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Thread: hey fellas

  1. #1

    hey fellas

    hey guys well my name josh and im very new to steriods. ive been training for anout 6 years and have had good results but not everything that i woul like to have. so i wanna get into using some other methods. friends of mine do take a few things like deca and d bol. but i am not sure what i want to start with. my buddy wants to do a cycle of deca and dbol for my first and im not sure if that is a good first start. 250 d bol pills and 250 ml deca once a week. now what do you guys think is that a good way to start or should i try deca and test. well my starts are right now about 5'9" and about 260
    i have about 20-25 percent bf. i know im a little fat so i dont wanna hear that. i will cut when i get to the size that i wanna be at. i was 215 about a year ago and was not pleased with my size. so thats why ive bulked for the year. please help me with 1st cycle opinions thank a lot guys

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Welcome. Use the search button and research a bit, and read the stickies on beginner cycles, research pct, then come back with specific questions on your proposed cycle and we'll help you tweak it.

  3. #3
    well ive been doing a some reserch and what ive found is that from what ive read i should not do deca without test. now if i stack it with the d bol will that make up the diff in the test levels after i get off deca?? prolly not but i do not know. i also would do some nolva with the cycle toward the end. and was wondering about clomid, i read that clomid will make your reg test levels go back up faster so should i ad nolva and clomid. and if so how much and when should i take each sup. thanks again. ive reserched a lot but i want people advise that have taken it not a book or a web page ya know what i mean. i have the book from this site and gather a lot of info on that.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I think the best first cycle is test e at 500mg/wk for 12 weeks, followed by proper pct. I don't recommend mixing compounds on the first cycle, if you have an adverse reaction you wouldn't know which it was from. Save the more complicated cycles for down the road in my opinion. PCT and diet are by far the most important aspects for getting and keeping gains, this is where most of your research should be.

  5. #5
    Honestly, you need to lose about 35-40 pounds of fat to be at a respectable 10%. I think you should diet down 15-20 pounds before considering steroids.

    Once you are down to 15% bodyfat you will probably wiegh around 225-230 and you have a SOLID base if you can diet well... From there you can do a cutting cycle and be a real good size.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Like Imagetbigger said...stick to test only for first first I ran test cyp at 500mg/ week split into two doses for more steady blood levels...i ran it for 12 weeks and saw good results...I also ran d-bol at 30mg/day for a kickstart for the first 5 weeks...keep some nolva on hand in case your nipples start getting sensitive as mine anthony roberts pct..i dont think you need his full pct for just a test cycle, but at least some arimidex,nolva imo

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