the salmon fats are EFA's.
Fatty Acids
Regardless of what you've heard, the body needs fats and oils, but, they must be the right kind, and are called essential fatty acids because they are the building blocks of which fats and oils are composed. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) can not be made by the body and must be consumed. They are sometimes referred to as Vitamin F or polyunsaturates. EFA's improve the skin and hair, reduce blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, help prevent arthritis, reduces the risk of blood clot formation, are necessary for nerve transmittion, found in very high concentrations in the brain because they are needed for normal brain function and development. Every living cell needs EFA's, they are essential for repairing cells and building new cells. Essential fatty acids are transformed into regulatory coumpounds called prostaglandins and both help regulate steriod production and hormone synthesis, regulate pressure in the eyes, joints, blood vessels, regulate response to pain, inflammation, swelling, mediate immune response, regulate bodily secretions and blood circulation, direct endocrine hormones to their target cells, regulate cell mitosis, maintain cell membrane and the flow in and out, prevent blood cells from clumping, regulate nerve transmittion, stimulate steroid production and are the primary energy source for heart muscle. There are two basic categories: *****-3 and *****-6 EFA's *****-3 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS include alpha-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acid, which are found in fresh deep water fish, fish oil, certain vegetable oils, like canola, flaxseed, and walnut. *****-6 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS include linoleic and gamma-linolenic which are found primarily in raw nuts, seeds, legumes and in unsturated vegetable oils, such as primrose oil, sesame oil, soy bean oil, borage oil. Linoleic is the most essential EFA and is converted into non-benificial trans-fatty acids by hydrogenation or the making of hard oils like margarine. ALL EFA'S MUST BE CONSUMED IN PURE FORM AND NOT SUBJECTED TO HEAT EITHER IN PROCESSING OR COOKING. HEAT DESTROYS THEM AND PRODUCES DANGEROUS FREE RADICALS. To obtain the daily requirement for EFA's, you must consume them as 10-20% of your total caloric intake.