i know this may be a newbie ?, but i just wanted to get the conversions right for my next comming cycle. If i want to shoot E3D, do i use 3.5 days x mg per shot or do i use 2.5 days x mg per shot. THANX
i know this may be a newbie ?, but i just wanted to get the conversions right for my next comming cycle. If i want to shoot E3D, do i use 3.5 days x mg per shot or do i use 2.5 days x mg per shot. THANX
What ester is attached to your hormone(s)? That will determine the frequency you inject.
2.333 shots per week
number of miligrams you want to shoot a week/2.333=number of miligrams per shot
Is that what you are asking?
i want to shoot eq and test enth E3d, and im shooting 800mg eq/wk and 350mg enth/wk. So i just need to know the converisons to see how many CC's i need to inject to get those numbers (800 and 350). I thought you used 3.5 times however many mg you need per shot to equal the weekly amount
First of all we need to know the strength of the juice ie what is written on the bottle ? Is it 250mg/ml or something similar ?
eq = 200 enth = 250
800mg/2.33=343.34mg per load eq/200mgperml=1.7cc eq
350/2.33=150.21/250=0.60cc test enth
thanx so much KRATOS!!! Much respect!
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