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Thread: 250-300mg test E a week

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    250-300mg test E a week

    hey i am tryin to cut down and tryin to figure out the last details i have all my supplies, 10ml Test E 250, t3, clen and my pct goodies, but i know i dont have much test and i was wondering if i did 250ml a week for 10 weeks and started the t3 on the 4th week and continued until i stopped the Test would this keep the muscle, or would that low of dosage be a waste, cycle history is never done any real cycles just a cycle of superdrol about a year back

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    What are your age and stats dude ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    And goals?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    im 24, 6'1'' vary around 200lbs all the time, and roughly 15-16% bf. i would like to get down to about 12, while back lost alot of bodyfat and some muscle overall 35lbs, and not just been lifting but would like to get down into the single digits

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    in paradise
    if i am not mistaken you need at leat 500mg a week divided into 2/250mg doses for 10 wks to be seeing any gains anything less then that and your just wasting your money.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    im not tryin to get big and really put on alot of mass, im just lookin for something that will keep the muscle that i have gotten on me while i take the t3

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    to be honest the goals you have stated could be achieved through proper diet and training/cardio.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    250 to 300 will probably be OK depending on how you react to it. Only way to really know is to try it

  9. #9
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    i have i lost 35lbs by doing nothing but cardio and eating with a spot on diet, but now the weight loss has almost come to a complete stop and now im in grad school so i dont have the time i used to eat like i was, but i still manage to eat good

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by freakon
    if i am not mistaken you need at leat 500mg a week divided into 2/250mg doses for 10 wks to be seeing any gains anything less then that and your just wasting your money.
    Yes, you ARE mistaken. I'm tired of this parroting about 500mg this and 500mg that. What's with everyone's fixation with the number 500??? YOU DON'T NEED 500MG/WEEK TO SEE GAINS.

    I am currently on a 10 week cycle of Test E at 300mg per week split into 2 injections (150mg twice a week). I'm on week 6 and I am 17 lbs. heavier than when I started 6 weeks ago. So, I say BULLSHIT to everyone who keeps saying "500", "500", "500". 250-300mg a week is a shitload more than the body produces naturally. Why waste money on using 2x more than you need when you can get just the same result with half that.

    You DON'T need 500mg per week to see results, especially if it's a first cycle and you have fresh receptors. Your diet will be what predominantly determines your results, not the amount of gear you use.

    End of rant.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger
    to be honest the goals you have stated could be achieved through proper diet and training/cardio.

    AAS works best and you see the results when you are at your leanest going into the cycle. You are going to put on a some water and some garbage weight when you are on test. You need the cals to put on muscle or the potion has no magic.

    So make the most of your AAS investment and lean out first. You are young but you are wise because you are asking for advice here. I first did AAS around your age and I made a lot of mistakes.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Yes, you ARE mistaken. I'm tired of this parroting about 500mg this and 500mg that. What's with everyone's fixation with the number 500??? YOU DON'T NEED 500MG/WEEK TO SEE GAINS.

    I am currently on a 10 week cycle of Test E at 300mg per week split into 2 injections (150mg twice a week). I'm on week 6 and I am 17 lbs. heavier than when I started 6 weeks ago. So, I say BULLSHIT to everyone who keeps saying "500", "500", "500". 250-300mg a week is a shitload more than the body produces naturally. Why waste money on using 2x more than you need when you can get just the same result with half that.

    You DON'T need 500mg per week to see results, especially if it's a first cycle and you have fresh receptors. Your diet will be what predominantly determines your results, not the amount of gear you use.

    End of rant.
    Excellent post and I absolutely agree. On just 250mg Test a week my blood levels are at around 1800ng/nl, the top of the range is around 900 ng/nl

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    in paradise
    I am currently on a 10 week cycle of Test E at 300mg per week split into 2 injections (150mg twice a week). I'm on week 6 and I am 17 lbs. heavier than when I started 6 weeks ago. So, I say BULLSHIT to everyone who keeps saying "500", "500", "500". 250-300mg a week is a shitload more than the body produces naturally. Why waste money on using 2x more than you need when you can get just the same result with half that.

    You DON'T need 500mg per week to see results, especially if it's a first cycle and you have fresh receptors. Your diet will be what predominantly determines your results, not the amount of gear you use.

    DAMN! I could have been saving that extra 200mg for a later cycle

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Excellent post and I absolutely agree. On just 250mg Test a week my blood levels are at around 1800ng/nl, the top of the range is around 900 ng/nl
    Yup. 300mg of Test E a week, when blood levels are stable, releases about 47-50mg into the bloodstream per day.

    The human body naturally produces on average 11mg per day. That's a huge-ass whopping difference.

    500mg of Test E a week, when blood levels are stable, releases about 87-90mg per day. That's way too fvcking much and you don't need that unless you're on your 87th cycle.

    And the more you use per cycle, the more your body requires next time in order to see results, so it's most logical to use the smallest effective dose and make the most of it for your first cycle. Think about it... 500mg is only a half of 1 whole gram. When you need to start using a gram or more of shit per week, that's abuse and it's not good for the body at all...

  15. #15
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    The key here is to know how your body reacts to juice, and the only real way is by blood tests, thats how I know exactly how much juice its takes to get my blood levels to where I want them to be. Anything else is guess work

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Yes, you ARE mistaken. I'm tired of this parroting about 500mg this and 500mg that. What's with everyone's fixation with the number 500??? YOU DON'T NEED 500MG/WEEK TO SEE GAINS.

    I am currently on a 10 week cycle of Test E at 300mg per week split into 2 injections (150mg twice a week). I'm on week 6 and I am 17 lbs. heavier than when I started 6 weeks ago. So, I say BULLSHIT to everyone who keeps saying "500", "500", "500". 250-300mg a week is a shitload more than the body produces naturally. Why waste money on using 2x more than you need when you can get just the same result with half that.

    You DON'T need 500mg per week to see results, especially if it's a first cycle and you have fresh receptors. Your diet will be what predominantly determines your results, not the amount of gear you use.

    End of rant.
    You know what dude, your right. A few cycles ago I did 300mg a week, saw gains and felt great. I feel better on 300mg then 500mg to be honest with you....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
    did yall do the 300mg all in one injection or split them into 2 injection during the week of 150mg each?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by tb1211
    did yall do the 300mg all in one injection or split them into 2 injection during the week of 150mg each?
    personally I would split them in two. I only do 120mg a week on HRT and I still even split that in two

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    new york
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Yes, you ARE mistaken. I'm tired of this parroting about 500mg this and 500mg that. What's with everyone's fixation with the number 500??? YOU DON'T NEED 500MG/WEEK TO SEE GAINS.

    I am currently on a 10 week cycle of Test E at 300mg per week split into 2 injections (150mg twice a week). I'm on week 6 and I am 17 lbs. heavier than when I started 6 weeks ago. So, I say BULLSHIT to everyone who keeps saying "500", "500", "500". 250-300mg a week is a shitload more than the body produces naturally. Why waste money on using 2x more than you need when you can get just the same result with half that.

    You DON'T need 500mg per week to see results, especially if it's a first cycle and you have fresh receptors. Your diet will be what predominantly determines your results, not the amount of gear you use.

    End of rant.

    Good post bro

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