sostonol 250 from ids
sostonol 250 from ids
kind of vague for an answer.
length of cycle? dosage? have you already ran the cycle?
Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
my buddy on a cycle now its from ids sostonol 250 its pills..
can you give alittle better info buddy ... like how much he is taking ... how long he is going to be taking them...
best pct after sostonol 250 from ids pills?????
Originally Posted by pewntang
he is taking it for 4 weeks 2 pills a day..
read this post by K.Biz, apply the same info to your question:
Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
some one told me to take tamoixfen citrate???
na just get some OXO-6 and some Nolvadex XT. Sostonal 250 is a pro hormone, it dosnt supress that badly that you would need actual nolva.
how long is a piece of string .......
read and learn all the info you need you can find in this section
Originally Posted by Lexed
lots of peeps r saying take nolva cuz is vary toxic and they say its 3 oral roids in 1 what to do ??????
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