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Thread: the satanic bible and satanism

  1. #201
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    You say that

    "if the satanist's answer to someone wronging them is to spite them back then where does it all end? - with us all descending into a spiral of revenge and retribution?"

    That's a good point. The Satanist would encourage a critical evaluation of it's own ideas and principles and that's what you're doing. All religions have constructive and destructive elements to them and it's up to the individual to determine what elements best inspires them.

    You also say that,

    If he is not a person however, but just a metaphor then where did your "religion" and it's rules/principles come from? - Did someone just sit down and write down the basic principles of being self centred?

    To be sure, Satan (or in the case of the Bible, God) is a metaphoric devise. Similar to Christianity or precursor religions such as Zoroastrianism, it was written by human beings trying to establish life-guiding principles.

    You raise the question of,

    What is the aim/goal of satanism, what hope does it offer

    As far as the goal of Satanism, I don't feel familiar enough with Satanism to really comment on it. Maybe it would be described as "goals" (plural). Maybe the goal is one of realism or anti-"bullshitism." Satanism, like Christianity or any other great religion, probably is by and large misunderstood. As far as the question of "what hope does it offer" maybe the hope of Satanism is that people learn to become independant thinkers rather than sheep. Maybe the hope is that human beings become more comfortable with becoming more true to their authentic nature rather than trying to fit a prescribed, cookie-cutter identity to become a generic "everyman." Maybe the goal of Satanism is to enjoy the concrete reality of "this life" rather than the empty promise of your consciousness making it to "the next life" by suppressing your authentic life in this life.

    What I question about Satanism is the self-centered or hedonistic stance. This should be challenged because both can be self-defeating.

    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    OK but in previous posts when you refer to lucifer you say "he" and "him" and say he is the bearer of light etc - kinda sounds like a person...

    If he is not a person however, but just a metaphor then where did your "religion" and it's rules/principles come from? - Did someone just sit down and write down the basic principles of being self centred?

    Do satanists believe in anything other than the flesh? i.e. is there any "afterlife" and if so what qualifies one for it?

    You say above that you do not like the bible saying that sin lives within the flesh - look around the world at all the terrible things people do to one another - if sin is not within the flesh then where is it? - or are all these terrible things not sins to you and are acceptable because they are just people being their true selves?

    And if the satanist's answer to someone wronging them is to spite them back then where does it all end? - with us all descending into a spiral of revenge and retribution? Showing kindness to someone who wrongs you is not a sign of weakness or cowardice - it is a sign of strength and courage and breaks the cycle of revenge and retribution and if more people were of this mindset then the world would improve whereas your mindset can only make things worse and send the world downhill.

    What is the aim/goal of satanism, what hope does it offer?

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    ya, but thats the whole point......sure their were plenty of other solar systems out their before ours, and other solar systems before other solar systems...

    but which one was first? at some point, you have to have a case of something from nothing

    einsteen was right about a lot of shit.....and he said, i believe it was him, energy can be neither created nor destroyed.......this remains consistant......."somthing" absolutely had to get things started, before the first solar have outerspace......was that just there from the beginning of time? were atoms and molecules just floating around since the beginning of time? "somthing, some force, somthing" had to get things rolling and initially defy physics

    this idea, plus my accounds of supernatural (which i hope you read), lead me to believe, that among the many possabilites, God is simply the most easy explanation

    ps- pretty sure einsteen believed in ghosts as well, but i cant prove it, unless someone else can one way or the other
    I believe the whole case and point behind god is because it's soooo much easier to say "well it's because god did it, or god made it this way, etc". Back in time people said all the storms and such came from god when he was "mad", etc... Well science has proven otherwise... Same goes for the creation of our solar system. Because we don't completely understand it right now it's easier for a lot of people to say it was "god", god has always been the cause for the unknown. However I refuse to except such an easy way out, for the truth is out there and we will discover it one day.

  3. #203
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    dam double post
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-23-2007 at 02:45 PM.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    You raise the question of,

    What is the aim/goal of satanism, what hope does it offer

    As far as the goal of Satanism, I don't feel familiar enough with Satanism to really comment on it. Maybe it would be described as "goals" (plural). Maybe the goal is one of realism or anti-"bullshitism." Satanism, like Christianity or any other great religion, probably is by and large misunderstood. As far as the question of "what hope does it offer" maybe the hope of Satanism is that people learn to become independant thinkers rather than sheep. Maybe the hope is that human beings become more comfortable with becoming more true to their authentic nature rather than trying to fit a prescribed, cookie-cutter identity to become a generic "everyman." Maybe the goal of Satanism is to enjoy the concrete reality of "this life" rather than the empty promise of your consciousness making it to "the next life" by suppressing your authentic life in this life.
    very well put!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    What I question about Satanism is the self-centered or hedonistic stance. This should be challenged because both can be self-defeating.
    I see nothing wrong with it. Where's the wrong done in doing for yourself as long as it doesn't hurt others (excluding if you "offend" others, if that's the case, well then... tough luck) (ie; a lot of people are offended by my tattoo's, who gives a fvck)

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    I believe the whole case and point behind god is because it's soooo much easier to say "well it's because god did it, or god made it this way, etc". Back in time people said all the storms and such came from god when he was "mad", etc... Well science has proven otherwise... Same goes for the creation of our solar system. Because we don't completely understand it right now it's easier for a lot of people to say it was "god", god has always been the cause for the unknown. However I refuse to except such an easy way out, for the truth is out there and we will discover it one day.

    yes, the truth is out there, the information is there, its just a matter of coming across the information

    ok, let me ask you somthing.........i posted up a big thing about why i believe in ghosts........assuming i am not bullshitting, and am unbiased in the matter, and not "looking" for shit

    assumiing i am not some asshole wacko, who wants to be special, wants to be unique, and looks for things out of the ordinary and completely just ****en makes a mountain out of a mole hill, and is a completely rationale, and scientific, and reviews many possible explanations

    what if you believed everything i said.......what if these events actually happened.......i am not so much asking you to believe me, but i am for a second asking you to pretend that you believe me.......would this change any of your philosophy..........would that at all give you any kind of doubts about God not existing

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    yes, the truth is out there, the information is there, its just a matter of coming across the information

    ok, let me ask you somthing.........i posted up a big thing about why i believe in ghosts........assuming i am not bullshitting, and am unbiased in the matter, and not "looking" for shit

    assumiing i am not some asshole wacko, who wants to be special, wants to be unique, and looks for things out of the ordinary and completely just ****en makes a mountain out of a mole hill, and is a completely rationale, and scientific, and reviews many possible explanations

    what if you believed everything i said.......what if these events actually happened.......i am not so much asking you to believe me, but i am for a second asking you to pretend that you believe me.......would this change any of your philosophy..........would that at all give you any kind of doubts about God not existing
    I do believe you are being 100% honest. However I'm still sure in my mind the answer is not "god". I'm not too knowledgeable in the subject but I'd believe in the "string theory" (or something else that could be described scientifically) before I would ever believe in "god".

  7. #207
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    I would rather live my life for God and die and find out I was wrong and that there is no God, than to live my life against Gods will and die and find out that there God is in fact real.
    What have I lost if I go through life, believing and trusting in God for guidance.......
    What have I lost if I go through life, not believing, not obeying, and not honoring God, and bringing shame upon myself to my creator........
    That is my question....
    How will I fare on judgment day........

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    I would rather live my life for God and die and find out I was wrong and that there is no God, than to live my life against Gods will and die and find out that there God is in fact real.
    What have I lost if I go through life, believing and trusting in God for guidance.......
    What have I lost if I go through life, not believing, not obeying, and not honoring God, and bringing shame upon myself to my creator........
    That is my question....
    How will I fare on judgment day........
    This is because you believe and have "faith" and these are your views and oppinions. Not everyone thinks the same! If you need "god" for guidance vs. being able to see were or what you should go/do on your OWN well... I'm not even going to go there as these are my views and oppinions as well. But you get the point!

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    This is because you believe and have "faith" and these are your views and oppinions. Not everyone thinks the same! If you need "god" for guidance vs. being able to see were or what you should go/do on your OWN well... I'm not even going to go there as these are my views and oppinions as well. But you get the point!
    You are correct, and noone should hold that against you. I believe that each of us are created equal. Reguardless of race, height, weight, or sex. All of us have sinned, and it is my belief, "Let he without sin cast the first stone".

    Still.... as I said,
    "I would rather live my life for God and die and find out I was wrong and that there is no God, than to live my life against Gods will and die and find out that God is in fact real."


  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    You are correct, and noone should hold that against you. I believe that each of us are created equal. Reguardless of race, height, weight, or sex. All of us have sinned, and it is my belief, "Let he without sin cast the first stone".

    Still.... as I said,
    "I would rather live my life for God and die and find out I was wrong and that there is no God, than to live my life against Gods will and die and find out that God is in fact real."

    One thing I don't see eye to eye on is the whole deal with "equality". For I don't believe everyone was created equal. Look at genetics (ie; bodybuilding), the mentally retarded, etc. No one is equal, there are people out here that excel at certain things while lacking in others, this is the way of life. We might have "equal" rights, but people are in NO WAY created equal.

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    One thing I don't see eye to eye on is the whole deal with "equality". For I don't believe everyone was created equal. Look at genetics (ie; bodybuilding), the mentally retarded, etc. No one is equal, there are people out here that excel at certain things while lacking in others, this is the way of life. We might have "equal" rights, but people are in NO WAY created equal.
    lol - I think you may have misinterpreted what being created equal means while actually agreeing with what it is intended to mean, it is not supposed to mean we are all identical!

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    One thing I don't see eye to eye on is the whole deal with "equality". For I don't believe everyone was created equal. Look at genetics (ie; bodybuilding), the mentally retarded, etc. No one is equal, there are people out here that excel at certain things while lacking in others, this is the way of life. We might have "equal" rights, but people are in NO WAY created equal.
    Just because a man is larger, or a child is born mentally retarded,...
    It is my belief that in the eyes of God, "He sees no difference".
    I have known many Handicap people, and had a very good friend in high school that was Down Syndrome. I would consider him a far better person, and better friend to me than many of my closest friends that were physically and mentally fine. He had a love for his parents that I had never seen nor could understand when we were both at the age of 16, and he charrished life in a way that I had never seen as well.
    So in Gods eyes I believe that we are created equal.
    That is why I don't feel that I am better than anyone else. Because I have lied, I have stollen, I have cheated.... I have sinned.
    And I believe that God does not judge or measure sin.
    "I am the same as the murderer, because I have lied"... there is no wei***ng out sin.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    And I believe that God does not judge or measure sin.
    "I am the same as the murderer, because I have lied"... there is no wei***ng out sin.
    Well if your "god" doesn't know the difference between a liar and a murderer... You can see were I'm going with that. This is why I choose to see through the bullshit (not trying to offend anyone, just expressing my views, I could really care less to those who I offend just letting it be known that it's not intended). I believe there is no "good" and "evil" no heaven/hell, as long as what you do is justifiable. For instance, if someone kills a family member then I find it totally justifiable to kill the killer, for I see no so called "sin" in that. As far as lies go... I value them. To decieve and manipulate is a true gift

    So are you going to say all "lies" are wrong??? If you're taking that standpoint well what if your wife or girlfriend or whatever asks you a question say for instance "how does this look" are you going to say "complete and utter shit!!! wtf is wrong with you who would pick out such an outfit!". Or if someone asks to strike a conversation "how was your day", etc. Or how about if someone makes you a meal are you going to be grateful or are you going to say "this tastes like shit".

  14. #214
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    Does God know the difference.... yes. But I don't think he sees difference or holds any greater value for one or the other. If I believe in Christ, and believe that he died for all sin... does that mean that he died more for the theif than the liar..... See where I am going.
    You can call my faith whatever you want. I could just as easy tell you I believe you will burn in hell for your beliefs, but I don't. I don't try to tell people they are wrong or put them down because they don't have the same religous beliefs as me.
    As far as good lies bad lies. You can be honest and polite even though it might not be what someone wants to hear.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    Does God know the difference.... yes. But I don't think he sees difference or holds any greater value for one or the other. If I believe in Christ, and believe that he died for all sin... does that mean that he died more for the theif than the liar..... See where I am going.
    You can call my faith whatever you want. I could just as easy tell you I believe you will burn in hell for your beliefs, but I don't. I don't try to tell people they are wrong or put them down because they don't have the same religous beliefs as me.
    As far as good lies bad lies. You can be honest and polite even though it might not be what someone wants to hear.
    I understand were you're coming from perfectly. However, I refuse to be hypocritical and live in self-deceit. I'm 100% accepting of myself in everyway for I'm perfect in the eyes of myself (self proclaimed god).

    It's obvious you have your ways and beliefs and I have my ways and such. Therefore we will never end up agreeing or seeing eye to eye... However I would like to see a point in proving were Satanism is in fact "wrong" not wrong in the eyes of the religious perspective but from morals.

    The only point I've seen proven thus far is the whole were does the eye to eye thing stop as it leads to a downward spiral. However, I still agree 100% with "eye for an eye" and "vengence" and such.

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    I understand were you're coming from perfectly. However, I refuse to be hypocritical and live in self-deceit. I'm 100% accepting of myself in everyway for I'm perfect in the eyes of myself (self proclaimed god).

    It's obvious you have your ways and beliefs and I have my ways and such. Therefore we will never end up agreeing or seeing eye to eye... However I would like to see a point in proving were Satanism is in fact "wrong" not wrong in the eyes of the religious perspective but from morals.

    The only point I've seen proven thus far is the whole were does the eye to eye thing stop as it leads to a downward spiral. However, I still agree 100% with "eye for an eye" and "vengence" and such.
    Your right money,
    We won't agree, or see eye to eye so to speak..... and that has been going on since the begining of time. Think about how many Wars have started over such issues. I am a huge History buff, and am amazed at how history repeats itself over and over.
    I also understand how you feel on "An eye for an eye", and "Vegence".
    I am not going to sit here and tell you that I have never wanted revenge, or never lost my temper... I have many times. BUT
    I don't believe it is right. I do believe you are entitled to protect you and your family, but I also believe that if we are to be as much like Christ as we can, then we would forgive.... even those that hurt us. That is what I believe is the right thing to do.
    I am out... Cowboys and Chicago are playin... and I got go cheer my Boys on!
    How bout' then Cowboys!!!

  17. #217
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    unclemoney - what do you believe happens to us when we die?

  18. #218
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    can you actually explain the string theory (no ghost theorum)?

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04

    can you actually explain the string theory (no ghost theorum)?
    Here you go, quoted from

    "Think of a guitar string that has been tuned by stretching the string under tension across the guitar. Depending on how the string is plucked and how much tension is in the string, different musical notes will be created by the string. These musical notes could be said to be excitation modes of that guitar string under tension.
    In a similar manner, in string theory, the elementary particles we observe in particle accelerators could be thought of as the "musical notes" or excitation modes of elementary strings.
    In string theory, as in guitar playing, the string must be stretched under tension in order to become excited. However, the strings in string theory are floating in spacetime, they aren't tied down to a guitar. Nonetheless, they have tension. The string tension in string theory is denoted by the quantity 1/(2 p a'), where a' is pronounced "alpha prime"and is equal to the square of the string length scale.
    If string theory is to be a theory of quantum gravity, then the average size of a string should be somewhere near the length scale of quantum gravity, called the Planck length, which is about 10-33 centimeters, or about a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter. Unfortunately, this means that strings are way too small to see by current or expected particle physics technology (or financing!!) and so string theorists must devise more clever methods to test the theory than just looking for little strings in particle experiments.
    String theories are classified according to whether or not the strings are required to be closed loops, and whether or not the particle spectrum includes fermions. In order to include fermions in string theory, there must be a special kind of symmetry called supersymmetry, which means for every boson (particle that transmits a force) there is a corresponding fermion (particle that makes up matter). So supersymmetry relates the particles that transmit forces to the particles that make up matter.
    Supersymmetric partners to to currently known particles have not been observed in particle experiments, but theorists believe this is because supersymmetric particles are too massive to be detected at current accelerators. Particle accelerators could be on the verge of finding evidence for high energy supersymmetry in the next decade. Evidence for supersymmetry at high energy would be compelling evidence that string theory was a good mathematical model for Nature at the smallest distance scales."

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    unclemoney - what do you believe happens to us when we die?
    I'm not sure, however I do know I'm going to live for myself as I see fit vs. living for a god and the afterlife of which I have no clue exists.

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    I'm not sure, however I do know I'm going to live for myself as I see fit vs. living for a god and the afterlife of which I have no clue exists.
    i agree, in the end we only have ourselves to answer to, thats all i need.

  22. #222
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    Too all you die hard christians and religious people... I'm in the middle of watching zeitgeist... I reccommend watching it however you will be in for a rude awakening... It will still be up to you whether you can accept the facts or such.... Let it go threw the first few minutes were it just shows war scenes and then the little comedy/animation, then it'll get to the cold hard facts and you can choose to accept them or not...

  23. #223
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    ok so i sat through your cold hard facts and still bvelieve in my faith....if i gave you so called cold hard facts would it give you a rudde awakening and would you accept them, prolly not cause it is your faith no matter what other say or call fact...just because you believe something doesnt make it a cold hard fact to everyone and that is what is the most annoying.....

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Too all you die hard christians and religious people... I'm in the middle of watching zeitgeist... I reccommend watching it however you will be in for a rude awakening... It will still be up to you whether you can accept the facts or such.... Let it go threw the first few minutes were it just shows war scenes and then the little comedy/animation, then it'll get to the cold hard facts and you can choose to accept them or not...
    I had posted this movie up in a thread a while ago. it doesnt totally change anyones view on religion etc, but it does make a compelling case.

  25. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Nice to see I have opposers! To all my fellow opposers (opposers of religious views that is) out there, shoot any questions you currently have, as I would love a question I not know the answer to so I can increase my knowledge.
    it was just playful banter, if it offended you i apologise, it was not intended to do so. as for comments or opinions on this thread i have many but its a waste of time to post them as they r my beliefs and not urs, and me posting them is not going to change how u see things.if i have anything to say at all it would be that what an interesting time it will be when this life is over and all these questions will be answered and none will be able to dispute the end result, peace i wish you the best in your journey

  26. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    ok so i sat through your cold hard facts and still bvelieve in my faith....if i gave you so called cold hard facts would it give you a rudde awakening and would you accept them, prolly not cause it is your faith no matter what other say or call fact...just because you believe something doesnt make it a cold hard fact to everyone and that is what is the most annoying.....
    I love that you think like this!!! It makes it easier for people like me to decieve and manipulate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    I had posted this movie up in a thread a while ago. it doesnt totally change anyones view on religion etc, but it does make a compelling case.
    Exactly!!! For what can one do really, that movie leaves out a HUGE PIECE of the puzzle, it touched on it very briefly and it's name was never mentioned. Partially due to the fact that I believe if it were mentioned that video may not be in circulation right now. I'm not even going to touch this subject but it very closes portrays to "satanism". Not all satanists are this way but every1 in these "groups" are satanist and the pawns are decieved and their front.

    Anyways, I don't stand for this, but in order to change it... well forget it, but lets say I have huge plans ahead of me.

    For the knowledgeable know's of these "groups" I speak of, their symbols are all over the f'n place it's just the avg person is truely blind and ignorant. That's why I will leave this subject untouched, and even for those that know what I'm talking about but havn't quiet come to terms of seeing the world for what it is will do nothing more than speculate.

    This should be a very obvious clue as to were my views lie. And people will choose to further there ignorance and such which will do nothing but make it easier for people like me to take over

    Now is that what I want to do??? NO! However, I'm giving you guys examples of what the ignorance is causing for the people who think this way!!! For it is QUIET easy to deceive, manipulate, and lie to get what you want accomplished. However the scale of which they used it on, I find it truely immoral and won't stand for such bullshit. You ask what I plan on doing??? Well sorry to have tempted you this far with the knowledge for this is when I seal my lips.

  27. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    I love that you think like this!!! It makes it easier for people like me to decieve and manipulate.
    PLease explain this to is completely irrelevant and does not answer my question...oh wait that is what you have been doing to most posts you have no answer for you just throw out useless banter and crap...

  28. #228
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    Hahaha. It all intertwines. The knowledge is right before you, do a little digging into masonry & satanist/satanism, you'd be surprised what you might unearth. For I've only but begain to grasp the knowledge. It's only been maybe a weeks tops but because I choose to educate myself further by my thirst for knowledge (video's, books, ebooks, the knowledge is right there and yours to obtain) however an obsession has taken over. However I feel nothing wrong with this new obsession and I willingly embrace it. I'd rather be armed with the truth, the purposeful life and live joyfully than to choose ignorance...

    But this is were I stop trying, for I can only put the info before people, it is up to them to choose what they want to accept. A lot of people wouldn't ever be willing to accept the fact of the way our country is and the world we live in. The old saying goes "ignorance is bliss", which for the most part is correct... I however, disagree. For I could never joyfully go through life being ignorant...

    And that's my bottom line.

    I'm not trying to "offend" anyone by refering to "ignorance this, ignorance that", I'm expressing myself, however if you are offended, it just proves to me why people in power stay in there positions of power.
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-24-2007 at 12:44 PM.

  29. #229
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    so you still once again never answered my first question....thanks again....isnt it easier and faster just to type you dont know instead of typing all the other stuff....

  30. #230
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    Thats rich..a satanist calling everyone else ignorant. This has to be a joke, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Hahaha. It all intertwines. The knowledge is right before you, do a little digging into masonry & satanist/satanism, you'd be surprised what you might unearth. For I've only but begain to grasp the knowledge. It's only been maybe a weeks tops but because I choose to educate myself further by my thirst for knowledge (video's, books, ebooks, the knowledge is right there and yours to obtain) however an obsession has taken over. However I feel nothing wrong with this new obsession and I willingly embrace it. I'd rather be armed with the truth, the purposeful life and live joyfully than to choose ignorance...

    But this is were I stop trying, for I can only put the info before people, it is up to them to choose what they want to accept. A lot of people wouldn't ever be willing to accept the fact of the way our country is and the world we live in. The old saying goes "ignorance is bliss", which for the most part is correct... I however, disagree. For I could never joyfully go through life being ignorant...

    And that's my bottom line.

    I'm not trying to "offend" anyone by refering to "ignorance this, ignorance that", I'm expressing myself, however if you are offended, it just proves to me why people in power stay in there positions of power.

  31. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Here you go, quoted from

    "Think of a guitar string that has been tuned by stretching the string under tension across the guitar. Depending on how the string is plucked and how much tension is in the string, different musical notes will be created by the string. These musical notes could be said to be excitation modes of that guitar string under tension.
    In a similar manner, in string theory, the elementary particles we observe in particle accelerators could be thought of as the "musical notes" or excitation modes of elementary strings.
    In string theory, as in guitar playing, the string must be stretched under tension in order to become excited. However, the strings in string theory are floating in spacetime, they aren't tied down to a guitar. Nonetheless, they have tension. The string tension in string theory is denoted by the quantity 1/(2 p a'), where a' is pronounced "alpha prime"and is equal to the square of the string length scale.
    If string theory is to be a theory of quantum gravity, then the average size of a string should be somewhere near the length scale of quantum gravity, called the Planck length, which is about 10-33 centimeters, or about a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter. Unfortunately, this means that strings are way too small to see by current or expected particle physics technology (or financing!!) and so string theorists must devise more clever methods to test the theory than just looking for little strings in particle experiments.
    String theories are classified according to whether or not the strings are required to be closed loops, and whether or not the particle spectrum includes fermions. In order to include fermions in string theory, there must be a special kind of symmetry called supersymmetry, which means for every boson (particle that transmits a force) there is a corresponding fermion (particle that makes up matter). So supersymmetry relates the particles that transmit forces to the particles that make up matter.
    Supersymmetric partners to to currently known particles have not been observed in particle experiments, but theorists believe this is because supersymmetric particles are too massive to be detected at current accelerators. Particle accelerators could be on the verge of finding evidence for high energy supersymmetry in the next decade. Evidence for supersymmetry at high energy would be compelling evidence that string theory was a good mathematical model for Nature at the smallest distance scales."

    ok, now put that in your own words, and lets see if you really believe in what you understand

  32. #232
    Join Date
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    he cant....all he can do is post links or direct quotes....he has yet to really understand anything, imo...he cant answer some question so he just rambles on about shit that has nothing to do with the question....trying to baffle people with bull sh1t is all.....

  33. #233
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    this thread is PATHETIC

  34. #234
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    he cant....all he can do is post links or direct quotes....he has yet to really understand anything, imo...he cant answer some question so he just rambles on about shit that has nothing to do with the question....trying to baffle people with bull sh1t is all.....
    You noticed as well eh?

  35. #235
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    You noticed as well eh?
    u guys arent the only ones.

  36. #236
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    now come on guys.......lets keep this respectable and intellectual


    ok, you got 2 things for me

    1. if under black majic, by extending your will, you can cause a change in using your will to cause a change in events, fits into a supernatural power.......How can you have a supernatural power without a higher being?


    2. put the string theory in your own words and demonstrate you believe what you understand

  37. #237
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    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Alright it's very obvious the paths you guys choose... And I respect this. I will refrain from further posting untill something of intellectual value is posted rather than just trying to accuse me that I don't know my ways.
    Last edited by unclemoney; 09-30-2007 at 05:12 AM.

  38. #238
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Alright it's very obvious the pass you guys choose... And I respect this. I will refrain from further posting untill something of intellectual value is posted rather than just trying to accuse me that I don't know my ways.

    no, ignore the post previous to yours

  39. #239
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    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    now come on guys.......lets keep this respectable and intellectual


    ok, you got 2 things for me

    1. if under black majic, by extending your will, you can cause a change in using your will to cause a change in events, fits into a supernatural power.......How can you have a supernatural power without a higher being?


    2. put the string theory in your own words and demonstrate you believe what you understand
    1. Under the whole "magic" theory, speaking of musicians who use the arts to decieve and manipulate and get a desired affect out of the audience. Then also going on to the fact of coming into reality... It has been proven I don't know how many of you have looked up the facts behind such things as "the exorcist", etc. I forgot the number but it is in fact that we use a minute amount of the brain, therefore I believe it possible to further unlock such things. Does it suck that the majority of the people that seem to find out are "crazy", etc, I don't believe you have to be a crazy mofo to learn for yourself... Then you ask about the supernatural being, etc, well that supernatural being would be myself, I worship myself.

    2. About the string theory... I don't totally understand this, and as a matter of fact I've never had quiet an interest on the subject other than the pure fact to disprove the afterlife and ghosts. So no I can't put it into my own words, however what it is for me is just that added measure showing that we are out here to question everything. For if you look back among time when people didn't have as much scientific knowledge, they blamed the "hurricanes" "tornadoes" "thunder storms", etc on god. god is simply a term for the unknown to me in that aspect.

  40. #240
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    Terry and I worship an unconventional deity. The power of another dimension. Now you are not going to read about this dimension in a book or a magazine because it exists nowhere... but in my own mind. Through our ceremonies and rituals we have witnessed the awesome and vibratory power... of color. This is not an occult science. This is not one of those crazy systems of divination and astrology. That stuff's hooey, and you've got to have a screw loose to go in for that sort of thing. Our beliefs are fairly commonplace and simple to understand. Humankind is simply materialized color operating on the 49th vibration. You would make that conclusion walking down the street or going to the store. -Terry Bohner A Mighty Wind

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