... just a thought, would it help to keep fat low or is it just a stupid thing to do? thanks
... just a thought, would it help to keep fat low or is it just a stupid thing to do? thanks
I wouldnt do it unless you 4 weeks from pct that way you can run 2 on then 2 off and be ready for 2 more on during the start of your pct. When bulking you have to take in so many calories clen will force you to take in even more. I'd like to here more on this though......
I would not say it's stupid, but I would wait until PCT before I started the clen. Now if you were doing a cutting cycle that might be a different story. IMO, bulk or cut dont try to do both at the same time. If you want a clean bulk, then eat clean. Your diet will determine how fat you get while bulking...
If doing clen with pct, do u do it the same way as u would while cutting??
Well, yes and no. The dose would be similar but you really want to think before you go cutting your calorie intake during PCT. You could lose a lot of weight and not the weight you want to lose. Most subscribe to slightly upping the calories during PCT to hold the weight gained during the cycle. If memory serves me right Clen has an anticatabolic effect that helps you keep your gains during and after PCT. Correct me if I am wrong on that someone.
bump for more feedback...
no if u take it during pct you need to keep the cals up,the reason why its great for pct is bc u need to eat as much as possible to try and keep gains, with clens help you can do so with minimal fat gain. if cutting you can cut cals to a certain extent, i wouldnt cut them to much bc losing more than 2 lbs a week isnt good, u start cutting into muscle, you just have to see what works well for You
yes reciever your right clen is anti-catobolic which is why its ideal for cutting
How much bulk are you looking for. I am asked all the time by people how I have gotten so big. The number 1 thing that has helped me over the years to really pack on size is a willingness to put on fat when bulking up. Allot of guys want the six pack and cuts year round, so it takes them allot longer to gain the size, than the guys who are willing to lose that for a while to put on allot of mass. So I would if possible just save clen for cutting cycles.
i'm looking for about another 60lbs... i'm 180lbs @ 6'1 and it was just an idea not that i'm waiting with a bottle of clen right now to start. i've noticed that i start to look a bit weird when i'm over 15%bf so trying to figure out best way to bulk those 60lbs up.
just stay consistent I am at 278 lbs and I will tell you every every pound I have gained over 250 was just as hard as every 3 lbs gained under 250.
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