Alright, i'm not actually going to start cutting down until about a month from now, but i haven't done a bodybuilding competition so there are tons of things i'm unsure about.
I've been taking celltech for about 6-7months, and i know that taking it causes you to retain water and u gain lots of water weight. I was just wonder how many weeks before contest should i cut this out, and should i replace it with another type of creatine, and if so what kind.
I'm a white ass pollak, and i've never been tan in my life, this includes about 5 trips to mexico and jamaica and about another 7-8 to florida. I'm really white, really white. I need some suggestions to see if i can do anything about this,although i doubt there is. I'm also not sure about applying when to start applying tanning coats, and how many to apply. I also don't know anything about any of the tanning products or oils out there.
I plan on doing this carb cycle.
Day 1 Moderate
Day 2 Light
Day 3 Light
Day 4 Heavy
And of course repeat, i'm open to any suggestions for adjustments.
I'm looking to drop roughly 1 lb. per week. Right now i'm about 215lbs.(including that celltech water weight) and guessing i'm about 15-16% BF, i want to drop to about 5%. I'm also not very familiar with the week before the contest, the carbing up and fat loading, and water intake. Also not sure what to eat day before and of the contest. Also, what foods to avoid, i know i need to avoid foods with any sat. fat, just wondering if there were any foods i should avoid that cause u to hold water, or any good natural diruetics i should get in. I also plan on keeping my protein intake high the entire cutting phase, not sure what to with protein intake week of contest. I'm planning about 25g of glutamine/day plus about 4 tablespoons of flaxseed oil/day.
I want to throw in cardio once i get "stuck". Slowly starting with morning empty stomach cardio 1-2 a week working up to 4-5 a week as needed, either a light jog or powerwalking for about 1/2 hour per session. I am not sure if i need to do cardio or not the week before competition.
Right now, my workouts generally go about 75-90 minutes, once i start cutting i'm going to drop it to 60 minutes a workout. I'm not sure what to do about training the week before contest. I've heard not to train the entire week before contest, and i've also heard to do 1 set to failure of each muscle group the night before contest. Please clear this up for me if u could.
I've been practicing posing for about 4-5 months, I've gotten fairly decent at it, but i know i could be better. Please let me in on any good tips or even if u know some good posing videos out there let me know. I've downloaded a ton of the pros' posing routines and watch those, they've been giving me some good ideas for coming up with a routine.
I know this is alot, but i really want to make sure i look good, i definitely don't want to feel embarrassed when i go up on stage. I actually have 4 friends who want to enter the show with me, and i'm sure a couple of them won't do it, but i really want to kick their ass, and show pix to everybody just to show off. I'm 18 right now, and will just be turning 19 when i compete. So i guess i'll be in the "teen" division, any info about this from personal experiences would be great. It seems like there are never too many Teens in these competitions, seems like just 5-6. Also, i know i should call up the comp. for info., but do they still have weight divisions for the teen division since there aren't that many teens in it?
I'll take any miscelaneous tips and advice you got or anything i left out, as u can tell the stuff i'm really unsure about is the week of the contest.
If u actually read all of this, i really do appreciate it. Thanks all.