I have 2 cycles under my belt.
First 2 were bulkers. sust 500 a week for ten weeks. dbol 40 mgs/day weeks 1-4
Second cycle was test e 500 week and eq 400 week weeks 1-10, and dbol 40 mgs/day weeks 1-4
This will be my first cutter.
I'm tentatively planning on:
Test E 250 week 10 weeks
Tren E 400 week 8-10 weeks depending on sides
t3 beginning week 3, and ran throughout cycle
I have nolva, and cabergoline on hand.
Should i run the t3 right off the bat, or wait untill the gear kicks in around week 3 to avoid muscle loss.
How high should i go on t3. Will 100 mcgs be sufficient.
If anyone has any advice, or suggestions, or if you think this cycle is crap....let me know.
By the way, I'm 29 5'8" 200lbs. I'd guess I'm at about 15 % bf. Would 200 lbs @ 10-12 % bf be a reasonable goal