wats going on guyz. im doing great so far. i hope every 1 is cooling out. amongst all that...i have a general question about anadrol 50. what has been everyones experience taking this compound. did u lose evrything from taking it..even along with proper pct. cause from wat i heard, its awesome for anemia in increasing red blood cell count..however, i heard for bodybuilding purposes...it makes u promote nutin more than water thatll vanquish as soon as u come off. i wanted to not just know this...but my friend has a ugl lab for this drug and id like to know if u guyz think that this is worth having on hand for a good jump start.in addition to the tbol and blue hearts i have already. i just am 1 of those guyz who like to have it all on hand..but am indecisive about anadrol since i dont wanna purchase anything thatll just cause severe gains in water thatll only deflate even with proper pct.
alos. what can i expect from it and what kindda diet wud u suggest to take with it other than a low sodium intake. i dont have any cycle in mind that i wish to propose..its just a general question. and id like 2 know wat kindda ai wud u use for this specific compouind. wud nolva be okay. thankx for all responses guys..