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Thread: straight from a high dose AAS bulking cycle to just anavar only cutting cyc bad idea?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    straight from a high dose AAS bulking cycle to just anavar only cutting cyc bad idea?

    Hi i was wondering if when im so far into a mass cycle and decided ive gained enough mass and need to trim away some of the bodfat to cut down would it be ok to stop the doses of test your on me for instance 1300mg test a week durin bulk phase to only anavar the very next week to just maintain the muscle and cut the bodyfat away?

    Right now while on mass cycle im eating 5200 - 6000 calories a day and like i said 1300mg test a week and not doin any cardio just weight training 3 times a week.

    When i feel its time i gained enough muscle and too much bodyfat and ready to trim it away i figured id jump strait from the mass plan to this possibly.Drop the calories to 3500 maybe less just depending on reaction i get from first couple weeks.Doin only anavar @ 40mg day and continue the weight training 3 times a week but also cardio 3 times a week on days not weight training and taking 1 day off a week.

    Would this be a bad idea?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    Fall from 1300mg test/wk and 6000kcal/day on 40mg anavar/day and 3500kcal/day?

    You will lose at first some water weight than muscle and than fat. Oxandrolone is IMHO weak AS and not good substitute for your high dose of test.

    You should use some lower dose of test and short ester with DHT derivate.
    100mg prop EOD
    50mg Stanozolole ED

    or end cycle and start PCT, wait... do cutting cycle or priming and lean mass cycle but that depend on your goals.

  3. #3
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    May 2006
    from a couple books i read bodyforlife & total bodyplan they say 2 lbs loss week is most sensible but dont go over 3lbs a week in order to preserve the muscle.

    In your opinion could i stop my cycle of 1300mg test and drop calories down to a lower amount and just use a cutting AAS while doin the cardio and be able to drop 2-3lbs fat a week without loosing muscle?

    If my method is way off please explain to me best way to go into a cutting cycle.How much to drop calories and how much expect to loose each week and if i should plan on loosing strength also?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    dosent sound like a good idea at all just do a normal cycle for mass than take off for a while and do a cutter. your just digging yourself a hole.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    you'll be fine,and I think it is actually a good idea to run shor half lifed compounds while the long esters are clearing up
    just DO NOT decrease the calories that much all at once, taper down to see what works for advice is never going too much below maintenence...rely on cardio frist thing in the morning for fat buring rather than starvation
    of course you'll lose water weight but as far as muscle oxandrolone will preserve it IF you keep protein intake very high...
    in fact small dosages of AAS, though not adeguate to build mass, are still highly anticatabolic..
    adding clen would be beneficial too...
    Depending on how long you plan to run the anavar by itself, 1300mgs/test week( I am assuming you ran it for several weeks) will take many weeks to clear out of your system, so I'd say you are fine for 6-7 weeks, if you go past that add a trt dosage of test (100-200mg/week) to combat sex drive issues...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyhorse666
    dosent sound like a good idea at all just do a normal cycle for mass than take off for a while and do a cutter. your just digging yourself a hole.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger

    OK lets put it this way,

    In the past I have come off bulking phases (test/dbol) and went into 6 weeks of cutting using oxandrolone with very good results. I managed to lean out and keep the newly gained mass
    However, as I stated above, I did not cut my calories in half from one day to another, but only decreased caloric intake a bit.
    It worked for me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Vader about how many lbs of fat you loose during those 6 weeks and what changes did you make as far as cadio / training?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    Use some caloric daily need calculator... daily deficit should be around 500kcal/day.

    And no one is seeress and can tell you how you will react on diet particulary when you end high dose test and substitute with var.

    You will lose water (x lbs) than if your diet will be 100% fat of muscle/fat in case you will be not perfect in your diet.

    When I first time cut on 50mg prop EOD, 50mg trenA EOD and 50mg var ED I went from 11%BF to 6%BF and my weight stay same around 190lbs so I lost in 8wks 9lbs of fat and gained 9lbs of muscle. And after diet I explode on PCT and my weight stoped on 210lbs still lean (was holding around 9-10%BF).

    From this experience I belive on priming.

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