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Thread: Winter Bulker...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Winter Bulker...

    I ran a cutter this summer and actually got pretty lean ended up @10% BF then I came off my diet and jumped back up to around 14-15 right now So Ive decided to run a bulker for the winter... This cycle is designed to add mass w/o adding too much fat... I will be keeping my diet in check not super strict but I very rarely eat candies and crap with sugar in it anyway so my cheat meal will be something along the lines of 8oz of chicken breast and 3 slices of pizza....

    The cycle consists of

    Testosterone Propionate Run @ 100mg ED Weeks 1-10
    Trenbolone Acetate Run @ 75mg ED Weeks 1-8
    Dianabol Run @ 25mg ED Weeks 1-3
    Winni Run @ 50mg ED Weeks 6-10
    Aromasin Run @ 10mg ED Weeks 1-10
    Run @ 20mg ED Weeks 11-12
    Nolvadex Run @ 25mg ED Weeks 11-14
    HCG Run @ 500IU's 2x EW Weeks 1-9
    Insulin Run @ 5-10IU's PWO 2weeks on/off
    Cabergoline Run @ .25mcg 2x EW Weeks 1-8

    Right Now I'm 6'2" 259lbs 14-15% BF

    As far as cycle history the only things on this list being new to me are the winni the propionate ester and the cabergoline...

    I will attempt to update regularly.. keeping tabs on my weight and getting my BF tested at the end of the cycle.... I appreciate any constructive criticism you may have...

  2. #2
    lets see some before pics!

    y u running dbol at only 25mg and for only 3 weeks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    lets see some before pics!

    y u running dbol at only 25mg and for only 3 weeks
    I was contemplating pushing it to 4 weeks but as of now I'm running orals for 3weeks in the beginning and 4 weeks at the end.... Just a little concerned with hepatox.... and the dbol I have are 50's with a score so its easier..

    And as far as pics are concerned I have a truly crappy camera phone and havent broken down to buy a camera it wouldnt be worth it for me to post the phone pics
    Last edited by soulstealer; 09-28-2007 at 02:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Heres one of my pics the best one I have again camera phone I put on about 15lbs after this pics made some solid gains... but some fat too..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1.jpg 
Views:	620 
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ID:	85324  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Just wanted to share my experience with my first Prop Quad shot I AM SO GLAD I CHOSE PROP!!!!! I mixed the prop with some sterile oil and didnt let it mix well enough anyway...... right in the quad it went... long story short the next day I walked it my kitchen AND FELL FLAT ON MY FACE... my leg gave out... OMG it hurts so bad like someone hit me with a sledge right in the one head of my quad...... holy sht!!!!!!! needless to say I let the solution mix and warm it slightly from now on... no problems in my Glutes goona hit Delts next....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I gotta admit though prop gets me harder then I ever thought possible....... I have hard lumps on my leg both ass cheeks and my shoulders, lol...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Started back at the Gym Did back today number were pretty similar to before my week off....

    Deadlift 425x5
    BentRow 235x8
    Pullups 3 sets of 8

    My weight did go up to 264lbs it was fluctuating before from 257-262 so obviously I put on some weight.... all water of course the dbol will do it.... but I have noticed a body appearance change along with getting a little harder..(nothing incredible just noticeable to myself) All in all a good Back day...

  8. #8
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    Mar 2006
    Day 5...I feel like I'm chiseled out of Granite.... its freaking amazing Today is chest and Calves I cant wait.....

  9. #9
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    Nipples started to itch a little and feel funny... as I am not a fan of having tits I decided to switch from aromasin to letro for a while and see how I fair..... Started letro at .25mg ED.....Also injection pain is lessening slightly....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    October 3rd Wed - Leg day

    Body weight 268lbs


    Squat:295 for 3 sets of 6 after a few warmups
    Legpress:880lbs for 3 sets of 8 pausing at bottom
    Unilateral Leg extension:70lbs for 3 sets of 12 each leg
    Leg extension to complete failure:170lbs 10,8,5 and partials....

    Felt very strong today thats a new PR for legpress..... only thing I have to complain about is the freakin insane back pumps I was having trouble standing up my back was on fire....

  11. #11
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    Mar 2006
    I have to say this cycle is signifacantly transforming my body.... I'm noticing things on an almost daily basis now and I'm only 10 days in... The Letro is great... the shots are getting less painful... I've decided to switch to EOD dosing so as to reduce the # of shots I have to take..... The insulin will be added this coming Friday Starting @ 5IU PWO and going up to 10 two weeks on 2 weeks off...For my PWO drink I will be switching to a dextrose/whey protein isolate drink and follow up with a meal consisting of complex carbs + a smaller dosage of dextrose..

  12. #12
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    Mar 2006
    Day 11 Chest/Calves Chest happens do be a weak point for me.... I completed 3 sets of 6 @ 255lbs on flat bench Feeling pretty good about that I weighed myself to day At 265 lbs I'm figuring the addition of the letro is pulling the extra water out of the dbol had me start to retain.... Feeling Incredibly Hard and noticing changes in my body Daily... Also I was putting the tren with the prop and doing 3cc shots I decided to experiment and split up the prop and tren doing 2 shots today with additional oil the prop was painless the tren felt like someone stabbed me so I know its the tren thats doing it to me.... So Ive decided to do 2 shots a day from now on @ around 2cc's each as to avoid any injection site flair up I'll see how it goes.. I'm also going to basically cycle muscle groups so one day I'll do shoulders 1 day for Quads 1 day for Glutes and thinking of tryin calf shots so that I hit everything a little less than twice a week..

  13. #13
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    Mar 2006
    Just did trap shots is pretty dam horrible... ya just figured I'd share that...

  14. #14
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    Mar 2006
    Day 13 leg day Decided to up the dbol dosage to 50mg ED for the last week.... Noticeable Aggression increase also increase in pain tolerance Pain gets me more amped and angry than annoyed Discovered that when the bar resting on my traps cause extreme muscular pain.... Also A large increase in strength my squats are all done below parallel and I was able to add 10 pounds and 1 rep to my squat since last week... So I'm very please but a little concerned that I need knee wraps and a belt as my Leg press is right at the 1000lb mark for 10 reps and I dont wanna go over it w/o them...... Would appreciate input from anyone who presses in that range on how they use wraps...Not physically how you use wraps but is there a certain rep range or weight level that you like to implement them?!
    Last edited by soulstealer; 10-11-2007 at 06:45 AM.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2006
    Day 14 Started slin today..... But I have a little bit of a issue in that My appetite is shit... Even though I'm getting in roughly 4k+ calories a day its a struggle not something I'm used to... Also heres the kicker my Bodyweight is coming down... I'm not doing cardio or much activity aside from my weight training but I'm dropping weight like a freak..... First It shot up from water retention but Yesterday I weighed in at 262.5 and today I weighed in slightly over 260.... Strange if you ask me..... I also just cant eat anymore all my food are clean chicken/fish/a little red meat/veggies/beans for fiber a little PB for fat Its very strange... but then again I've never been on this much gear before...

  16. #16
    strange man. let us know what happens with the weight...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    strange man. let us know what happens with the weight...
    I absolutely will... I mean I know I'm losing Fat/Water... Cause I'm getting tighter/more ripped but I should @ 4000 Cals be gaining weight....


    350-400g Protein
    500-550g Carbs
    50-70g Fat

    I'm pretty sure I should be gaining weight..

  18. #18
    yea u should be...

    i experienced a plateau on my last cycle for a week or two where i wasnt gaining anything. i just worked through it and eventually started gaining again. i wasnt on a couple of the compounds ur on but seems like a similar situation. u think ur prop might be underdosed?

  19. #19
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    yea u should be...

    i experienced a plateau on my last cycle for a week or two where i wasnt gaining anything. i just worked through it and eventually started gaining again. i wasnt on a couple of the compounds ur on but seems like a similar situation. u think ur prop might be underdosed?
    I highly doubt that Only cause I got it from Chinaman.... But I'll see what happens next week I only have 7 days left on the dbol And I just started runnin the slin... Also Maybe the letro is stripping more water off me then I thought But I am running a very low dose....Even that dropping 8 lbs of water in 4 days... I was up to 268ish... oh well we'll see...

  20. #20
    o ya. thought u said u switched from letro to aromasin. its the other way around. letro did that to me also...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    nice ill be following this. How come your deads are so much ahead of your bench numbers bro? obviously deads will be a stronger point but thats a big weight difference is what I mean.

  22. #22
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    nice ill be following this. How come your deads are so much ahead of your bench numbers bro? obviously deads will be a stronger point but thats a big weight difference is what I mean.
    I dunno bro Deadlifts have always been a strong point for me compaired to my chest... I could start giving you excuses like I'm 6'2" and have long arms =P
    But I guess I favored Deadlifts and worked them a little harder... Its kind of funny cause I have an opposite beach body my back and legs are jacked but my chest needs work =P
    Last edited by soulstealer; 10-12-2007 at 06:06 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer
    I dunno bro Deadlifts have always been a strong point for me compaired to my chest... I could start giving you excuses like I'm 6'2" and have long arms =P
    But I guess I favored Deadlifts and worked them a little harder... Its kind of funny cause I have an opposite beach body my back and legs are jacked but my chest needs work =P
    Well, you can be sure that no-one thinks your a benchpress-curl kinda guy

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer
    I dunno bro Deadlifts have always been a strong point for me compaired to my chest... I could start giving you excuses like I'm 6'2" and have long arms =P
    But I guess I favored Deadlifts and worked them a little harder... Its kind of funny cause I have an opposite beach body my back and legs are jacked but my chest needs work =P
    well being 6'2 and having long arms would be a legitimate excuse my man.
    theres ways around it though, like benching like a powerlifter. hands wide, shoulder blades togehter etc. it takes alot out of the range of motion and places alot more of the weight on your chest. Ive been doing it and had excellent success, im 5'11 and have a 6'1 wingspan, but i still have a good bench cuz of the form. try it it will work. Honestly your better off having legs and back so developed, and if you think those dont standout, your wrong! Im making my legs catchup to my upper body, you can make ur chest catchup. keep up the good work.

  25. #25
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    well being 6'2 and having long arms would be a legitimate excuse my man.
    theres ways around it though, like benching like a powerlifter. hands wide, shoulder blades togehter etc. it takes alot out of the range of motion and places alot more of the weight on your chest. Ive been doing it and had excellent success, im 5'11 and have a 6'1 wingspan, but i still have a good bench cuz of the form. try it it will work. Honestly your better off having legs and back so developed, and if you think those dont standout, your wrong! Im making my legs catchup to my upper body, you can make ur chest catchup. keep up the good work.
    Hey Thanks for the encouragement my man... I've been working my chest alot more in the past 2 months and it is improving but I think I have some time before it looks good

  26. #26
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    Mar 2006
    Had a pretty good Arm day on Friday... Body weight @ 262 2 shots a day getting kind of old... I feel like a dope fiend looking for new places to shoot =P

  27. #27
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    The craziest sht... I just got the three largest pimples of my life on my chest so big that when I popped them they left creators... I have never gotten pimples like this...

  28. #28
    i couldnt imagine injecting that often. twice a week is all i can handle lol.

    as for the acne man i wouldnt pop the big ones u get. popping them really doesnt make them go away faster and its gonna leave a mark for a longer time for it to heal. as long as you can cover it up so nobody can see it just let it go away on its own....

  29. #29
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    Sep 2006
    dude, my acne is PATHETIC. i had one of those huge ones on my chest and it might scar too. Although my skin doesnt usally not even from a cigarette burn, but this was THAT bad. im going to consider an anti acne med, just not accutane.

  30. #30
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    Mar 2006
    I'm pretty sure the acne is from the dbol... and my last dose is this Thursday so I should clear up I'll definitely keep an update of that... Anyway today is Deadlift day and I'm really excited day 17 on cycle I believe and Last Sunday was SLDL I alternate weeks 1 week dlift and 1 week SLDL so I'm pretty excited to see what I'm pulling this week...

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Alright Back day Today Sunday was awesome....

    Deadlift 445 for 2 sets of 4

    Bent over Rows 3 sets of 7 255lbs

    It was a good day Feeling strong but from now on I think I'm going to limit my reps to the 6-8 range for the most part.... hopefully to reduce the risk of injury..

    Wei***ng in at 267lbs... I reduced the letro dosage slightly so I my body started with the whole huge water retention thing again... anyway as it is impossible to really tell how I'm progressing at this point with my body weight fluctuating all I can say is from visual standpoint I am much larger and a tiny bit leaner maybe .5% less BF if that..
    Last edited by soulstealer; 10-14-2007 at 03:34 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Wow Boy do I love those prop shots in the traps man feel great just like someone is slamming a Flaming Fencing sword into my neck and moving it a round a little...

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Day 19 I think Tuesday Day OFF

    Noticing A HUGE difference in the way I look Becoming very aggressive not retarded like rage bullshit or anything I'm a very layed back guy so I notice little aggressive spurts that I have... and thats about it I've decided to make my last dose of Dbol Friday instead of Thursday so I'm pretty excited to see how I look after I dry out a little bodyweight fluxuating between 265-267 right now.. Hoping to crack 275-280 by the end of the cycle and I have 7weeks and 2 days to hit that mark also very excited to see how Hard I get when I jump on winni...

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Thursday October 17th Day 20

    Leg Day


    Squat 315 3 sets of 6
    Unilateral leg extensions 3 sets of 8 no rest between sets
    Leg press 2 sets of 8 last set to failure 10 reps 920lbs
    Leg extensions 3 sets of 8 to failure 140 lbs drop set 110 to failure

    Feeling very strong but I think I need to start using a belt.... alot of stress on my back crazy pumps but could be from the dbol I'll see how it is next week..

  35. #35
    except for the d-bol that is a cutting cycle...

    and i LOVVVVEEEEE prop too. u feel that shit so quick. awsome stuff

    not trying to jack your thread here but i was wondering. does the cabergoline make u able to nut 1 after another? supposadly it does but i havent used it yet. but i probbaly will on my next cycle since ill be running deca at begging and tren at the end.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ShortByNature
    except for the d-bol that is a cutting cycle...

    and i LOVVVVEEEEE prop too. u feel that shit so quick. awsome stuff

    not trying to jack your thread here but i was wondering. does the cabergoline make u able to nut 1 after another? supposadly it does but i havent used it yet. but i probbaly will on my next cycle since ill be running deca at begging and tren at the end.
    I beg to differ my man except for the dbol thats still a wicked bulking cycle =P...
    As far as the caber concerned I havent noticed anything spectacular but I did switch to letro so my sex drive is kinda down anyway...... and why would you go from deca to treN? doesnt make anysense =P

  37. #37
    dbol eq test with a lil deca 4 my shoulder... tren at the end to lean up a lil....

    i have a thread about 8 down from yours....

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Had a great shoulder day yesterday anyway Friday last day of Dbol.... I cant wait till monday/tuesday when I drop some water to see how I look..

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    im very interested in this. How much weight are you up from the dbol?
    how are you feeling on caber? screwing all the girls on your block yet?
    Lol keep us posted bro.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Actually not noticing much from the caber but I think thats because of the letro.... Yesterday was last dbol dosage I think I'm goona switch over to aromasin arimidex from the letro soon..

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