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Thread: cutting gear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    cutting gear

    just wondering what the best stack would be for cutting? ive only done bulking so far with test, decca. Is it possible to bulk and cut? or can only 1 be done at a time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    its very hard to put on LBM while cutting fat. However, some people claim they do usually because they arent ready for aas.

    You can bulk then cut down... it mostly depends on your diet, however aas do play a role.

    look into test prop, winstrol, anavar, tren, masteron, t3, clen, eca for cutting

  3. #3
    you typically will bulk in winter and then cut before summer... that's what most people do.. it is rare to bulk up and stay really cut. a typical cutter would be test prop/tren ace/winny and run slightly calory deficient in your day. I, personally just add in more cardio and drop 1 meal a day from my bulk setup and that does it for what my golas are. I am still bulking and will be cutting next but I don't need to be "super cut"... I just wanna be somewhere around 8-10%BF and have my abs showing and I'll be extremely pleased with myself.

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