on GH?

    i just stated jelqing last week. u notice anything with it?

  11. #11
    well the whole point of this post is do you think i can still grow at 21 when my family is know for late blooming? Did anyone at this age range take HGH and still grow hight wise.

  12. #12
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    I grew ten inches in a year between ages 15 and 16. I started at barely 5'0" and was 5'10" by my 16th birthday (and no I wasn't on exogenous HGH). But after that I only grew 2 inches in total (Im about 6'0).

    Growing sideways took a lot longer.
    Last edited by dabigcheese; 07-19-2007 at 01:59 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jman808
    well the whole point of this post is do you think i can still grow at 21 when my family is know for late blooming? Did anyone at this age range take HGH and still grow hight wise.
    At your age I would say it is highly unlikely. The thing about height is that it is almost completely genetic in a society like ours where malnourishment is a very rare thing. So given that all of us are well fed these days, the only thing that separates people in height is genetics.

    The other thing about growth is that your bone platelets should not close for HGH to allow you to grow taller. The platelets start to close after males mature sexually - testosterone has that effect. This is why any serious gains in height in the early 20s is ulikely. But again, nothing is certain.

    Now Ive always wished I was 6'4". Muscle you can gain with hard work, good nutrition and gear but height you are stuck with.

    Interestingly, with height, I never thought of myself as tall in Britain where the average male is almost as tall as me and weighs about 175 Lbs (according to latest statistics). But I realised I was a "big guy" when I went to southern Italy for the first time saw how short people were. When I go to Asia, I feel big. But in Britain and Northern Europe, I feel only slightly bigger than average.

    In Holland, I'd be shorter than the average bloke. Average male height in Holland now is 6'1".

  14. #14
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    source check [email protected]
    how the hell could a teen afford 3 years of gh?

  15. #15
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    how the hell could a teen afford 3 years of gh?
    Perhaps it was prescribed to him.


  16. #16
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    Yup prescription makes it easier to afford. I know my friend paid about 2k a year only for it.

  17. #17
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    prescriptions CHEAPER!??

  18. #18
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    prescriptions CHEAPER!??
    Well they are in the UK and in Oz (where GEAR is from) - we have this crazy idea about not bankrupting people who need medicine...

  19. #19
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Well they are in the UK and in Oz (where GEAR is from) - we have this crazy idea about not bankrupting people who need medicine...


  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Well they are in the UK and in Oz (where GEAR is from) - we have this crazy idea about not bankrupting people who need medicine...

    tell me about it there are some things about the US that makes me wanna kill evey god damn congressman and current official.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Lionel Messi... research this soccer player.. he plays for the Arg national team... now 20 i believe but started treatment at 18 and since has grown 10"... (HGH) I think it was from 5' to 5'10

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